[R&F] Civilization Ability Elimination Thread

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America - Founding Fathers: [15]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [17+1=18] It guarantees a religion. Easily the most reliable method for a religious victory.
Australia - Land Down Under: [21]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [22]
Brazil - Amazon: [20]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [17]
Cree - Nihithaw: [21]
Egypt - Iteru: [20]
England - British Museum: [20]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Georgia - Strength In Unity: [14]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [22]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [20]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [21]
Khmer - Grand Barays: [17]
Kongo - Nkisi: [23]
Korea - Three Kingdoms: [11-3=8] Virtually negligible in the long run.
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [20]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [20]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [22]
Norway - Knarr: [17]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [21]
Persia - Satrapies: [20]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [20]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia:[20]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [22]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [20]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [20]
Zulu - Isibongo: [20]
America - Founding Fathers: [15+1=16] - I think this deserves an upvote. Diplomatic cards are underwhelming until the later eras. I might use Diplomatic League sometimes, but it's nice to run an extra military or economic policy instead of a diplomatic one.
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [18]
Australia - Land Down Under: [21]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [22]
Brazil - Amazon: [20]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [17]
Cree - Nihithaw: [21]
Egypt - Iteru: [20-3=17] - The production bonus is too modest to influence your decision making. For me it amounts to a small production bonus to commercial hubs and Big Ben.
England - British Museum: [20]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Georgia - Strength In Unity: [14]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [22]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [20]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [21]
Khmer - Grand Barays: [17]
Kongo - Nkisi: [23]
Korea - Three Kingdoms: [8]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [20]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [20]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [22]
Norway - Knarr: [17]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [21]
Persia - Satrapies: [20]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [20]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia:[20]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [22]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [20]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [20]
Zulu - Isibongo: [20]
America - Founding Fathers: [16]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [18+1=19] being guaranteed a prophet meant easier time for religious victory, bonus science is also good side bonus
Australia - Land Down Under: [21]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [22]
Brazil - Amazon: [20]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [17]
Cree - Nihithaw: [21]
Egypt - Iteru: [17]
England - British Museum: [20]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Georgia - Strength In Unity: [14]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [22]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [20]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [21]
Khmer - Grand Barays: [17]
Kongo - Nkisi: [23]
Korea - Three Kingdoms: [8-3=5] it's almost like they only include this because they need to make Seowon looks less powerful, so they transfer some bonus to UA
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [20]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [20]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [22]
Norway - Knarr: [17]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [21]
Persia - Satrapies: [20]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [20]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia:[20]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [22]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [20]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [20]
Zulu - Isibongo: [20]
America - Founding Fathers: [16]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [19]
Australia - Land Down Under: [21]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [22]
Brazil - Amazon: [20]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [17]
Cree - Nihithaw: [21]
Egypt - Iteru: [17-3=14] 15% is too weak. Make it 30 and it's ok, 50% and it's powerful.
England - British Museum: [20]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Georgia - Strength In Unity: [14]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [22]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [20]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [21]
Khmer - Grand Barays: [17]
Kongo - Nkisi: [23]
Korea - Three Kingdoms: [5]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [20]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [20]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [22]
Norway - Knarr: [17]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [21]
Persia - Satrapies: [20]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [20]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia:[20]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [22]
Scythia - People of the Steppe: [20+1=21] This was omitted right after the start, put it back in. It's really a woohoo ability.
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [20]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [20]
Zulu - Isibongo: [20]
America - Founding Fathers: [16]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [19-3=16] - If you are playing a religious game you don't want the leftover beliefs that nobody else wanted.
Australia - Land Down Under: [21]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [22+1=23] - Just keeps getting stronger throughout the game. Makes the Aztecs a great all-round civ.
Brazil - Amazon: [20]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [17]
Cree - Nihithaw: [21]
Egypt - Iteru: [14]
England - British Museum: [20]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Georgia - Strength In Unity: [14]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [22]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [20]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [21]
Khmer - Grand Barays: [17]
Kongo - Nkisi: [23]
Korea - Three Kingdoms: [5]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [20]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [20]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [22]
Norway - Knarr: [17]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [21]
Persia - Satrapies: [20]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [20]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia:[20]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [22]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [21]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [20]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [20]
Zulu - Isibongo: [20]

Corrected as per Siptah's post.
Last edited:
America - Founding Fathers: [15]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [14]
Australia - Land Down Under: [21]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [20]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [17]
Cree - Nihithaw: [21]
Egypt - Iteru: [20]
England - British Museum: [20]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Georgia - Strength In Unity: [14]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [22]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [20]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [21]
Khmer - Grand Barays: [17]
Kongo - Nkisi: [23+1=24] - The bonus is just silly, the RP makes no-sense, and how on earth artifacts, sculptures and relics produce food? I don't want to eat the toe of the prophet! But, by all saints in other civilizations, it's OP and just too much fun to play Kongo and stack relics, sculptures and artifacts to make your museums and your palace the most formidable and productive buildings in the entire game. Oh, and GM and GWAM are neat, too.
Korea - Three Kingdoms: [11]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [20]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [20]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [22-3=19] - I love the Netherlands and it hurts me to downvote them, but I have to admit: usually the city is next a river (and a coast for Netherlands) so it's a spot taken for a district. Besides, districts on river take the place of valuable farms. Don't forget some wonders, like Big Ben, Ermitage or others that must be next a river. And if you don't have a mountain, the aqueduct must be near (if ever you build one). Rivers are really easy to find, making this UA easy to fulfill, but rivers are commons because they're valuable. Too much valuable. I just have the impression to have my empire clustered around rivers, letting little space for others things. And a culture bomb for harbor are just... meh. I never build a harbor at the edge of the empire but next to my capital, meaning that there is not a lot of ocean tiles to steal, and the ones that's taken are not always really valuable (why do I want a ocean tile with nothing on it?).It only shines with Liang's aquacultures or in the late eras when you have to secure oil sources.
Norway - Knarr: [17]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [21]
Persia - Satrapies: [20]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [20]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia:[20]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [22]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [20]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [20]
Zulu - Isibongo: [20]
Something is wrong with the scores. Arabia should be at 16, Egypt at 14, Korea at 5, and so on and so on. Scythia is missing again.
America - Founding Fathers: [16]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [16]
Australia - Land Down Under: [21]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [20]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [17]
Cree - Nihithaw: [21]
Egypt - Iteru: [14]
England - British Museum: [20]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Georgia - Strength In Unity: [14]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [22+1 = 23] If you cannot make great use of this in every single game then I don't know what to tell you.
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [20]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [21]
Khmer - Grand Barays: [17-3 = 14] So you're telling me I need to build temples and aqueducts to get a little more than nothing from this Civ? With the exception of Rome, I may build an aqueduct city once every 2-3 games (some spots are just too good). Either way, the yields don't really justify the expense. Rome gets extra housing along with the amenity, can build it at half price, and gets era score. In other words, Rome's weakest ability is better than this one. I'll take anything remaining on this list not named Grand Barays.
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Korea - Three Kingdoms: [5]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [20]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [20]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [19]
Norway - Knarr: [17]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [21]
Persia - Satrapies: [20]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [20]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia:[20]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [22]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [21]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [20]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [20]
Zulu - Isibongo: [20]
America - Founding Fathers: [16]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [16]
Australia - Land Down Under: [21]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [20]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [17]
Cree - Nihithaw: [21]
Egypt - Iteru: [14]
England - British Museum: [20]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Georgia - Strength In Unity: [14-3=11] Good idea, but just not that useful. I'd rather have the boring Three Kingdoms to be honest.
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [23]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [20]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [21+1=22] Very fun to place districts with this ability, and it is VERY strong. There's a reason Japan is one of the most consistently good civs in both single and multiplayer.
Khmer - Grand Barays: [14]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Korea - Three Kingdoms: [5]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [20]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [20]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [19]
Norway - Knarr: [17]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [21]
Persia - Satrapies: [20]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [20]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia:[20]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [22]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [21]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [20]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [20]
Zulu - Isibongo: [20]
America - Founding Fathers: [16]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [16+1=17] You can pursue religion with guaranteed religion helping you out. I can't really see this as that bad this early.
Australia - Land Down Under: [21]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [20]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [17]
Cree - Nihithaw: [21]
Egypt - Iteru: [14]
England - British Museum: [20]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Georgia - Strength In Unity: [11]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [23]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [20]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [22]
Khmer - Grand Barays: [14]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Korea - Three Kingdoms: [5]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [20]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [20]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [19]
Norway - Knarr: [17]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [21]
Persia - Satrapies: [20]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [20]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia: [20]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [22]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [21]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [20]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [20]
Zulu - Isibongo: [20+1=21] Fun and unorthodox ability, also very strong.
Basing this off @Wyvern_Parade 's post as @Wereraptor voted incorrectly.

America - Founding Fathers: [16]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [16]
Australia - Land Down Under: [21]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [20]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [17]
Cree - Nihithaw: [21]
Egypt - Iteru: [14]
England - British Museum: [20]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Georgia - Strength In Unity: [11]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [23]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [20]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [22]
Khmer - Grand Barays: [11] (14-3) Borderline useless.
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Korea - Three Kingdoms: [5]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [20]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [21] (20+1) Love the way this reflects learning about your enemy before you strike. Very powerful to boot.
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [19]
Norway - Knarr: [17]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [21]
Persia - Satrapies: [20]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [20]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia:[20]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [22]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [21]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [20]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [20]
Zulu - Isibongo: [20]
America - Founding Fathers: [16]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [16]
Australia - Land Down Under: [21]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [20]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [17]
Cree - Nihithaw: [22] (21+1) Early kickstart to the economy, good for any victory type.
Egypt - Iteru: [14]
England - British Museum: [20]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Georgia - Strength In Unity: [11]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [23]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [20]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [22]
Khmer - Grand Barays: [8] (11-3) I agree that this ability is almost useless. How often does one build an aqueduct?
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Korea - Three Kingdoms: [5]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [20]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [21]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [19]
Norway - Knarr: [17]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [21]
Persia - Satrapies: [20]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [20]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia:[20]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [22]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [21]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [20]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [20]
Zulu - Isibongo: [20]
America - Founding Fathers: [16]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [16]
Australia - Land Down Under: [21]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [20]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [17]
Cree - Nihithaw: [22]
Egypt - Iteru: [11] (14-3) --- Not much impact.
England - British Museum: [20]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Georgia - Strength In Unity: [11]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [23]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [20]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [22]
Khmer - Grand Barays: [8]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Korea - Three Kingdoms: [5]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [20]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [21]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [19]
Norway - Knarr: [17]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [21]
Persia - Satrapies: [20]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [20]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia:[20]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [22]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [22] (21+1) --- 2 for 1.
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [20]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [20]
Zulu - Isibongo: [20]
Ah, sorry for my previous vote.
America - Founding Fathers: [16]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [16+1=17] You can pursue religion with guaranteed religion helping you out. I can't really see this as that bad this early.
Australia - Land Down Under: [21]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [20]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [17]
Cree - Nihithaw: [22]
Egypt - Iteru: [11-3=8] Glad to see it buffed in GS; as this is one of the worst civ abilities.
England - British Museum: [20]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Georgia - Strength In Unity: [11]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [23]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [20]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [22]
Khmer - Grand Barays: [8]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Korea - Three Kingdoms: [5]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [20]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [21]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [19]
Norway - Knarr: [17]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [21]
Persia - Satrapies: [20]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [20]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia:[20]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [22]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [22]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [20]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [20]
Zulu - Isibongo: [20]
America - Founding Fathers: [16]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [17]
Australia - Land Down Under: [21]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [20]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [17]
Cree - Nihithaw: [22]
Egypt - Iteru: [8 - 3 = 5] - Boring and almost ineffectual. Changes in GS might make it better, but even then.... almost feels like Nubia just does it better.
England - British Museum: [20]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Georgia - Strength In Unity: [11]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [23 + 1 = 24] - While not very inspired, it does allow for larger customization which ultimately makes it more interesting in potential.
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [20]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [22]
Khmer - Grand Barays: [8]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Korea - Three Kingdoms: [5]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [20]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [21]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [19]
Norway - Knarr: [17]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [21]
Persia - Satrapies: [20]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [20]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia:[20]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [22]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [22]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [20]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [20]
Zulu - Isibongo: [20]
America - Founding Fathers: [16]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [17]
Australia - Land Down Under: [21]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [20]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [17]
Cree - Nihithaw: [22]
Egypt - Iteru: [5- 3 = 2]- Nubia does districts better. China and France are miles ahead in making wonders. And now Hungary will blast past this. I agree with one of the posters above that said this should be 30%. That would go a long way making this ability feel worthwhile.
England - British Museum: [20]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Georgia - Strength In Unity: [11]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [24]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [20]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [22+1=23] Once you get a high pop cluster of cities, the yields are enormous. Great for TS which suffer from getting good adjacency. And the policy cards like Rationalism make it even better. My favorite ability from Japan.
Khmer - Grand Barays: [8]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Korea - Three Kingdoms: [5]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [20]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [21]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [19]
Norway - Knarr: [17]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [21]
Persia - Satrapies: [20]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [20]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia:[20]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [22]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [22]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [20]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [20]
Zulu - Isibongo: [20]
America - Founding Fathers: [16]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [17]
Australia - Land Down Under: [21]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [20]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [17]
Cree - Nihithaw: [22]
Egypt - Iteru: [2]
England - British Museum: [20]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Georgia - Strength In Unity: [11]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [24]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [20]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [23]
Khmer - Grand Barays: [8]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Korea - Three Kingdoms: [5]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [20+1=21] Unbelievable power. This along with the science from producing units means you fly through the tech (and civics) trees. Assuming you are conquering cities which you should be with Macedon. Why else would you play them.
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [21]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [19]
Norway - Knarr: [17]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [21]
Persia - Satrapies: [20]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [20-3=17] Pretty lame if you ask me. Your encampment will already be pretty far away from your city because of placement rules, the wildcard slot is flexible, but you aren't really gaining anything, America has this same problem. Somewhat useful in Monarchy, otherwise pretty useless to me.
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia:[20]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [22]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [22]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [20]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [20]
Zulu - Isibongo: [20]
America - Founding Fathers: [16]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [17]
Australia - Land Down Under: [21]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [20]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [17]
Cree - Nihithaw: [22]
Egypt - Iteru: [2]
England - British Museum: [20]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Georgia - Strength In Unity: [11]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [24]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [20]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [23]
Khmer - Grand Barays: [8]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Korea - Three Kingdoms: [5]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [21]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [21]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [19]
Norway - Knarr: [17]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [21]
Persia - Satrapies: [20]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [14 = 17 - 3] - Just bad. Culture bombs off of rarely built encampments and even more rarely built forts is bad. Converting a military policy slot to a wildcard sounds ok, but I almost always want one or two military policies so it is also bad.
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia:[20]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [23 = 22 + 1] - This is incredibly strong. A couple luxuries combined with golf courses and Scotland is a science producing and ... production ... producing powerhouse.
Scythia - People of the Steppe [22]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [20]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [20]
Zulu - Isibongo: [20]
America - Founding Fathers: [16]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [17]
Australia - Land Down Under: [21]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [20]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [17]
Cree - Nihithaw: [22 + 1 = 23] - Essentially a Colossus wonder combined with one of the best land grab abilities in the game, all for free when you reach the very early tech Pottery. Simply excellent.
Egypt - Iteru: [2]
England - British Museum: [20]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Georgia - Strength In Unity: [11 - 3 = 8] - While there are other abilities here which only give a very marginal advantage, this one I find is completely useless in most games.
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [24]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [20]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [23]
Khmer - Grand Barays: [8]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Korea - Three Kingdoms: [5]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [21]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [21]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [19]
Norway - Knarr: [17]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [21]
Persia - Satrapies: [20]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [14]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia:[20]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [23]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [22]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [20]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [20]
Zulu - Isibongo: [20]
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