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Civilization 5 Map Trading References


Oct 19, 2008
Hey guys,

I'm very new at modding- that is to say, I've only built a custom civilization for myself- but there's been a big void in the community as far as map trading mods are concerned. I'm not dedicated to making one quite yet, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to look into references that are already in the game.

For example, I only spent a little while searching, but there's a 'Tech' tag for MapTrading, which (when enabled) doesn't actually seem to do anything. So it's a dead end, right?
Well, I guess this is where it gets iffy, and this is the point where I stop understanding what I'm talking about. I looked up some information on the map trading stuff, and apparently in the Diplomacy and Trade LUA/UI stuff there are several references to Map Trading, including 'Deal.AddMapTrade', 'Team.GetMapTradingCount', 'Team.ChangeMapTradingCount', and the list goes on. It seems like all of the listing stuff is there, but I don't know where they is in the actual game files, nor do I know how to make a new 'Trade' in the UI.

Any help would be appreciated, or just clarification.
@Wrong Section

yea...I see that now. =\ Woops.

Hopefully it'll get moved? Anyways, I wouldn't mind putting in some free time to try and pursue this- ... Wait a sec.

This is yours?? http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=479612
I found that when I was searching for a mod that enabled map trading! Haha, what a coincidence. Anyways, I fixed your tech after an hour of fiddling or so. It appears on the tree now, and I researched it, but it doesn't actually do anything! So, that's kind of weird. I didn't really understand what the SQL part of it was supposed to do, so I didn't touch it.

But I digress! As I was saying, I wouldn't mind putting in some free time to try and figure out how to get map trading to work- though I seriously doubt it will be easy, since there aren't any mods of it already and it's probably a pretty highly-requested feature. But I have to wonder if it's even possible to give another player vision of another players' map with the current api? Maybe that's why it hasn't been done yet.
Thanks c:

Genghis if you're still interested in making Map trading work since your last topic, I would appreciate any help you could offer :D
No, sorry. =( I know only some Java(minecraft modding), and some Python(compsci class).

Still, I could probably catch on pretty quick if I just know where to look- a starting point is always awesome. I learn best by just jumping in anyways. Are there any existing mods that add in new diplomacy options? Could use those as an example, maybe.
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