Communitu mapscript size insufficient for battle royal games


Sep 7, 2020
I play with many Civs and CS on the map (63 in total) and need big maps. Usually play Tectonic mapscript which is sufficiently large on Huge.

This time I tried Communitu which comes with this mod. It is a good mapscript and I like how it draws heavy mountain ranges for example. But it has only one drawback. The size is not enough for 63 players.

The map is too crowded due to the smaller size compared to Tectonic. Capitols were almost next to each other. Most Civs are barely able to make 2-3 cities, some Civs have only their capitol. No space to expand.

In Tectonic Civs usually make 4-5 cites in the initial state of the game before warmongering starts. It is vastly different game when your neighbour has not 2 cities but 5 cities. A force to be reckoned with.

So I would say Communitu is a good mapscript but not suitable for battle royal games. Is there a way to change something in the settings to make extra huge maps equivalent to Tectonic's huge size ?
First check that you are not playing with the tierra setting. That will put all the players in the same continent.

Next, if you still want more size you might
1 Play with lower sea levels
2 play without one ocean.
3. Dive in the lua file and modify the values for huge map sizes to whatever size you want. Try to maintain the ratio, though.
Wow, how long is the game stable with such settings?
Are you able to finish games with 63 civs?
No crashes really. Can get slower in Atomic eras endgame, but not too much. I spend more time on my turns as endgame is involved. But sometimes if I am not in the mood for wars and anticipate a victory by science I just roll to the end without doing much. But games which I anticipate I might lose are super interesting and dramatic (naval and air superiority)
Typically maybe around a minute. Late game (Atomic era) it may take like 3 minutes or so. At that point you will be spending more time on your turn (micromanagement of multiple cities, logistics and war) than the AI combined. But the current version has some issues with AI processing time so it is not representative. I have information that one of the developers (Iteroi) has looked into the issue and worked something out for the next version.
The map is simply not compatible with the (6c) AssignStartingPlots.lua (which wasn't changed). There's no plan to support it either (unless someone else wants to try messing with it).
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