• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Coming Soon: Alexander the Great Scenario

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I might have just missed them but I didn't see either Ephesus or Cyprus. Good reason for this or just an oversight?
Just thought I'd mention I'll be away Thursday to Monday. Keep up the good work, folks :)!

(btw - if I have an extended absence, it was because I was banned :(. See the details in the Site Feedback forum.)
Discussions on this scenario are NOT to continue here at CFC. We have found a new home at CDG. Feel free to browse the existing threads, as they will remain here and continue to be a reference for the scenario. To contribute to the scenario, or to stay updated on whats going on, visit CDG:

ATG Scenario Index
ATG Scenario: Main Discussions
ATG Scenario: UNITS
ATG Scenario: Historical Discussion
Civ3 Index at CDG

Please, visit us at our NEW home!

This is my last post at CFC, at least for a long time. How nostalgic. Goodbye, all :).

--Ex (10/24/02)
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