[Civ2] Civilization II MGE User Interface Additions (CIV2UIA)

Thanks for the answer. I'm not sure what is going on then because I do have a .exe of the size you mention and the UI does work. However I am talking early game, the ennemy goes from worshipful to hostile in a few turns only. I am not sure of what is going on, for sure I cannot go to turn 200 before finding the AI overly aggressive. It could just be some bad luck and some other inference from other civs I didn't notice in the fog of war.

Thanks for the detail of the other rules, I actually didn't know those

EDIT: how do I check my file is exactly version 5.4.0f ?
EDIT2: it's in "readmev13.txt"
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Okay I found something interesting. I might have mixed a few things up in my folder by downloading a file from a Civ2 fan discord which interestingly seems to already have your UI patch in it. On my OWN, the "AI fix" line doesn't appear in the UI options box. I might have somehow downloaded an old version of it. I'm gonna try a game right now with this one, untouched of other patches. It might just be a case of problem between the chair and the computer. It wasn't obvious because my version of your UI tweaker didn't have the "AI fix" option, I assumed it was included in the whole package.
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how do I check my file is exactly version 5.4.0f ?
In the menu: Game - Game Options

The CIV2UIA version is displayed in the bottom right corner of the launcher

And at the top right corner of the game.

the "AI fix" line doesn't appear in the UI options box
This bug turned out to be so obvious that it was decided to completely remove the option to enable the fix. This bug is fixed by default without any options.
Thank you !

I just won in deity. It was fine, however I think it was an older version since I could tick the box. The MGE the discord provide is good to go and works great, but it's therefore not the latest UI (they included it right off the bat). If you could provide a link to what you consider the source of a clean correct Civ2 folder it would help me. I think it's legal because it's abandonware right ?

I had one bug to report: i could not use diplomats or spies, they wouldn't move on the unit or the city. (made the game hard!). Not sure if relevant, i never had that before. I could be me switching from different civ2 folders and the memory gets crazy? I notice for ex the game remembers the last folder i used before, even if i'm using a new one, when saving a file. Also i have to be careful where it saves the autosaves.

I also have a suggestion: i would be nice to be able to clear one entry in the top scores in the hall of fame. I like to try to beat myself in the ranks, and I'd like to remove thoose I don't care about anymore without clearning everything. It's silly but if it could be done?

Also, the choice of how many autosaves to keep. 2 is not enough IMO, if I make a crazy blunder that I'd like to cancel because I find it too silly, sometimes 1 or 2 turns back is not enough.
The correct EXE is the official v5.4.0f patch EXE available from this site. They aren't allowed to provide links to unofficial stuff, so you're on your own there I'm afraid.
This's a purely aesthetic, but I was curious if it were possible to only change the icons of cities from the default Civ icon to the Industrialized and Modern era ones if they happen to build a Factory for Industrialization, and a Superhighway or Mass Transit for the Modern type.

I know this's a bit of a pointless feature request, but I think that it's one that could add a lot of flavour to the game. It always looked really silly when even the tiniest towns suddenly became factory aesthetic when they barely even exist as a town.
Hey guys, please help me. I used this patch and everything works except the science menu. This means the game is running, I can build cities etc. but I never get a window where I can choose Alphabet, Code of Laws etc. So everybody around me evolves but I can't. Would anyone be so kind as to help me with this? Desperate here.... (also I am on win11) PS: I attached a screenshot of how the Science advisor looks. Thank you so much for any help :)


  • Snímek obrazovky (338).png
    Snímek obrazovky (338).png
    730.4 KB · Views: 33
Hey guys, please help me. I used this patch and everything works except the science menu. This means the game is running, I can build cities etc. but I never get a window where I can choose Alphabet, Code of Laws etc. So everybody around me evolves but I can't. Would anyone be so kind as to help me with this? Desperate here.... (also I am on win11) PS: I attached a screenshot of how the Science advisor looks. Thank you so much for any help :)
So I found a solution - by going to shift+T I changed from Luxuries to Science as Science was on 0%. I was desperate for months not knowing this. This must be a bug as it never happened to me before while starting a new game. Before when I built my first city the Science window appeared.
So I found a solution - by going to shift+T I changed from Luxuries to Science as Science was on 0%. I was desperate for months not knowing this. This must be a bug as it never happened to me before while starting a new game. Before when I built my first city the Science window appeared.
To be clear, the research prompt occurs at the start of the next turn, when economic activity is processed. If there's no beaker production, you won't be asked for a goal.

And yeah, that's weird behaviour, but I don't think it's to do with UIA. Usually a new game maxes science, but I've seen a few starts that use the tax rate from previous sessions; it may have to do with launching a new game without completely closing the programme, but I haven't investigated in depth.
I've been looking high and low for a way to play Civ 2 on my newer laptop that does not have a CD-Rom. I used to play this game for HOURS and absolutely loved it.

I've visited the Github link that was attached, and I download the file, but upon attempting to extract the file, I get an error message stating I need to change the permissions of the file, then it disappears from my download folder. I just flat out cannot access the file.

I must be doing something wrong...
I've been looking high and low for a way to play Civ 2 on my newer laptop that does not have a CD-Rom. I used to play this game for HOURS and absolutely loved it.

I've visited the Github link that was attached, and I download the file, but upon attempting to extract the file, I get an error message stating I need to change the permissions of the file, then it disappears from my download folder. I just flat out cannot access the file.

I must be doing something wrong...
Sounds like antivirus reaction. Try to whitelist the file or try another version. For example https://github.com/FoxAhead/Civ2-UI-Additions/releases/tag/v1.20.3
Uh oh.. looks like the virus scanners are out for you again @FoxAhead

Our latest false positive is for AndroidOS/Multiverse lol.

View attachment 682794
Just use It was released more than a year ago as pre-release. And I was lazy to publish it as a full release. It has minor changes: some overlay-drawing optimizations and fix for units limit patch.
This version was "cleaned" from most antivirus warnings by sending false-positive reports to main AV-vendors.

So here it is:

New version 1.20.3 (build 770).
MapOverlay optimizations. Skip a full copy of the frame if there is nothing to draw on it.
UnitsLimit fix. Added more addresses for limits number patching. And increased the memory allocation size by 2 for the two technical array elements used by the game.

Just use It was released more than a year ago as pre-release. And I was lazy to publish it as a full release. It has minor changes: some overlay-drawing optimizations and fix for units limit patch.
This version was "cleaned" from most antivirus warnings by sending false-positive reports to main AV-vendors.

So here it is:

New version 1.20.3 (build 770).
MapOverlay optimizations. Skip a full copy of the frame if there is nothing to draw on it.
UnitsLimit fix. Added more addresses for limits number patching. And increased the memory allocation size by 2 for the two technical array elements used by the game.

Oh wow.. hadn't even noticed I was 2 releases behind lol. Cheers I'll go get that.
Hey man I just wanted to thank you for this mod, civ 2 has a special place in my heart and these QOL updates make the game so much more manageable, especially moving large stacks in the late game. Fantastic work you've done, thanks a million!
This looks really cool!

... However, I am apparently very dumb, and cannot for the life of me figure out how to get the proper version of the game for this. I apparently have version v5.2.5f, and cannot find where one gets patches for this game. There does not appear to be any sort of automatic updating, which makes sense since this is a game from the 90s that I'm running off a CD. Someone mentioned a few months ago that the official patch was present on this website, but the latest patch I could find here was 1.3 (and my antivirus doesn't like it anyways). I also checked the game's README file, which directs me to Microprose's website (which does not appear to host Civilization-related content at all), and the only references I could find to a patch v5.4.0f by googling for it go back to this thread... where do I find the patch for the correct version?

EDIT: It turns out I am in fact very dumb, the "1.3" version is indeed the desired version. Unsure why it's called 1.3 in some places and 5.4.0f in others, I don't know how file version conventions work. :crazyeye:
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Yeah there's the internal version number and there's "what microprose called it at the time". Why those two numbers are so different I don't know!
It was the time, with few internet and no auto-update, when the dev version didn't match the public version for client's comfort. :scan:
Is it possible to have an option to swap the graphics in throne room? It bothers me that I "upgrade" smooth walls to cave-like. I guess it may be outside of this project's scope but seeing the insane amount of quality of life additions / bugfixes I want to check first here before trying to learn how to modify pv.dll in Civ2 :)
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