Civaholics Anonymous Member Card Creation Service

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Here is your Civaholics Anonymous Member Card, RealGoober.


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Originally posted by Vancouver2010
Here is your Civaholics Anonymous Member Card, RealGoober.

SWEET!!! Thanks a lot.
This sounds way kewl if you get time could you maybe make a Numerdic Mecenary one for me please? :)
Ooooo... can I have one with a knight? pwees!

And, its not really 'anonymous' if it has our name on it. just a little FYI but I want my name on it
Originally posted by Godwynn

And, its not really 'anonymous' if it has our name on it. just a little FYI but I want my name on it

Well, since those are not our REAL names (hopefully), it is fairly anonymous. I still like to consider myself a Civaholic, loud and proud.
Well, I'm glad that so many people actually want a card! The thred's only been up for 10 hours and I've already made 10 cards!

Anyways, back to business. Bacon King, here is your Civaholics Anonymous Member Card.


  • baconking.jpg
    23.5 KB · Views: 473
:lol: I gotta get one of these and apply it to my desktop right above the :c3c: icon.

Please use the name skinnyfox and the Jaimo unit if you have PTW. If not, use the Gallic Swordsman. :goodjob:
Originally posted by Vancouver2010
Zamphyr, I'm assuming you meant the Daimyo unit from C3C. Here you go...

Nope, actually, he means the special Jaimo unit included with PTW. This is partially the unit that started the whole YUMBO! thing (I think). I have no clue where to find it, unfortunately.
Originally posted by RealGoober

Nope, actually, he means the special Jaimo unit included with PTW. This is partially the unit that started the whole YUMBO! thing (I think). I have no clue where to find it, unfortunately.

Huh? What are you talking about?

Zamphyr, if I did bolix up, and what RealGoober is talking about actually makes sense to you, then I can republish your card with the Gallic Swordsman image.
I'd like one, shorten the name to Crowpoc, if you would... as for the pic, a Guerilla would be cool.
Thanks, Vancouver. :D
Hey Vancouver. I'd like one with the gallic swordsman on it. Great job on the ones you've done so far.
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