Clueless Newbie Can't Load Scenario


Jun 4, 2004
I just signed up, and I have a question. Someone told me I can make a game map and change the rules. (I think, the word "cheat" may have been used.) I thought that sounded like a lot of fun. I found the editor in the main game folder and made the map and tweaked a few rules.

Unfortunately when I try to load my scenario I have problems. The rules work if I go through the question screen when I load, but the map isn't the one I made.

If I choose to "just play the game," - which is what I really want to do - I get an error message.

I made a new file for my scenario and didn't modify the one the instructions said to leave alone. I accepted the "bic" extention the editor suggested. I'm using the plain basic Civ 3 on Windows 98 if it makes a difference. The error message reads like this:

CIVILIZATION3 caused a divide error in module CIVILIZATION3.EXE at 017f:004ff2ad.
EAX=00000108 CS=017f EIP=004ff2ad EFLGS=00210246
EBX=00000000 SS=0187 ESP=00a53d1c EBP=00000000
ECX=00000000 DS=0187 ESI=00a54194 FS=488f
EDX=00000000 ES=0187 EDI=00000000 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
f7 f9 85 ed 89 44 24 20 0f 8e 62 01 00 00 81 c6
Stack dump:
00a55198 00a54bbc 00a54194 00000000 00a54194 00000000 00000000 00000111 00000001 004fe515 00000000 00a54194 ffffffff 00a54194 00000000 00000000

If anyone has any idea to get it to work I'd be grateful.

ainwood said:
What do you mean by 'the question screen'??? Did you create a map in the editor, or did you try changing the Civ3.bic file?

What rules did you changes?

Wow! That was fast! By "the question screen" I meant when it says to choose land size, level, culture, enemy cultures, etc. I made the map in the editor and modified one of the existing cultures to make a new one. That was the main thing, I thought. Also renamed some of my citizens and may have renamed an improvement or two. Seems like I left most of it alone.
ainwood said:
Did you go 'load scenario' rather than 'new game'?? If you post the .BIC file here, I'll hve a look for you (zip it then attach it to your post). :)

I did use "Load Scenario." I appreciate you taking a look. I was just messing around when I made it, and probably I made some silly mistake. I hope I did the Zip thing right. I've never zipped a file before. Thanks.
Well the zipping was a success!

When I try to open it, I get an error about failing to read an entry in pediaicons.txt For the BLDG_Lamasary) Did you update that file as well? If you didn't, then you need to!

BTW => there is a LOT of cattle / wheat on that map! :eek:
ainwood said:
Well the zipping was a success!

When I try to open it, I get an error about failing to read an entry in pediaicons.txt For the BLDG_Lamasary) Did you update that file as well? If you didn't, then you need to!

BTW => there is a LOT of cattle / wheat on that map! :eek:

That does sound familiar. I think, I did change that. When I tried to change it back, it still wouldn't open for me. So I started a new file with a new map and that one opened. I'm going to try playing around with the rules again. Thanks! Oh, and I didn't want my people to be hungry.
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