Civilization Combat and City Infrastructure Options


Nov 29, 2005
Riverdale, MD
So...this is something I've been thinking about for a long time.

A version of Civilization that implements elements of Sim City for city development and elements of Rise of Nations for combat. I realize that this would amount to an ENORMOUS game, and one that might take a week or more to finish, but it would be so sweet, imo.

I think it's pretty easy to envision how Sim City elements would be implemented...basically you'd have different infrastructure capabilities as techs are researched...

I'm imagining combat would be something like this:

You have a stack or multiple stacks of can basically have each unit in a stack attack individually, in various combos, or all at once. Whatever you choose, when the attack begins you zoom in to the field of battle, and the unit(s) you're attacking with are represented by far more units on the ground. They can assume formations, etc, you can send a unit of horse archers, say, around the side to flank the cats while your longbowman defend the maceman charge...etc. Or you could just do a cavalry raid where you attack some city improvements and maybe pick off a number of the enemies defenders. Etc. The possibilities would obviously be numerous.

Could be fun...but would add a lot of time to the I'm thinking you could have both simply be options (Sim-style city development and RoN-style combat) for gameplay.
Man it takes me a week to play a game on a standard map at normal speed. I don't want it to take me a month.
Hehehe...yeah...I just feel like each time you go for a city it would be like a full game in itself that leaves you satisfied until you get another chance to sit down and play.

Also, that's why I think it should be an option for playing, not an unavoidable part of the game. That way if you prefer not to go through all that everytime there's a battle, you don't have to. Maybe an option could even be that it ask you whenever you start a battle/build a city if you want detailed city building/combat.
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