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Civilization-specific graphics


Troop leader
Nov 25, 2003
Is it possible to let civilizations have a different type of tank for example, but without it being a UU. Like the Dutch and Germans have Leopard tanks but the Americans get Abrahams MkII. A similar feature would be nice for the sail patterns on ships, now every nation has the same pattern but only with a different colour.
Hyronymus said:
Is it possible to let civilizations have a different type of tank for example, but without it being a UU. Like the Dutch and Germans have Leopard tanks but the Americans get Abrahams MkII. A similar feature would be nice for the sail patterns on ships, now every nation has the same pattern but only with a different colour.

Not to be a snot, but you "ARE" essentially asking for UU's. Like the Dutch and Germans having "their own" tank. See?;)
Unique in appearance only. But I guess in order to do that, you'll have to modify them. Sine you're making a new appearance for the units, you might as well modify their behavior a little while you're at it.
Not to be a snot, but you "ARE" essentially asking for UU's. Like the Dutch and Germans having "their own" tank. See?;)
No, I am not. Read what sligo said. Besides, how can 1 unit be unique if more than 1 civilization can have it? It's just to have a general class of units (tanks, bombers, frigates) but all tailored to the civilization's real look of these units.
Hyronymus said:
No, I am not. Read what sligo said. Besides, how can 1 unit be unique if more than 1 civilization can have it? It's just to have a general class of units (tanks, bombers, frigates) but all tailored to the civilization's real look of these units.

Hmm, (insert snotty comment).:p

Seriously, I just misunderstood ya, no need to get yer panties in a wad:D

In answer to your clarified question;) , sure you can do that in the XML files, but you would "still" need multiple "unique" XML instances of the said vehicles for each civ. Then you would have to have multiple art file definitions and unit file folders for the "unique" graphics for each unit. Quite cumbersome actually.:D
Fun sometimes comes after cumbersomeness. Now I know it's possible I wonder if people would want it too.
Hyronymus said:
Fun sometimes comes after cumbersomeness. Now I know it's possible I wonder if people would want it too.

Sure some of us insane in the brain types like me, yes.:D I have completely customized Mali. All of the units have dark skin, they have a full set of balance UU for just about every unit in the game etc... Really, its all a matter of editing and time. I thought about putting in the MIg-29, Japanese Zero etc...but I got lazy after doing all those UU for Mali:lol:
Is editing those models hard? I do have some 3D experience but that was a long time ago.
I'd like to see WWII level units customized; german, russian, japanese infantry. german and american aircraft, etc...

That would rock.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I'd even pay money if th edevelopers would put it in an expansion. Hint, hint.
Hmmm... sounds good, I can use money ;). But I agree it would look nice when playing the WW2 scenario.
Hyronymus said:
Is editing those models hard? I do have some 3D experience but that was a long time ago.

Naw, not hard. Just tIme consuming setting up the different XML files and doing the artwork.;)
I expected it to be time consuming and that just what I'll be running short of by next week. I hope someone finds time to do it then :).
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