[R&F] Civilization Ability Elimination Thread

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America - Founding Fathers: [4]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [13]
Australia - Land Down Under: [22]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [17]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [17]
Cree - Nihithaw: [24]
England - British Museum: [21]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [24]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [18]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [24]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [21]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [22]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [20]
Norway - Knarr: [17]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [22]
Persia - Satrapies: [21]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [12]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russi: [20]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [24]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [23+1=24] Just OP. Hopefully this will get a nerf in GS.
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [20-3=17] Trade route bonuses are decent, but very inconsistent. Earlier fleets and armadas are rarely that useful.

Sumeria - Epic Quest: [ 21]
Zulu - Isibongo: [21]

Had to edit to point out that Georgia has now fallen in the bottom 5 in ALL gameplay related elimination threads.
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America - Founding Fathers: [4]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [13]
Australia - Land Down Under: [22+1=23] Nice housing bonus, which makes it a bit more flexible in where you want to settle. Even better, those crazy adjacencies! Especially good for holy sites and campuses as you already get good adjacency from mountains, plus an appeal bonus added on to that!
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [17]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [17-3=14] It doesn't add that much science and culture, unless you chase down every eureka and inspiration. I'd prefer to be more independent and flexible in what I'm building or doing instead of going down a checklist to take advantage of it. Plus, it's a pretty boring ability anyways.
Cree - Nihithaw: [24]
England - British Museum: [21]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [24]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [18]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [24]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [21]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [22]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [20]
Norway - Knarr: [17]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [22]
Persia - Satrapies: [21]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [12]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russi: [20]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [24]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [24]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [17]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [ 21]
Zulu - Isibongo: [21]
America - Founding Fathers: [1=4-3] For most of the game, this is basically Poland's UA without one component, and probably even worse because diplomatic slots are more useful and military slots
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [13]
Australia - Land Down Under: [23]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [17]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [14]
Cree - Nihithaw: [25=24+1] Not just one free trade route, but a free trader as well, right at the beginning of the game.
England - British Museum: [21]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [24]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [18]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [24]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [21]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [22]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [20]
Norway - Knarr: [17]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [22]
Persia - Satrapies: [21]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [12]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russi: [20]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [24]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [24]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [17]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [ 21]
Zulu - Isibongo: [21]
America - Founding Fathers: [1]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [13]
Australia - Land Down Under: [23]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [17]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [14]
Cree - Nihithaw: [25】
England - British Museum: [18=21-3] Basically the bonus applies to Civs who capture British cities and build museums.
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [24]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [18]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [24]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [21]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [22]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [20]
Norway - Knarr: [18=17+1] I guess the discussion is based on vanilla and RF, no GS, so Norweigan overflow is a huge bonus.
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [22]
Persia - Satrapies: [21]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [12]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russi: [20]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [24]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [24]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [17]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [ 21]
Zulu - Isibongo: [21]
America - Founding Fathers: [1]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [14=13+1] To good to be that low right now. Very versatile and you can easily build strategies for all kinds of victories around it. That it is always a bummer if the AI has this ability is also a plus for me. I don't think it's primary intention is to help with a RelV. To me, Arabia is mostly a science and domination civ. This ability helps for those two as well as for a culture victory.
Australia - Land Down Under: [23]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [17]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [14]
Cree - Nihithaw: [25]
England - British Museum: [18]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [24]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [18]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [24]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [21]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [22]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [20]
Norway - Knarr: [18]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [22]
Persia - Satrapies: [21]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [12]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russi: [20]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [24]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [24]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [14=17-3] Sounds strong when you read it, but it never felt like that to me.
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [ 21]
Zulu - Isibongo: [21]
America - Founding Fathers: [1]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [14+1=15] All Arabia's boosts depend on religion. To found a religion on Deity it's not just about making Holy Sites - you need to immediately research Astrology then spend 100% of your production making a holy site then making a temple then spamming the holy site project and praying you get a great prophet. This is both crippling to your Civ and unreliable, a major reason Spain's so bad. With Arabia, you'll still likely build a Holy Site pre-religion but, unlike Spain/India/Georgia and even Russia, you don't have to. You can prioritize an early archer rush first, expand your empire via settlers or beeline Mamluks - can any other religious Civ do that?
Australia - Land Down Under: [23]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [17]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [14]
Cree - Nihithaw: [25]
England - British Museum: [18-3=15] I'm British. This should die. Oh, and it only really contributes to a post-it district culture victory.
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [24]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [18]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [24]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [21]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [22]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [20]
Norway - Knarr: [18]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [22]
Persia - Satrapies: [21]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [12]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia: [20]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [24]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [24]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [14]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [ 21]
Zulu - Isibongo: [21]
America - Founding Fathers: [1]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [15]
Australia - Land Down Under: [23]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [17]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [14]
Cree - Nihithaw: [25]
England - British Museum: [15]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [24]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [18]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [24]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [21]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [22]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [20]
Norway - Knarr: [18]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [22]
Persia - Satrapies: [21]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [12+1=13] Shouldn't be that low. This most reliable culture bomb can get you some nice tiles off your neighbors or even destroy unfinished wonders. Plus, the policy card bonus can skyrocket you into an early religion, much like Greece.
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russi: [20]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [24]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [24]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [14-3=11] A good naval bonus, but it requires an extra amount of production that I'd like to spend on something else. The trade route bonus is finicky because of the continent generation.
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [ 21]
Zulu - Isibongo: [21]
America - Founding Fathers: [1]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [15]
Australia - Land Down Under: [23]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [17]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [14]
Cree - Nihithaw: [25]
England - British Museum: [15-3=12] - Doesn't fit England's theme to me, I've never seen them as a culture civ. Also most of the game they get nothing to help them culturally. Being a backwater most of the game then stealing everyone elses culture and stealing a win isn't a satisfying culture win to me.
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [24]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [18]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [24]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [21]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [22]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [20]
Norway - Knarr: [18]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [22]
Persia - Satrapies: [21]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [13]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia: [20+1=21] - Rapid land grab means new cities can work good tiles immediately. The tundra bonuses are helpful given Russia has a start bias for tundra. Even a tundra fishing village with a lavra and harbour makes a valuable contribution to your civ.
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [24]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [24]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [11]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [ 21]
Zulu - Isibongo: [21]
America - Founding Fathers: [1]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [15]
Australia - Land Down Under: [23]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [17-3=14] - While I find it fun to play with it, due to gamechange it provides, and it gives Brazil something actually special; truth is, building big cities and maintaining the jungle adjacencies is difficult, as you'll son run out of viable space. And due to starting bias, it is you core empire were you can use this ability, as you Will be expanding further away from jungle. If jungle tiles could be improved somewath it might be better. Currenty, it ends lacking.
China - Dynastic Cycle: [14]
Cree - Nihithaw: [25]
England - British Museum: [12]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [24]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [18]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [24]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [21]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [22]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [20]
Norway - Knarr: [18]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [22]
Persia - Satrapies: [21]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [13+1=14] Giving a single plus to this one. Contrary to founding fathers, wilcarding a military slot is more useful as you normally have plenty of and they are not always of required use (as economic or diplomatic might be). Plus, it comes with the ocassional tile grab, not really that relevant for use, but it is an extra tool to consider.
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia: [21]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [24]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [24]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [11]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [ 21]
Zulu - Isibongo: [21]
America - Founding Fathers: [1-3= GONE] Turning diplo into wildcard doesn't do much.
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [15]
Australia - Land Down Under: [23]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [14]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [14]
Cree - Nihithaw: [25]
England - British Museum: [12]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [24+1=25] In contrast with America, adding a wildcard can be very useful, especially early game.
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [18]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [24]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [21]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [22]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [20]
Norway - Knarr: [18]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [22]
Persia - Satrapies: [21]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [14]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia: [21]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [24]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [24]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [11]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [ 21]
Zulu - Isibongo: [21]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [16] (15+1) --- A versatile ability that applies perhaps more to Arabia’s ability to win via science or domination than religion. In the very early game, if you’re spamming campus districts you simply can’t spam holy sites as well. You just can’t. So you wait…Get to Mamluk’s quick (personally I beeline stirrups w/ Arabia), recruit the great scientist Abu Al-Qasim Al-Zahrawi and acquire some holy sites where you can eventually activate your prophet on your time, when you feel it appropriate. Maybe you need culture, choose choral music. Maybe your Mamluk’s are on a tear and you’re short amenities, choose zen meditation. Neither belief is often chosen by the AI.
Australia - Land Down Under: [23]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [14]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [11] (14-3) --- Drab.
Cree - Nihithaw: [25]
England - British Museum: [12]
France - Grand Tour: [20]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [21]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [25]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [18]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [24]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [21]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [22]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [20]
Norway - Knarr: [18]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [22]
Persia - Satrapies: [21]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [14]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia: [21]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [24]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [24]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [11]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [ 21]
Zulu - Isibongo: [21]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [16]
Australia - Land Down Under: [23]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [14]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [11]
Cree - Nihithaw: [25]
England - British Museum: [12]
France - Grand Tour: [17] (20-3) By the time you get to these eras, you will probably be so far ahead that the production bonus will not matter.
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [22] (21+1) Such a versatile ability, for any victory type.
Greece - Plato's Republic: [25]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [18]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [24]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [21]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [22]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [20]
Norway - Knarr: [18]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [22]
Persia - Satrapies: [21]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [14]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia: [21]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [24]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [24]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [11]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [ 21]
Zulu - Isibongo: [21]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [16]
Australia - Land Down Under: [23]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [14]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [11]
Cree - Nihithaw: [25]
England - British Museum: [12]
France - Grand Tour: [17]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [22]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [25]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [18]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [24]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [21]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [22]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [20]
Norway - Knarr: [18]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [22]
Persia - Satrapies: [21]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [14]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia: [21+1=22] Gives you flexibility in where to settle. The tile grab is really nice because you don't have to settle right next to a lux or strat to take advantage of it. Faith and production on tundra is even better. You can make viable cities in the tundra. This ability also allows you to gather faith for a pantheon from Turn One.
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [24]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [24]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [11-3=8] Flavorful for the civ, but extremely weak. By the time you get the trade bonus rolling around, you probably won't even really need it anyways since you'll have a comfortable stream of gold by then. The naval bonus would be good if navy was actually important in this game.
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [ 21]
Zulu - Isibongo: [21]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [16]
Australia - Land Down Under: [23]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [14]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [11-3=8] - Rather insignificant.
Cree - Nihithaw: [25]
England - British Museum: [12+1=13] - Buying it a life because I simply love this one. It makes playing as England fun to me. Not to mention that artifacts play a significant part of my CVs.
France - Grand Tour: [17]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [22]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [25]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [18]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [24]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [21]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [22]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [20]
Norway - Knarr: [18]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [22]
Persia - Satrapies: [21]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [14]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia: [22]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [24]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [24]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [8]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [ 21]
Zulu - Isibongo: [21]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [16]
Australia - Land Down Under: [23]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [14]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [8]
Cree - Nihithaw: [25]
England - British Museum: [13]
France - Grand Tour: [17]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [22-3=19] This is a good ability, but to be honest I usually don't meet my district cap until later in the game because I'm too busy building up the districts I already have, producing units, and building wonders. It just doesn't aid my gameplay at all, so for me it's sort of a useless bonus.
Greece - Plato's Republic: [25]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [18]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [24]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [21]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [22]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [20]
Norway - Knarr: [18]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [22+1=23] This ability is already great for both peaceful players like me who want a little bit of early-game security as well as for warmongers who want an army of archers to storm their neighbors. Combined with the Pitati Archer this ability gets to be all kinds of amazing. The bonus yields are just icing on the cake and can help get you going in the early game as well in terms of production and gold.
Persia - Satrapies: [21]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [14]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia: [22]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [24]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [24]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [8]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [ 21]
Zulu - Isibongo: [21]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [16]
Australia - Land Down Under: [23]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [14]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [8]
Cree - Nihithaw: [25]
England - British Museum: [13]
France - Grand Tour: [17]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [19]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [25]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [18]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [24]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [21]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [22]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [21 = 20 + 1] - Surprising this hasn't been up-voted yet. With this you can easily get +3 adjacency bonus for your districts which not only gives you productive districts but easy era score allowing you to chain golden ages.
Norway - Knarr: [18]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [23]
Persia - Satrapies: [21]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [11 = 14 - 3] - Worse than America which is already gone. I'd rather have a diplo slot changed to a wild card than a military slot. The cultural bomb is practically useless.
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia: [22]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [24]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [24]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [8]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [ 21]
Zulu - Isibongo: [21]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [16]
Australia - Land Down Under: [23]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [14]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [8]
Cree - Nihithaw: [25]
England - British Museum: [13]
France - Grand Tour: [17]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [19]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [25]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [15] (18-3) I find it underwhelming in practice, especially if you don't play on island heavy maps.
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [24]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [21]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [22]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [21]
Norway - Knarr: [18]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [24] (23+1) Nubia's ability is basically "win the game"
Persia - Satrapies: [21]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [11]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia: [22]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [24]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [24]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [8]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [ 21]
Zulu - Isibongo: [21]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [16]
Australia - Land Down Under: [23]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [14]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [8]
Cree - Nihithaw: [25]
England - British Museum: [13]
France - Grand Tour: [17]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [19]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [25]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [15]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [25] [24+1] Every time I'm not Japan I wish I had this ability. Japan doesn't have to worry about RNG to get the all important adjacency bonuses. Helps all victory types on all maps. Top 5-10 ability.
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [21]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [22]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [21]
Norway - Knarr: [18]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [24]
Persia - Satrapies: [21]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [11]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia: [22]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [24]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [24]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [5] [8-3] Fleets and Armadas are worthless in single player. Getting something worthless sooner makes no impact. The trade route bonus falls victim to RNG and the atrocious map scripting.
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [ 21]
Zulu - Isibongo: [21]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [16]
Australia - Land Down Under: [23]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [14]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [8]
Cree - Nihithaw: [25]
England - British Museum: [13]
France - Grand Tour: [17]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [19]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [25]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [15]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [25]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [21]
Mapuche - Toqui: [20-3=17] On paper this looks decent, but in practice I haven't got much use out of it. Yes I've tried to make sure I'm training military units in cities with governors, and you can notice a small difference in xp gain. And the golden age bonus I can never seem to time right. You have no control over this part of the ability.
Mongolia - Ortoo: [22]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [21]
Norway - Knarr: [18]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [24]
Persia - Satrapies: [21]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [11]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [21]
Russia - Mother Russia: [22]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [24+1=25] Way powerful for me. This is the reason why I have faster science victories with Scotland than I do with Korea. Yes you have to put in the work to get it, but that makes it even better than Korea. You can't settle for Happy, you really need to go for all ecstatic to really see this shine. I like that there's payoff towards the work I put into getting amenities. And makes a semi-tall strategy viable as well.
Scythia - People of the Steppe [24]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [5]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [ 21]
Zulu - Isibongo: [21]
Arabia - The Last Prophet: [16]
Australia - Land Down Under: [23]
Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: [23]
Brazil - Amazon: [14]
China - Dynastic Cycle: [8]
Cree - Nihithaw: [25]
England - British Museum: [10] 13-3; this is buggy, unless it's supposed to be cities founded by England have special museums. If you really on neighbors for expansion, their former cities will not benefit.
France - Grand Tour: [17]
Germany - Free Imperial Cities: [19]
Greece - Plato's Republic: [25]
Indonesia - Great Nusantara: [15]
Japan - Meiji Restoration: [25]
Kongo - Nkisi: [24]
Macedon - Hellenistic Fusion: [21]
Mapuche - Toqui: [17]
Mongolia - Ortoo: [22]
Netherlands - Grote Riverien: [21]
Norway - Knarr: [18]
Nubia - Ta-Seti: [24]
Persia - Satrapies: [21]
Poland - Golden Liberty: [11]
Rome - All Roads Lead To Rome: [22] 21+1; Rome is such an elegant civ. Everything about works perfectly towards the purpose of expanding efficiently, filling out your lands, and taking a boost on infrastructure. While not the best, most powerful civ, I think it's the most well executed. In this case, the civ UA, you get an excellent road system, and easier and better early trade.
Russia - Mother Russia: [22]
Scotland - Scottish Enlightenment: [25]
Scythia - People of the Steppe [24]
Spain - Treasure Fleet: [5]
Sumeria - Epic Quest: [ 21]
Zulu - Isibongo: [21]
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