There hasn't many discussion regarding Turks sadly. At least I made some points in this thread from that, was there discussion on the Turkic and Canadian design?
I think both civs have interesting design (especially the Turkic Silk Road and capital UHVs), but I find the Turkic UHV incredibly hard (based on 600 AD Regent/Normal) and the Canadian UHV simultaneously easily solved and incredibly luck based.
Turkic UHV
I have never gotten anywhere close to winning this UHV. I may just be terrible, but I find myself irrevocably crippled doing the territorial part of UHV1. Even with liberating all the random steppe cities to salvage my economy, I find myself so far behind on technology that conquering the Middle East just devolves into a "zerg rush with Oghuzes and pray you scrounged up enough of them through the UP", and behind enough on tech and infrastructure that the third city for UHV3 just isn't attainable before the Mongols demolish me.
Has anyone else beat this UHV on the intended difficulties? It really is so compelling to me design-wise but in terms of gameplay it has never once managed to click for me.
One fun thing I remember pulling off exactly once was using the random cities to make a box of neutral territory to basically stockpile barbarian Horse Archers and Oghuzes to recruit with the UP as soon as I decided to go conquering. Half the time though they just go west or east and die to Kiev/Byzantium/China.
It took me 3 years to beat Turkic UHV, I've written a guide on how to win it. But the gameplay might not be the same as 2 years ago. I don't think anybody beat it at normal speed though.