Colonialist Legacies: Histories of the New World | Colonial + Pre-Colonial civs

A potential Vietnam peace theme:-

Link to video.

And a war theme:-

Link to video.

Will these do? They're not hugely orchestral, but they are rather lovely, and I think that's the best we can hope for given the circumstances. =]
There is one problem with this court music - I am the only one who could be possibly annoyed by this constant monotonous squeezing during the game? :D

Also, this is way too peaceful for war theme ;)

I love classical music or movie music but I find 'traditional' music rather dull. Oriental music is awesome for me if it is Epic Oriental Music, then it is more awesome than Epic European Music, but on the other hand Rural Oriental Music is really annoying for me :D I mean, these infinite squealing and penetrating noises... Ugh.

Compare it with Civ5 Chinese Music - this is example of Oriental Awesomeness. Majestatic like silk dress worn by goddess Amaterasu. Did I mention that East Asian gals are my favourite after Nordic gals? :D

On the other hand, I may be just weird - look, I like didgeridoo.

Still, for Vietnamese War Music my current favourite theme is
I'm somewhat surprised that we haven't got any musician types here on CivFanatics.
Lol yeah CFC composers

later we would just need Civ Fanatics' Expeditionary Force - brave guys who would travel to distant countries and get voice samples of Native Speakers :D (hey, leaderscreens have to be perfect :D )
Can you elaborate on "artificial"? Does it mean not grand and refined enough or the sounds have not been treated through computer or something...?

It would be easier to search once I understand thoroughly what you are looking for.
I really like those picks for music! Perhaps the war theme is too calm but there's enough cacophonous war themes in the game it might be a nice change of pace. Either way those are lovely songs and would fit rather well imo!
@Krajzen: Leaving aside for a moment the fact that Amaterasu was a Japanese goddess, not a Chinese one, why does every theme have to be Westernised? I bring this question up because the orchestration in base-game China's peace theme is very, very Western-sounding; it uses the tenets of Western classical music almost exclusively, aside from a light dusting of foreign. I'm not saying this doesn't result in good music, that'd be ridiculous, that's how we got Baba Yetu and the Shoshone war theme (which is probably my favourite piece of music in Civ V). What I object to is this being the only option taken into account for game themes. Why can't we have music that represents the original culture rather than dumping a load of Western instruments and influence on it?

Personally, I happen to quite like the slightly droney edge to the music, particularly in the potential peace theme shown above. I find it relaxing. Then again, I'm a big fan of the uilleann pipes, so perhaps I'm just strange like that. I prefer them to bagpipes because the drone's more melodious and since it's played underarm you don't look like you're performing noisy fellatio on the throw cushion of an Elder God. =]

Oh, and by the way, I couldn't give even the remotest toss about which race you prefer the women you'll never touch to be. This is because it's in no way relevant to the topic at hand. Why on Earth you decided to bring it up in the first place utterly defeats me.
what about the piece starting at 0:18 in the following link? It's from an orchestra, but it's a live version so it may not be as smooth as it could have been.

***I'll work my hardest now knowing that if I couldn't find a nice Vietnamese piece, the civ would be represented by Chinese music.
I'm playing my first game as Canada, and that mounted unit ability to claim land is the coolest thing I've seen in this game. Not only do I love creating a team or horses to run around in circles claiming my future lands and creating the most annoying scouts ever, but being able to upgrade units on the battlefield, and take advantage to faster healing is amazing.
How's this?

Link to video.

I'm looking at movie soundtracks, and as much as I hate the movie - Kung Fu Panda seems like a veritable jackpot for western/eastern music.
I see. So it is not about 100% authentic but about a good compromise between traditional elements and market appeal.

This song is a good war song, but it has vocals. There are precedents, such as "ooh Shaka", but I am not a fan of those so I am not sure how people like/dislike it.

Link to video.
To contribute, I've been listening to the Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam soundtrack. The NVA radio channel seems to have some decent music on it, but it's not very authentic at all.

Link to video.
I agree with Scapegrace, there's no reason for the themes to be so westernized (and I already find the current civ5 themes way too "orchestrated" - I mean listen to the Celts themes and tell me if they remind you of celtic music in any way), and as much as I like Jerry Goldsmith and Disney that Mulan theme doesn't really fit the civilization, or even Civ5 in general in my opinion.

ACivFan's suggestion sounds good for a war theme.
I see. So it is not about 100% authentic but about a good compromise between traditional elements and market appeal.

Pretty much this. I mean, what you posted would probably be perfect without the vocals. I probably would have used it too if the quality was higher though.

Mind you regarding the Inuit, the War theme is near 100% vocal and is really really eerie.

Link to video.

Perhaps I'm just a unique snowflake, but I like western elements combined with traditional influence. It also doesn't alienate a whole audience likewise. I just want something that suits the general theme and feel of the civ, a cultural powerhouse hardened by the advent of warfare from hundreds of nations of enemies. Think epic, but don't think 100% traditional. I'm going to look through movie scores.

I have access to composers, but they cost money. Like for example, I'm pretty sure I could trot out a Vietnamese inspired version of "Fortunate Son" for irony's sake. This is what we did for Canada (basically $20 for O Canada made to sound like Leaving Earth from Mass Effect 3).
Quality as in sound quality or image quality? Cuz it's not hard to get one with better definition.
It's MUCH harder to compose music for eastern/tribal/middle-eastern/etc civs than orchestral music for western civs, though.

For these kind of civilizations not only you need samples for the instruments they use, but you need the knowledge to do them faithfully.
^ Not denying it, the people I work with though are talented.

We need sound quality over anything.
How about the cultural equivalent of Korea?

Vietnam (Trung Sisters)
Start Bias: Jungle
Colours: Crimson/Jade
Focus: Defense, Culture, Incentive to pick Honor
UA: One Eternal Vietnam - Defensive structures within a city increases the spawn rate of :c5greatperson: Great Writers, Artists and Musicians. Receive +5% :c5culture: Culture and +5% :c5food: Food in each city for each Social Policy adopted in the Honor Tree.
UB: Water Puppet Theater (replaces Amphitheater) - Has one slot for a Great Work of Writing. More expensive than the Amphitheater that it replaces, as well as providing an additional point of culture, Great Works contained within a city Water Puppet Theater increases a city's :c5strength: Defensive Strength by 5.
UU: Vietcong (replaces Infantry) - Gains invisibility in jungles and a +25% :c5strength: Defensive Combat Bonus when fighting against a civ with a different ideology.

Woah, it 's perfect TPangolin, one thing i must ask.

Since WPT is more expensive than Amphitheater, can we make another great music slot ? It means this building has 2 slot : writing and music.

We totally can, but at a cost (just the regular +1 Culture). It will be slightly more expensive to build and have an additional point of maintenance :)
TPangolin -> remember Vietcong's invisibility in jungles, based on 3rd component LUA? I discovered that this promotion ('Forest Prowler') includes double movement in forest/jungle :D

Although I would still support Vietcong's double move in forests - it's hard for me to imagine effective Guerilla Infantry which is so slow in difficult terrain :/ Maybe Vietcong should have some other downside to balance that.
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