Colonialist Legacies: Histories of the New World | Colonial + Pre-Colonial civs

Well, I'm starting to hallucinate things.
I guess that's what they call "business as usual".

You are most welcome to your knighthood again :D Now head on over to More Civs and ask about that Oman update :lol:
Australian Decisions are not displayed.

I also didn't have any Australia specific Decisions, but I just assumed that there weren't any made.
So if I want to use CL Australia in conjunction with that Aboriginal one with the extra natural wonders and Bora Ring, will there be naming conflicts?
I had problems with the user interface as well:
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To fix this, I deleted UnitPanel.lua and EnemyUnitPanel.lua from the Australia mod. It works fine now:
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However, there may be some side effects.
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Also, since the Australian Worker is a different unit than the regular Worker, you may want to specify in the UA that only *native* workers can upgrade to diggers, since captured workers will likely not receive this ability (nor the free Workers from Liberty/Pyramids).

EDIT: Made alternative artwork for the Digger. Thoughts?

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It's nice art, but that's clearly a modern soldier in the pic - perhaps a little unsuitable for the Great War. Also they were in puttees and shirts during the war, with camo uniforms not coming in until much, much later.

Also, I'm given to understand that the Digger upgrade does work with captured workers.
I'm able to buy Diggers with 640 faith in the ancient Era.
Also, was it intentional that Prime Ministers can't do political treatises?
There'll be some bugfixing incoming - but bugs like this are pretty much to be expected in not only our largest update ever, but the first update for that mod in 364 days.

Anywho, sorry to all those expecting something more from yesterday - I made some plans to do a little release whilst I was away from my computer, but things slowly fell through because Australia Day celebrations kicked in and well.... heavy drinking. Don't do this at home kids.

Anyway, I'll start making release preparations now! For now, let's sit back and watch the sheer madness regarding media saturation that Henry Parkes achieved yesterday:

.....and more. Anyway, back to modding...

It's all the Australian Games Media ;)

But I'm pumped about 2k Games taking notice.
You know, play testing using mods like IGE would probably solve all problems...
I always feel bad pointing out the errors in mods. After all the hard work and time you guys put into your amazing mods, then people come along and say, It's good,but . . . "

I really feel bad for those young guys who worked on BE. In every video and interview, they looks so proud of their baby - beaming smiles on their faces - and then it was released and the players tore it to shreds. :cringe:
Don't feel bad pointing out the errors in mods, it's way worse if you put a lot of effort into something that comes out unusable because you've done something wrong. The work is not finished when the mod is released - something those "poor young guys" who worked on BE should be told.
Well, it would tell you that some units are available in the ancient era...
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