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CivIIMGE and Windows 2000


Sep 17, 2001
Albany, NY
This is another "I am a Windows 2000 user having problems with CivII MGE" post.

My primary installation was the following:<br />1. *NO* WinG.<br />2. Installed CivIIMGE.<br />3. Began installation of Indeo4, but stopped when it listed the files and go research them. There was an error message while the installation was just sitting and I was searching, which I didn't save and ignored.<br />4. I cancelled the Indeo4 installation after I found the latest Indeo drivers from Ligos and installed them instead.

After this, all I got was a blank screen when launching CivIIMGE. At this point, I've done so many configuration changes that I don't know if it was simply that I was running at 1024x768x32-bit that caused this. In playing with video resolutions though, I got stuck in 640x480x16 colors and couldn't get out, so I ended up removing and reinstalling my Matrox Millenium G200 drivers.

At this point, I was able to get into the game and have it run at 800x600x16 bits, but it would frequently spontaneously reboot my computer.

Since then, I have followed the advice of others on the installation order. I removed the Indeo and CivII software. I installed WinG, then CivII, then the latest Indeo. Didn't seem to help. I played with video resolutions, which didn't seem to help and caused more of the same grief as above. I updated my G200 on-board BIOS to the latest version and tweaked my computer BIOS video settings per a Matrox forum post. Also updated sound card drivers - seemed to help performance a little, but still crahes occasionally.

The only thing that I have found to significantly reduce this problem is to reduce my Video Hardware Acceleration to almost nothing. This allows almost 45-60 minutes of uninterrupted game play, although I still encounter Win2k's version of "Illegal Operation" errors and spontaneous reboots.

I have not yet tried using the appcompat tool to try tricking Civ into thinking it's an older OS, as one other post here has suggested.

My Computer Specs:<br />FIC VA-503+ Motherboard<br />AMD K6-III 400 MHz processor (not overclocked)<br />Windows 2000 SP2<br />CivIIMGE with v1.3 patch<br />Customize Rules - don't have them with me now<br />Matrox Millenium G200 with latest BIOS and Win2k Drivers<br />Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI with latest drivers<br />Liteon LTN382 40x CD-ROM<br />Microsoft DirectX 8.0 (not 8.0a - just downloaded and installed it last night, but haven't tried Civ with it yet)

Any suggestions will be most appreciated! My next step will be to try it with appcompat tool.
Did you download service pack 2 and the compatability patch for Windows 2000? This fixed all the problems I was having with it. Also DirectX8.0 is quite buggy from what I've been told, should've gone with 8.0a .
Wow....you have gone above and beyond in the name of Civ 2!!! <img src="smile.gif" border="0">

Only one thing I can think of...and that would be downloading the Games Compatibility Update from Microsoft for Win2k. The link is: <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/downloads/tools/appcompat/default.asp" target="_blank">http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/downloads/tools/appcompat/default.asp</a>
warning, Will Robinson... Danger! Danger!

Do not use DirectX 8.0. Use 8.0a. Just delete 8.0, unless you are a programmer and interested in observing how MS fouled up yet again. But to their credit, they did come out with 8.0a within 3 days of their huge mistake with 8.0.

That said, I doubt DirectX is the source of your problems. There are a lot of possible issues beyond the ideas already mentioned by prior posters, not the least of which is using ill-behaved software (like certain MS keyboard drivers, Adaptec Direct-CD, any Adaptec CD writing software, the Real Player series of software, and lots more).

There are also lots of Registry settings that can cause mysterious crashes.

That said, the most likely source is in the drivers for the chipset on your motherboard, or your video card. It sounds like a classic driver issue, and specifically a memory or stack error caused by the programmers. This is a common issue in today's PC products.

If you can look at the exact chipset name and number, as well as driver version (particularly of the AGP driver), that could point the way.

I'm not a Matrox user, but perhaps there are some reference drivers for your video card (not the retail drivers, but the baseline manufacturer drivers).

You probably already know this, but try replacing one thing at a time. If things are too messy, install a 2nd copy of W2K to a separate partition than your primary install (make sure you have at least 1 GB free). Use only base drivers, and install & test Civ II. If it works reliably, you very likely have a driver conflict and/or a registry setting issue. These are very hard to track down, and the fastest thing for most people is to start from a fresh install, and back up a full base installation so you have a reference point and save time in the future.

Personally, I run 3 copies of Win2K, plus several other OSs including Win 95b (OSR 2.1). I normally boot into my primary Win2K or Win95 (for games). The base installs of each OS are backed up on CD ROM (or another of my 4 hard disks) for a rapid re-install from a known good point.

I know this is a long solution, and hopefully you won't need to follow all of it. But Win2K will work with Civ II MGE, and if the underlying drivers (of all sorts) are in shape, and ill-behaved software is not just un-installed but NEVER installed (e.g., begin from a clean base install), your registry should be in shape.

Alternatives include learning the Windows registry, which might be a pain and will take time in any event.

Good luck.

Originally posted by bigosmj
This is another "I am a Windows 2000 user having problems with CivII MGE" post.

1. *NO* WinG

If this means you did not install winG, this is one of you problems. You need winG to run civ2 on win2000
Hello All.

Well, the problems continue. I installed DirectX 8.0a and the Windows 2000 application compatibility updates, and continue to have problems with the game. If anything, the length of time between crashes has decreased again, even when running with absolutely no hardware acceleration in the Display Properties.

Also, in response to a previous post, I had installed WinG, although I'm not sure if more recent video driver dealings have corrupted those. Perhaps I will reinstall them again.

Another little tidbit for consideration--
Right now, I have only been able to run my Matrox G200 successfully at 16 and 32 bit color. If I do ever happen to try 256 bit color, I usually get stuck there and have to uninstall and reinstall the Matrox drivers. When I try to change to 24-bit color, when I move the mouse the screen behind it becomes distorted. When I try to back to 16 bit color, I get a blank screen -- although Windows is still there, because I can sometimes type the appropriate keystrokes to get Win2k to reboot, after which all is fine again. I need to pursue these video issues with Matrox future.

I also attempted to use the apcompat tool that comes on this Win2k CD to trick Civ2 to thinking I have an older OS. Win9x mode it did not like, and it still had problems with WinNT mode.

Attached is a copy of the one error message I did get recently when my computer didn't spontaneously restart.

Again, anymore help appreciated.


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Ouch! In a way, I wish it was a kernel error, then you could just try starting fresh by reinstall the system. Have you tried what Starlifter suggested? That is, running an older OS partition for games. I've used Win95 and 98SE with CIV2 with no crashing at all. I'm using a Matrox 400 GTS 2, 64MB and (just now) switched between all resolution modes with no problem just out of curiousity. Seriously, try partition
Hi all--

No, I haven't tried repartitioning yet. I run a web development company from the same computer, and can't really afford the down time while I try to wipe it and then repartition for multiboot. Anyone have any good experience with software like partition magic?
Hi all.

Been working with Matrox support and wanted to share the results thus far.

If you have a G200 card, the drivers conflict with desktop sharing software, including Microsoft Netmeeting (when desktop sharing is enabled) and pcAnywhere (just by being installed at all). They had me uninstall pcAnywhere, and uninstall and reinstall the card drivers. I was able to play for 20 minutes this morning without reboots.

Also checked my system BIOS and changed a few values per their suggestion.

Next step is to see if pcAnywhere conflicts totally, or only if it is installed when installing a new version of the Matrox drivers.

Happy gaming!
Originally posted by bigosmj
Anyone have any good experience with software like partition magic?
Do NOT use it. I used it and while the files were fine my registry and my drivers were FUBAR. Had to reformat, luckily a friend had a copy of win 2000 so I upgraded as well ;)
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