After putting out my Persia video, that about wraps up my gameplay with ancient Mesopotamia, and I wanted to take this time to collect my thoughts and any discussion here about the civilizations involved in this region, the "cradle of civilization". Namely, the civilizations of Babylon, Assyria, the Hittites, Persia, and my ideas for how a Sumerian civilization could be worked into the mod.
Sumeria: Spawns in 3000 BC (With an advanced start of 150
Leader: Ur-Nammu, founder of the 3rd Dynasty of Ur after Akkadian and Gutian domination. I couldn't find a leaderhead already made, but someone made one for Urukagina, another prominent Sumerian king.
UP: The Power of the First Civilization: The Sumerians start the game with an advanced start
UU: Vulture: Militia, with +50% city attack and defense
UB: Mudbrick Granary: 1/2 cost granary that saves 35%
after growth, and gives
with Wheat
UHV1: Astute Record-keepers: Be the first to discover Writing
UHV2: Fertile Crescent: Have three cities with an average population size of 7 by 1400 BC
UHV3: Cradle of Civilization: 70% of the tiles in Mesopotamia are either improved or settled with a city by 1200 BC
Assyria: Spawns in 3000 BC (Meant to represent the Akkadians as well)
Leader: Sargon, and Ashurbanipal
UP: The power of resettlement: Sacking a city in the ancient era gives your capital +1 population
UU: same
UB: Kalliu: The barracks should give +1
instead of decreasing maintenance, in order to promote whipping
UHV1: Same
UHV2: Control Mesopotamia by 2100 BC and Mesopotamia, Persia, the Levant and Egypt by 900 BC
UHV3: Same
Babylon: Spawns in 1900 BC (Does not spawn if human controls Sumer. Otherwise, flips all Sumerian cities, including capital.)
UP: Same
UU: Asharittu Bowman: 5
cheaper, and starts with Cover, to give more of an offensive capability to this collateral damage causing unit
UB: Same
UHV1: Be the first to discover Contract
UHV2: Control a holy city by 600 BC
UHV3: In Babylon, control 3 wonders, refined culture, and a population of 12 in 500 BC
Hittites: The Hittites play extremely well, I only have two comments on them. First, the Huluganni is a workhorse of a UU, and definitely the best thing the Hittites have going for them. But I think his cost could be increased slightly, from 30 to 35
to reflect this power. Second, their UHV2, Generate 1200
by 800 BC, is very easy. I think it would be fun if it was bumped up to 1800
, and it also took into account the double hammers that you put into your buildings, i.e. double production speed of Bloomery with iron. This would incentivize the player to build their Bloomery in many cities. At the moment, the player can get away with not building the Bloomery at all.
Persia: Like the Hittites, I think the Persians play very well. You have a frantic race against the clock to build your empire, and then UHV3 is like the epilogue, where things wind down and you enjoy your empire for a few turns. Also like the Hittites, I only have two comments.
First, the 10 wonder goal is very tight, too tight for many games. There's too much randomness in considering if the AI made enough wonders for you to capture: Sometimes Babylon is dead and pillaged from barbarians, or sometimes the Greeks didn't feel like building that many wonders. That would be fine if Persia could build those wonders instead, but on any given turn, the player can only be constructing Zoroastrian or Pagan wonders. Increasing the deadline to 200 or 150 BC would insure the player has the time to build the wonders if necessary. To compensate, I think increasing the population goal to 40% would be very feasible, and insure the player still has some conquering and settling to do. 35% population is fairly easy.
And second, and this isn't that big a deal, but UHV3 gives a lot of time to the player to complete. I completed it on turn 163, with a deadline of 230.
Sumeria: Spawns in 3000 BC (With an advanced start of 150

Leader: Ur-Nammu, founder of the 3rd Dynasty of Ur after Akkadian and Gutian domination. I couldn't find a leaderhead already made, but someone made one for Urukagina, another prominent Sumerian king.
UP: The Power of the First Civilization: The Sumerians start the game with an advanced start
UU: Vulture: Militia, with +50% city attack and defense
UB: Mudbrick Granary: 1/2 cost granary that saves 35%

UHV1: Astute Record-keepers: Be the first to discover Writing
UHV2: Fertile Crescent: Have three cities with an average population size of 7 by 1400 BC
UHV3: Cradle of Civilization: 70% of the tiles in Mesopotamia are either improved or settled with a city by 1200 BC
Assyria: Spawns in 3000 BC (Meant to represent the Akkadians as well)
Leader: Sargon, and Ashurbanipal
UP: The power of resettlement: Sacking a city in the ancient era gives your capital +1 population
UU: same
UB: Kalliu: The barracks should give +1

UHV1: Same
UHV2: Control Mesopotamia by 2100 BC and Mesopotamia, Persia, the Levant and Egypt by 900 BC
UHV3: Same
Babylon: Spawns in 1900 BC (Does not spawn if human controls Sumer. Otherwise, flips all Sumerian cities, including capital.)
UP: Same
UU: Asharittu Bowman: 5

UB: Same
UHV1: Be the first to discover Contract
UHV2: Control a holy city by 600 BC
UHV3: In Babylon, control 3 wonders, refined culture, and a population of 12 in 500 BC
Hittites: The Hittites play extremely well, I only have two comments on them. First, the Huluganni is a workhorse of a UU, and definitely the best thing the Hittites have going for them. But I think his cost could be increased slightly, from 30 to 35

Persia: Like the Hittites, I think the Persians play very well. You have a frantic race against the clock to build your empire, and then UHV3 is like the epilogue, where things wind down and you enjoy your empire for a few turns. Also like the Hittites, I only have two comments.
First, the 10 wonder goal is very tight, too tight for many games. There's too much randomness in considering if the AI made enough wonders for you to capture: Sometimes Babylon is dead and pillaged from barbarians, or sometimes the Greeks didn't feel like building that many wonders. That would be fine if Persia could build those wonders instead, but on any given turn, the player can only be constructing Zoroastrian or Pagan wonders. Increasing the deadline to 200 or 150 BC would insure the player has the time to build the wonders if necessary. To compensate, I think increasing the population goal to 40% would be very feasible, and insure the player still has some conquering and settling to do. 35% population is fairly easy.
And second, and this isn't that big a deal, but UHV3 gives a lot of time to the player to complete. I completed it on turn 163, with a deadline of 230.
- At game start, southern Mesopotamia should have a couple of lagoon tiles, with an extra wheat resource placed.
Spoiler Southern Mesopotamia :
- This reflects the fact that, not only did the Persian Gulf reach much more north in this period, but the region was more fertile as well. In 2000 BC, the lagoon tiles can turn back into desert, and the wheat resource disappears. This reflects the retreat of the Persian Gulf, and the salinization of southern Mesopotamia.
- As I understand it, ancient Mesopotamia was made up of two distinct peoples: Sumerians and Akkadians. The Sumerians start with an advanced start, to reflect that fact that their civilization was already about a 1000 years old at this point, and give them a running start for their short-term goals. The Assyrians spawn in 3000 BC to represent the Akkadians, as they forged the first empire under Sargon, and to give continuity with the warlike goals of Assyria later on.
- The Babylonians were also Akkadian (northern Mesopotamian), and they spawn in 1900 BC, flipping Sumerian cities. Babylon won't spawn if the player controls Sumer, in order to give the player the opportunity to play out their goals.
- However, if Assyria is human controlled, and they conquered Sumer, they will have to deal with their Akkadian empire falling apart due to the Babylon spawn, and reconquer Mesopotamia later under the Middle Assyrian, or Neo Assyrian empires.
- Tushpa, the Armenian city, should spawn in with 10
, in order to prevent it from being razed if Persia takes it too early, i.e. right after they take Babylon.
- I watched "The Sumerians- Fall of the First Cities" by the Fall of Civilizations Podcast while doing my homework for this post. I enjoyed it greatly, and recommend it to anyone else interested in this subject.