• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Civ7 is the most bizarre game in the franchise so far.

There were sprawling cities and empires far before the modern era. And looking to see an empire is indeed the entire point I’m making: going back to 5 or 4 doesn’t feel like an empire. I see one tiny square or hex with some generic buildings surrounded by mines or farms. It feels like looking at a Settlers of Catan board, not looking at a massive empire.

I think it was Civ 3 that had the generic buildings, in Civ 4 and 5 you saw the buildings you built in your cities. I know this whole debate really boils down to aesthetic preferences, but for me 4 & 5 got the balance right of being able to watch your cities grow yet still have the map feel like it is a large empire. Large empires are mostly rural land, so that's the visual I like to see in history themed empire games. I like both city builders and 4X games, but Civ's aesthetic seems to be trending towards that which is more appropriate for city builders than 4X, and I hope they reverse this and reduce the city sprawl in future.
Civ's aesthetic seems to be trending towards that which is more appropriate for city builders than 4X, and I hope they reverse this and reduce the city sprawl in future.
Sprawl in itself is fine, but what I'm seeing in CIVII is map getting really cramped for those sizes and workable area of 3 tiles from the center.
Empires reduced to blobs of sprawl that doesn't even look that appealing late game IMHO.
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