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Colonialist Legacies: Histories of the New World | Colonial + Pre-Colonial civs

You might just get to now.... because it's beginning to feel a lot like Cree-smas! Introducing the most dynamic and possibly the most interesting Colonialist Legacies civ to date.

The Plains, Innu, Swampy, Woodlands, and James Bay Cree (and Metis too!) released!

In this mod you'll play as Poundmaker, a great Cree chief well honored for his wisdom in dealing with the Canadian government in the colonial era. Raised by the great Blackfoot chief Crowfoot, Poundmaker was also instrumental for bringing peace between the Cree and their traditional enemies.

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Gunstock Warrior: Deals extra damage when wounded, unlike the Longswordsman which it replaces and has an uncanny strength against Gunpowder units. Can also permanently steal Horses from a tile containing Horses, allowing the unit to mount up and become a powerful mounted version of itself

Sabtuan: 50% Land trade route range. +2 Gold for each Land trade route connected to another civilization. Each Major civilization that you have a trade route with provides +1 Food and +3 XP units trained in this city.


  • Events and Decisions
  • Cultural Diversity
  • Piety and Prestige
  • MCIS
  • Historical Religions
  • Unique Cultural Influence

Imgur album - http://imgur.com/a/QxWi9#0
Seems very fun, and I have a feeling it will be very much like Indonesia in some regards, but with none of the negatives. I'll give it a look very soon, probably when I finish my Phoenician game (man, that Civ is fun).
Excellent! I'm going to test out the Cree right away. There is one thing I'd like to know: as Crowfoot and Poundmaker knew each other in real life, will I see any different dialogue from either leader whilst interacting with them if I'm playing as the other?
Thank you for releasing the Cree!
Hey, I just spent about half an hour messing around with the Cree. So far everything's going well, but I do have one concern: I started a game and founded my first city, which was dedicated to the Swampy Cree, even though there wasn't a Marsh tile adjacent to the city. However, my city was built both on and next to a Flood Plains tile. I'm not complaining about getting a Swampy Cree city or anything, I just wanted to know if that was a bug or not.
Swampy Cree can be obtained via either Marsh tiles or Flood Plains tiles. :)
Swampy Cree can be obtained via either Marsh tiles or Flood Plains tiles. :)

Whups, I forgot to update the in-city tooltip to tell you that. :sad:

Although if that's the worst bug I have then I'm doing pretty decent.
Whups, I forgot to update the in-city tooltip to tell you that. :sad:

Although if that's the worst bug I have then I'm doing pretty decent.

Considering how much of a challenge it must have been to get a civilisation as complicated as the Cree to integrate smoothly into the game, I'd say omitting a single piece of information from a tooltip is a pretty minor concern. Besides, you can always just fix the tooltip prior to releasing the Settler and Governor packs.
Considering how much of a challenge it must have been to get a civilisation as complicated as the Cree to integrate smoothly into the game...

Honestly, the biggest challenge was conveying how the Cree Nations thing worked to the player. I mean, it played pretty smoothly if you knew everything about how it was developed, but to the player it could easily seem completely random. If it wasn't for Leugi (the custom warnings for each nation was his brainchild,) Sukritact (the icons inside the cities are part of one of his mods, the Modular City Information Stack,) and TPangolin (the promotions on the Settlers that tell you what kind of city you're going to get came from his feedback) I think the mod would have been unplayable by anyone other than myself.

Also, TPangolin made all those cool "Cree Nation" icons, and Sukritact converted them into all the various kinds that you see in the mods (warnings, MCIS, promotions.)
With 2 trade routes to different major civilizations in a city with the Cree UB, I got the food bonus but no extra XP for units I produced. I can attach a save or some logs if need be, just not on the correct computer at the moment.
Hm... I kinda miss the culture bonus for settling on terrains different from the Capital, don't take me wrong, the UA really is awesome and I really could have never even dreamed something like this could ever be deviced but, when all it's said and done, the UA is mostly a slight buff to your units...
Fantastic mod, one of the best ideas I've seen to date. However, I can't seem to get it to work with YnAEMP (v22, if that's important). Is it just me having this problem?

Edit: It seems that (at least in the direct download) you have accidentally included the Blackfoot YnAEMP support rather than Cree. I'll download from the workshop and see if this is still the case.

Edit 2: Same for the workshop version.

Edit 3: I also appear to be recieving the +1 food for each trade route with a major civ before building the caravansary replacement. I have no idea where this +1 food from buildings is coming from.

Spoiler :
Thank you guys so much for the feedback. I've sent TPangolin new files that should fix both errors.

Also: the slight buffs to your units, when used carefully, will make you into a very dominant fighting force.
Thank you guys so much for the feedback. I've sent TPangolin new files that should fix both errors.

Also: the slight buffs to your units, when used carefully, will make you into a very dominant fighting force.

Thanks for the work :) Another thing I noticed was that when I stole horses from Alexander, he came to me saying "We've been over this before, the answer is still no.", and was apparently still friendly, then next turn denounced and declared war on me. Clearly this was because I stole his horses but the way he interacted was a little peculiar, I'm not sure how easily this could be fixed.

In regards to the unit buffs, I agree. Especially since the most common nation seems to be plains, most of my units ignore ZOC, it's great.
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