CivAssist II

CivAssist II 30-Oct-2016

I use CA II on a daily basis..........No Problem!!

I couldn't tell from your reply whether you tried to reproduce the problem.

CA II will tell you how many beakers you need to discover a Tech.......Then I use CRpMapstat to see how many Beakers I'm generating + Number of Scientists

CA2 tells you the number of beakers (and number of turns) required, gathered, and remaining. My point was that CA2 does not always agree with the game. I'm not sure why you need to use three programs (Civ3, CA2, and CRpMapstat). That makes me think there is a missing feature somewhere.

Thanks for the fast response.
I couldn't tell from your reply whether you tried to reproduce the problem...
No sorry, did not try to reproduce the problem.......That's beyond my Civ 3 Pay Grade! :lol:
...CA2 tells you the number of beakers (and number of turns) required, gathered, and remaining. My point was that CA2 does not always agree with the game. I'm not sure why you need to use three programs (Civ3, CA2, and CRpMapstat). That makes me think there is a missing feature somewhere...
Yes, CA II does have some flaws.......And I think the version is considered "Final", so you'll have to live with them.

I use CRpMapstat for my Scientist Count, Trading opportunities (Alert), Domination Limit (Alert), Sad citizens identification, Number of Cities I can still build (Max 512 total in game at any time).

I'm using these 2 utilities for HOF Games (currently playing Huge Map Histographic Victories), which is all I have time for! :)

P.s. Lived in Houston for 30 years! :high5:
These are the only changes that come to mind....that would save some significant time (in Huge Histographic HOF games):

1. When SHOWing Alerts, would it be possible to show the changes from the previous turn's latest .sav file versus the previously saved file........which may well be this turn! (If you get a lot of system crashes like I do, I save the game multiple times on long turns!) In the current situation, I have to load 2 files to get the correct listing of Alerts....And, I can't save the game file during the "Show Alerts" display or the city increase data will disappear.

2. Change the World Map so that it centers on the area of the Map where the cursor in the game is located?........This would be very useful for checking "UN-forested" tiles.

Thanks for the offer to make mods. :)
howdy ainwood,

i've a few requests. btw, i'll happily drop a few dollars on you via paypal if you get around to updating this fab util - even if you don't get to _my_ requests. [*grin*] i've certainly used the util enuf to warrant dropping some moolah on you.

[1] the current main problem for me [besides the error from ca2 when c3c starts up that i just "continue" on past] is that ca2 doesn't auto-load the last saved game. it does load the last-saved AUTO-save, but ignores the actual last save.

for me, the problem showed up when i upgraded from c3vanilla to c3c. the error mentioned above is - i presume - related to the problem since i never had either show up with c3vanilla.

[2] i would like to be able to get a listing of the cities that COULD build an improvement but don't yet have it.

it can be done now by reading thru the "buildings" section of the "economy" tab, but a more direct method would be nifty.

[3] what units are gonna be finished next turn.

right now i can't figure out how to discover how many of any given unit will be built and ready to use next turn. the military tab shows how many tanks i have but not how many new ones i will have when the next turn rolls around.

as i said, i use this util often and would be happy to donate $5 or so to your entertainment fund via paypal.

take care,
This follows on from point 1. in my previous post. (#924)

If you have CAII open the 530AD file and then open the 540AD file, city 4333 does not show on the Alert List under cities-that have-increased-in-size! Why not?.........Am I missing something?...........Or, is CA II missing something? :)
One other minor thing that I have noticed is the unimproved tiles alert, which can be quite useful. However, I find that the notification also comes up because of missing city improvements, which may or may not always be worth building at the time.

As an example, consider a coastal city. Such a city might be working one seafood resource and the rest being land tiles. In such a situation, CAII posts a missing tile improvement error if a harbor has not been built, but there might be other more pressing building needs for the city.

Is it somehow possible to implement a feature that can toggle the notification of missing tile improvements based on city buildings on and off? Would be great as I would once again use that feature of the tool later in the game.
I have been experiencing crashes in my AOI v3. Russian game with CivAssist during play. I have never had this happen before in any other games. I don't have a screenshot of it, but I am experiencing fatal errors during play. The error is not a big problem because I can simply close CivAssist down and restart it with no problem, but I have never never had this happen, certainly with such frequency.

Any suggestions to this problem?
Does Civassist II work on a 64bit system using a Vista OS? I can't seem to get it to work. I used Civassist II on other computers without any serious problems.
I get the same error message that knickers got in the post dated Jun 26, 2009. He says Civassist II was working for him in a message after that one, but the msg. didn't mention what the solution was. Any help would be appreciated.
One other minor thing that I have noticed is the unimproved tiles alert, which can be quite useful. However, I find that the notification also comes up because of missing city improvements, which may or may not always be worth building at the time.

Yep, like you I find the unimproved tiles feature (Territory view) extremely helpful, but simultaneously frustrating. A toggle to switch off consideration of coast/sea/ocean tiles (which can never really be "improved" in the strict sense), or making them always count as Fully Improved, would be very useful.

I'd also like to be able to make Forests with Road still be considered "Fully Improved" once Railroads are discovered. Railing Forest (which is going to stay Forest) is a waste of effort, as it makes no difference at all to the output.

For me, the Territory View/city listing table could be more helpful if the Mined/Irrigated/Forested columns were replaced with Unmined (hills/mountains/desert only), Unirrigated (plains/grassland/floodplain/desert only), Unroaded (all tiles) and Unrailed (all tiles except Forest). When viewing this list I'm more interested in what needs to be done than in what's improved already. A global switch to switch these counts between Worked tiles (present) and all possible workable tiles (future development) would be great as well.

The Map view features are numerous and fantastic. One thing that seems to be missing is a visual indication of Bonus Grassland, in the same way as "shield forest available" is indicated. Or maybe I'm just not seeing it? The little shield on Bonus Grassland is hardly visible - and in-game is often completely obscured by AI mines. I know the Map view does tell you that a tile is Bonus Grassland when you click on it, but an "at-a-glance" view would be even better.
In game you can also right-click a tile to bring up its properties.
And I'm pretty sure there are mods available that replace the dots for food and shields with actual symbols. The graphic mods section would be the place to look for that.
Haven't played Civ3 for a while. By chance I stumbled over this site. Yesterday I reinstalled and can say now: Absolutely best tool for Civ3 I've ever seen.

Can anybody tell me how overruns/-flows are handled by Civ3 if I queue an item/new research to the build-/researchlist? Does the overrun go to the new item/research or not? (I know, a bit off-topic).

How do you switch back from CivAssist-window to normal game? When I use the minimize button, I can't switch back to CivAssist again, so I always use the minimize button on the window-panel.

What I miss for now is an alert for whipping, and an announcement of mood of my opponents in the diplo-window.

Will play now Civ3 again. With this tool it's so much fun.
Great stuff ainwood!:scan:
Overruns for everything (Food/Science/Production) is lost!.........Too bad eh?

As for bringing up the CAII screen/Minimizing, I use the "`"/Esc keys. (The ' key below the Esc key.) :)

Which one must be started 1st: CivAssist II or Civ3Conquest? Or the starting order of the programs is not important?

TX in advance:)
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