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Civil War

well, this is a rather long thread, so forgive me if this has been mentioned before. if there r actual revolutions, u can't decide to have one. nor can u decide what gov't to have afterwards. and after the revolution, u have to change ur name (ever wonder why its always abe lincoln who overthrows abe lincoln?)
Well, if you win the war, you keep your goverment, if you loose the war, off with you!!! :)
About the idea of taking the capital over for a civil war, i think that fact is not enough for a country go to civil war...
but that was so much fun in Civ1! I would always go for an opponents capital as my primary target JUST for that to happen. I think that it could happen if the civ being taken had certain governments, such as despotism, feudal monarchy, or older republics. Because if you remove the central figure, each of the local cheifs is going to want power for themselves.

Anyway, most civil wars have happened in history mainly becuase of a difference in opinion around a single primamry subject matter, be it religion, economics, social upheval, ect. I think that the best way to represent that would be that if your civ is having a lot of civil disorder problems, then that is what should lead to a civil war.

ex. each consecutive turn that your civ has a any city in civil disorder, each the chance of a civil war goes up 1% per city, and each of those cities is remembered by the computer. EX: turn 1: City A is in disorder. At the end of the city report phase of the turn, there is a 1% chance that city A goes into disorder. Turn 2: City A is back in order but B,C,D,E,F go into disorder. Since these were consecutive turns, at the end of the city report phase of turn 2, there is a 6% chance that cities A-F go into rebellion. Turn 3: order restored in all cities but a goes back into disorder. 7% chance that A-F go into rebellion. Turn 4: all order restored. Turn 5: C,F are in disorder, w/ a 2% chance of rebellion since turn 4 saw civil peace.

This can be very difficult to manage if your cities are simply growing and disorder is happening simply because you dont have enough entertainers to workers or what not. So perhaps the culture minister also pays attention to mood and if a city grows during the city report phase to the point where it would go into disorder, then the culture minister promts you with a warning, allowing you to post an entertainer there or increase the luxury rate in that city (which would be nice if each city could have its own rates in relation to a national tax rate), w/o the city having to go into disorder to get your attention.

There should probably also be a maximum of like a 50-75% chance of civil war and a maximum percentage of cities that actually rebel. This would probably lead to much more subversion like there was in Civ2, which is just another name for propoganda.
Yeah, thats right, the percentage of civil disorders is a very concistent way of representing civil wars. Now about the capital capture, i think thats a diferent matter... I think not only if we take the capital out the country would go into a tragedy. I thnik the country would first prefer fighting the invadors back, instead of fighting each other...
Again, I agree with that for modern governments. But older ones, where various people were constantly rising to/jockeying for power, would be very susceptible to civil wars w/ the fall of a central figure or government.
The thing was that a civil war could only occur in Civ2 when you lost your capital and the civ that lost its capital was the largest civ, so its perhaps more realistic that it might split as both sides may not want to fight the same empire.
I think its best idea in the forum. I have thought about it half year ago. It would be great if it would be in CIVILIZATION IV. A
BTW I think completley conquered civilizations could have about 20% to reform their country in the game. Especaly if there is many riots.
BTW I think completley conquered civilizations could have about 20% to reform their country in the game. Especaly if there is many riots.

That's a really good idea. Maybe even if a third civ is supporting the riots through subversion, then when they do break off, they are automatically allied w/ that one.
Great idea. It could happen in Civ2 CTP. I think it should be possible in Civ4. Otherwise youo can just careless about a city in disorder as long as you want. With this, if you want to keep it, you'll have to do something.

With this idea the game will be more realistic indeed...
By the way, will these idea will be considered by anyone of civ team?
There are some firaxis people who are meant to read the forums occasionally so they might consider an idea that they read but then again they might miss the thread or value their own ideas far more highly especially if they already have idea of how the game will work...
There is a way of sending the ideas directly to civ team?
You could try emailing them but you have to remember we are not the only forum and they could potentially get a huge number of emails...
But this isn't hard to put in Civ I think as well this is very active thread so I think they could read it if they reads the forum.
But lets talk about the topic....
For example, when civil war occur, will leaders of diferent factions have their own face if we contacted them? Or perhaps they have the symbol of the goverment they actually defend?
Give your opions please...
I guess that there would have to be a bunch of extra civ graphics that would be used for the new civ. So if a civ split in half then another civ that wasn't currently in the game would be chosen to represent the region although if the rebellion centred around a civ that had been destroyed (i.e their capital city was the centre of the rebellion then their identity would be returned to the game since new civilizations often take the names of empires that used to exist in the same area.
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