Conquest 03: First Spoiler (end of ancient age)

Conquest class

I'm playing conquest class for 2 reasons: first, I've been getting pounded on Emperor lately, and second this is my first C3C game. I made the mistake of buying the PTW expansion a while back and didn't realize it would have been included in the C3C release. Gotm 31 was my first. Couldn't finish 32 in time because of computer problems. Gotm 33 I got a really bad start and was overrun by barbs and did a poor job of early expansion. Don't think I'll finish it by the deadline. I've been learning tons in my succession games with Team Peanut and hopefully I'll be able to put some of it to use here in this game.

Opening moves: settler goes west and finds ivory and game, the workers go for the cattle immediately, and my second settler goes SW. In 3850 BC Constantinople is founded, nestled between the 3 ivories. Adrianople is founded on the coast and on the river the same year, 2 tiles SW of the start. The two cities will be able to alternate using the game and bonus grass tiles if need be. Workers first tasks will be to irrigate and road the cattle, hook up ivory, chop the game for granary and then irrigate and road it. Research is pottery at max.

My first warrior goes south from Adrianople and finds a volcano?! Cool! Build an MP in Adrianople and then a curragh. Constantinople sends one warrior north, then one south, then builds one for an MP, before starting the granary. The first curragh heads south and then east. My northern scouting warrior finds the tip of the land mass and a barb camp there. He attacks and dies. After researching pottery we go for min research on writing. I'm sure someone will beat us to it so we'll probably have to buy it. Second curragh goes north and then west around the northern peninsula. In 2710 BC we have met India and sold them pottery, have finished our granary in the capitol, and have found yellow territorial border in the northeast.

Early Expansion and Exploration Adrianople builds a settler around the time that Constantinople finishes its granary, so the settler moves out towards the land bridge to the southwest and Constantinople starts a settler. The yellow border is the Dutch territory. They are annoyed with us and William sure has a goofball look on his face. Is that a pout? A scowl? A pouty scowl? In 2350 BC we found our next 2 cities. Caesarea is founded on the land bridge just before the hill. Nicaea is founded just SW of the choke point. Reading the other posts it looks like most everyone else founded ON that hill and ON the bonus grassland chokepoint. Hope that doesn't bite me in the future. I'm hoping to get a couple settlers down there just north and SW of the chokepoint to take some of Ghandi's land and allow some room for a future attack.

We meet the Vikings in 2230 BC. They have writing already so I'm glad we didn't research it. They want all our treasury plus gold per turn for it. Buy Iron working from India for 220, then trade it to Scandinavia with an additional 65 coins for writing. Trade writing to the Dutch for Ceremonial Burial, Warrior Code, +110. Trade writing to India for the Wheel +170. Set research for Code of Laws in 19 turns. I'm going to try for this philosophy to republic slingshot that everyone talks about.

Meet Russia in 2190 BC. Trade Iron W for Masonry +46. Trade Alphabet for Mysticism. We sell Masonry to Ghandi for 100. I'm starting to worry a bit about sharing the continent with India. At some point I need to go to war for his land, but it needs to be somewhat on my terms to be successful. So for now I need him to be my friend. We give Ghandi Mysticism... he is gracious. I realize after the fact that this may encourage him to research polytheism to monarchy too, possibly leaving philosophy for me. With that thought in mind, I sell Ceremonial Burial to the Vikings for all their gold, then give them Mysticism. They are polite. We build an embassy in Delhi.

2150 BC, Varna is built down by the volcano. Do these things do anything? Or is it just for looks? In 2070 BC we meet Persia and trade Alphabet for Horseback riding +60. Again, the gift of Mysticism. They are polite now as well. 1990 BC: Smyrna founded. 1870 BC: we meet the Ottomans, and the Vikings have Map Making. In 1750 BC the Ottomans have Polytheism. The tech pace is starting to pick up. I'm thinking now that I may need to try for the Great Library. Will try and build it in Adrianople. Adrianople switched to a Pyramids build in 1910 BC so we are already on our way. In 1600 BC we meet Carthage, and IBT barbs start coming out of the nearby camps. There is a barb camp on the iron just NE of the capitol.

The Mad Dash We make it to Code of Laws first and now we are racing to Philosophy. 1525 BC: Sell masonry tothe Dutch for 100. 1500 BC: Heraclea founded. 1475 BC: Trebizond and Chalcedon founded on the fringe of India's culture. I will need temples and libraries in these towns asap. In 1425 BC we make it to Philosophy and... Republic! Trade Horseback riding to Dutch for Map Making +25. Sell Philosphy to Ghandi for 86. Gift Ghandi Code of Laws- he is gracious again. Sell Vikings Code of Laws for Math. Gift them Philosophy. Gift Philosophy to Russia. Trade Iron working, Horseback Riding, writing, and Math to Ottomans for Polytheism +27. And the revolt begins... our advisors say it will be about 6 turns. Adrianople starves from size 7 to size 4. I think Constantinople starved from 6 to 5. Bother.

In 1275 BC the Republic of Byzantium is born. The entertainment slider goes to 20 and the research slider to 40. I'm trying to get the discovery of Literature to coincide with my pre-build in Adrianople. This is similar to what Team Peanut did in our current succession game, although we ended up rushing with a leader when it became available. Anyway this is what Civ_Steve explained to us: If you research a tech at full or at least as fast as you are able, it becomes cheaper for the AI to research that same tech. And after you have researched it fully it becomes still cheaper. What we did in the succession game was research Lit almost all the way, and then turned off research completely until our pre build could catch up and the other civs could finish some wonders. We didn't want them to "cascade" into the Great Library. Anyway, I'm hoping that C3C works in a similar way.

I'm forced to switch over to the Temple of Artemis in my pre-build. Don't remember who built what wonders. I'm able to cash rush temples in the border towns. The Indian towns there have not had cultural expansion yet.

In 1250 BC we build Sardica on the northern peninsula just below the barb camp and next to the horses. The camp is dispersed but the barbs just sit there! Of course this is explained to me a bit in the spoliers now, but at the time I found it most bizarre.

In 1175 BC the wonder cascade begins! Switch to palace in 21 and literature in 21. The only wonders being built are the Temple of Artemis and The Hanging Gardens. 1000 BC: lose a settler to a barb horseman. Bah! I forget to take a screenshot and write my stuff down.

So in 975 BC I have:
1 settler
12 workers
2 spears
7 warriors
11 towns
2 granaries
2 barracks
3 temples
1 city wall

Literature is in 4 turns now. We have 329 gold, and the Vikings have just discovered construction. And IBT we learn that Byzantium is the Happiest civilization :D We build Dyrrachium on the coast just NE of the iron, dispersing the barb camp there.

950 BC: play with the slider and rearrange some citizens in Adrianople so we are due for the palace in 5 and Lit in 3. Don't want to grow again and get too many extra shields that I end up accidentally building a palace.

900 BC: the Ottomans demand Republic. I think long and hard about this. Eventually I decide no, because if something goes wrong with my Great Library build I may need to use Republic as a bargaining tool to get some MA techs. We refuse the Ottomans, and they DON'T DECLARE! That was a big surprise. He tells me: "Your insolence has been noted, Theodora".

875 BC: We have Literature! Switch Adrianople over to Great Library in 9 turns. Decide that this would be a really bad time for Ghandi to start getting uptight. We give Ghandi a gift of 5 gold per turn, and he is still gracious. Cash rush a library in Chalcedon. In 860 The Temple of Artemis and The Hanging Gardens are complete! Only pre build going now is the Great Wall by the Vikings. 800 BC: Persia demands polytheism. We give it to him. 775 BC: hurry a library in Nicaea. 690 BC: India and Russia are now building the Great Library! Won't they be surprised when we finish it on the next turn. :p The volcano down by Varna erupts! Holy cow! That's pretty cool. I wonder if I had placed my city right next to it if it would have been destroyed... does that happen? Our first Dromon is built.

670 BC: Ghandi offers furs for ivory +1 gold per turn. Sure, sounds great! First techs from the Great Library roll in: Monarchy and Construction. I check with the other civs to see if they are worth trading around. Not really. Better to keep them in the dark as long as possible probably. 650 BC: Septum founded. 610 BC: the first and only dromon we've built is sunk by barb galleys after spewing a bit of dramatic fire. Kind of reminded me of those oriental dragons in parades: lots of smoke and noise, but no danger. We'll see. I'm determined to build a few more and try to see if they can be successful maybe in packs.

And Finally... In 570 BC we get currency from the Great Library, launching us into the Middle Ages. Our free tech is Engineering. The Ottomans and Russians got Feudalism, so we should get that free next turn. The Vikings, Dutch, and Persians still in the Ancient Age. We give Persia currency and construction to bring them up to speed. They get Engineering too.

And there you have it. At the end of the Ancient Age we have

2 settlers, 14 workers, 6 warriors, 5 archers, 5 spears, and 2 dromons. We have built 2 granaries, 2 barracks, 4 temples, 3 libraries, 1 harbor, 2 city walls.

India is 1st in score with 871. We are 6th with 583 with the Netherlands and Vikings trailing. Ottomans are first in culture. Carthage is first in military.

For the future: I need to take on India soon. I'm sure that they will be able to get Feudalism from the Russians or Ottomans, so I will be facing pikes and MI. My horses are nearly hooked up and the iron can be hooked up pretty quickly. My 3 border towns all have walls and each has an archer and a spear. Will upgrade those to pikes for defense and maybe add a catapult to each for defensive shot. My assault should come from both Chalcedon and Trebizond so they have to divide defenders. Hopefully My dromons will be of some use, bombarding from the coast.

So my deals with Ghandi expire in 20 turns... We'll see if I can prepare an assault in that time. My other concern is technology. I need to get libraries put in soon so that when the benefits of The Great Library expire, we are ready to do some self research and stay in the game.
hm.. thanks alot for your tips. I tried Curraghs early and everything went alot better. Still I'm unable to do the republic slingshot though, and India seems to overpower me sooner or later anyways due to my effort in expansion..

Guess I'll give it another few tries just for the fun of it :)
Dominox: I gave it up early too and have been replaying it a couple of different ways while waiting for GOTM 34. What seems to be working so far is building a stack of swords (or MDI if you have Feudalism) & trebuche, with a pike or two to absorb attacks and aiming for one Indian city at a time. I've also got about 10 Dromons to use for bombardment for coastal cities. My plan is to raze India city by city and replace with my own new cities (lots of slaves that way). I keep razing Indian cities until he's ready to give me a tech for peace (seems to take 3 cities to get there) and then I sign peace, heal & reposition my troops and insist he withdraw his troops and he declares war on me and I start attacking again. Delhi has the Pyramids, Great Wall and Bangalore has Sun Tzu, so those two cities are last on my list to attack as I want to keep them. I've managed to be only Invention, Feudalism & Chivalry behind at this point. Give this strategy a try and let me know how it goes.

Peglegasus: You might want to start GOTM 34 on Sunday. It's at regent and will give you a better chance to finish your first GOTM. This was a tough one to try if your having trouble at Emperor. (I'm can normally win an Emperor, but above that I'm 50-50).
denyd said:
Peglegasus: You might want to start GOTM 34 on Sunday. It's at regent and will give you a better chance to finish your first GOTM. This was a tough one to try if your having trouble at Emperor. (I'm can normally win an Emperor, but above that I'm 50-50).

Yes, I'm definitely looking forward to that. Should be a fun game and I'm sure there will be lots of super fast finishes.

I have a question: I'm building the Statue of Zeus in Constantinople. Should I finish it? Are those units going to be useful at all for me? I could switch to Sun Tzu's as a prebuild for something, but because it's my capitol I can't switch to palace to hold shields for something like Copernicus or Newton's. And I just realized: I gave Ghandi ivory so he may crank that thing out before I finish! Bother. Didn't think of that before!
I would take SoZ now if Gandhi has already started SoZ. If you can manage to get a Great Leader you could either use for an Army of Ancient Cavalry (great pillagers) or to hurry along Sun Tzu.

One of the reasons I think I might have a chance after I started over when the first Indian war ended was that I've managed to get 2 GL's and turn them both into AC Armies. One is busy pillaging all of India's resources and the other is escorting the SOD to it's target and killing the strongest defender.

I probably won't finish this, but killing off India will make this game a success.
So I ask you - those that actually managed to stay ahead in tech in this game.. How on earth did you do it?

The best way is to slow down the tech rate by allying everyone against the richest civ. Unfortunately India was the richest civ in this game, so fighting them was not an option at the start. I compromised by declaring war on the 2nd and 3rd richest civs and paying India to join me.
Way to hard for me. Kept up in th tech race until the start of the middle ages. timed my Golden age, produced my courthouses and libraries, but India was far ahead, that i do not stand a change. I captured some cities far Carthage, but they are far away. Sorry, Demi-god is to hard me, I am giving up and wait for the classis one.
I move my worker NW since if I don’t move, that probably would be the square to work. I see a cow there. Settling where I stand gives little grassland, so I move the settler SW to get some more area while still maintaining the river, coast and cow.

As I found constantinopel, I notice a game forest. When this forest is cut and irrigated and the cows is irrigated, I will have a 5 food surplus for this city. With those 2 tiles and 2 shielded grassland, I can make 7 food at size 4. So a size 4-5 4 turn settler factory will be possible. Therefore, I start researching pottery at max. (14 turns).
I start producing a curragh for scouting.

I meet russia, they offer me warrior code and 10 gold for alphabet. I decide to wait a little bit since I am doing a 10% on writing now and warrior code is not so important for me.

I meet the ottomans. They have Masonry, Warrior code and Ceremonial burial.
My warrior scout finds a barbarian camp but has only 1 hp now after beating 2 barbarian attacks. I choose to wait and heal a little before attacking it.

I meet India. Waiting to trade seems to pay of now.
I trade Alphabet to Russia for Masonry, Warrior code and 35 gold.
I trade Alphabet to the Ottomans for Ceremonial and 54 gold.
My first settler is ready.

I meet Carthage. I trade them Ceremonial for The wheel and some gold.
I give the Ottomans the wheel and 18 gold for Mysticism.
Adrianople founded.

Meet Scandinavia

Get Iron Working + 35 gold from India for Mysticism
Get 70 gold from Scandinavia for Ceremonial Burial.

Meet Persia
Get Horseback Riding + 110gold from Persia for Mysticism + Alphabet

Meet the Dutch
Sell Masonry to the Dutch for 135 gold.

Math from Carthage for Horseback.
Buy Polytheism + 60 gold from ottomans for Horseback, Ironworking and Math.

139 gold for Horseback from India.

I am only building granaries, workers and worriors now everywhere. The first city that finished its granary started the statue of zeus. With the ivory limitation, I should have good chances to complete it, or maybe I might swich it to lighthouse someday.

I am going for a republic slignshot, just having code and starting philosphy now. This will be a close call as one of my opponents who has writing has quite some other techs after writing as well, making it more and more likely for him to go philosphy. Anyway, I am absolutely the middle man in trading, I should have absolutely no problem obtaining most AA techs trough trading, so going philosophy before code would be totally unneeded. (Free techs are basically unneeded, unless it’s an expensive and hard to trade on like republic)

Republic slingshot succeded ! what a relief :D. Time to trade some. (I stopped all trades last turns in order for the AI to have as many research options as possible, thus lowering the chance they go Philosophy.)
Map Making + 50 gold from the dutch for The Wheel + Philosophy
Construction + 39 gold from Carthage for Poly + Philosophy
57 gold from Persia for Philosophy
117 gold from the Ottomans for Philosophy
All AI’s are out of gold now, I am 2-7 techs ahead on all.
1042 gold in cash. Only Currency to go for 2th era.

The AI’s seem to have met eachother a bit by now. Most of the AI have cought up quite a bit on tech and are only 1-2 techs behing me now. It seems the rediculous trading has started.
Also got a few AI demands for techs that I gave in to.

1000BC stats:
AA techs except monarchy, Literacy and Currency in 2 turns. Medeval age in 950BC
Still in despotism, gonna revolt within a few turns.

11 towns (29 pop total)
2 settlers
12 workers
7 worriors
2 spearmen
1 swordsman
4 granaries


I have finally played through (in one sitting) the AA, and so now qualify for this thread. On the negative, I again failed to build sufficient workers. On the positive, I fared reasonably well through the AA, and performed the leap into the MA quite well thanks to some advice from Sir Pleb after GOTM33.

First moves were worker west (like most), revealing the cow in the plains as the fog gazers had claimed in the pregame spoiler! My hat is off to you, I saw nothing in the fog suggesting a cow! Anyway, I realised that a plains cow is not really worth enough food to make a reasonable settler pump, and with grasslands revealed, I considered it worthwhile (in a human engineered game) to move a little further. So I moved the settler SW, though this added nothing useful to the view. The second worker move west along the river revealed the game, though, and the opportunity for a four turn settler pump! So I settled in my new spot, on the coast, and able to bring both the game and the cow into the expanded city radius.

Builds were two curraghs, two warriors , then a granary, and a short while later, when the worker had finished his moves to chop and irrigate the game square, and to irrigate the ivory, then the cow square, our four turn pump was up and running. I actually didn't play my sequence of worker turns particularly efficiently, however, starting with irrigating ivory before the game, in the hopes of utilising the forect chop to speed a granary, and so delaying the cut until we had pottery. There was plenty of forest I could have cut, so in future I will simply go straight for the maximum food bonus and develop that tile first.

The Ancient Age in my game, and pretty much everyone else's it seems, was characterised by a fast and furious trading regime. I had no wars, except right towards the very end of the AA, a phony war with the Dutch.

Research was writing at min, then philosophy at max. I actually found that while this meant that I did not reach writing first, after trading for it, I had too much time for research on philosophy. I may well have been better off to go for code of laws at max before philosophy, because I believe that I would have had time to research both. The AI's priorities appear to lie elsewhere.

Contacts and Trades
3100BC - First contact was India. All my contacts were made via the curraghs. India had the all important Pottery, but it was too expensive at monopoly prices.

3050BC - Meet Russia. Trade Alphabet for Pottery and 10 gold.

2950BC – Meet Ottomans – trade alphabet and 3 gold for masonry.
Trade masonry and 87 gold to Russia for warrior code.
Warrior code gets ceremonial burial and 10 gold off India.

2390BC – Meet Carthage trade CB for the wheel and 10 gold.
Trade Ottos the wheel and 18 gold for mysticism.

2310BC Found second city getting the ivory resource

2230BC – Russia discovers writing 13 turns before us!!! They don’t want to deal! Meet Netherlands, trade masonry for 135 gold.
Trade mysticism, the wheel, 1gpt, 220 gold for writing from Russia.
Research to philosophy at max.
Carthage sells math and 15 gold for writing and mysticisim
Sell ottos math for 160 gold.

2190BC - Sell maths to Russia for 204 gold.

2070BC – Trade India math for iron working and 50 gold.
Trade Russia Iron Working for HBR and 11 gold.
Meet Scandinavia. – Sell Ragnar CB for 70 gold.

1950BC – Found 3rd city.

1725BC – Meet Persia.. Trade alphabet for 85 gold.

1700BC Trade Carthage HBR and IW for map making. There is no sign of either polytheism or code of laws amongst the AI, so I enfd up slowing down philosophy in hope that either polytheism or code of laws will pop out soon.

Finally, polytheism does pop, and so we slowly finish off philosophy, hoping that code of laws will also come along. It doesn't.

1450BC - We finish philosophy research and get monarchy as our free tech, An immediate revolt draws 5 turns of anarchy.

1350BC - We become a monarchy.

At 1000BC we have,
9 cities
1 settler
3 workers
4 warriors
2 archers
2 spears
1 curragh

1 barracks
1 harbour
1 granary

As a rule of thumb, some players like to have a worker per city. SO at this stage I would have to consider myself -6 workers, and this is definitely something I should work on.

Entry to MA
This time I wanted to be certain of a successful entry into the MA utilising the free techs off the other scientific civs. There was only currency and code of laws remaining of the required AA techs (still no literature or republic.
I started max research on currency, but when the AI researched it, I switched to code of laws. This was actually another mistake. I wanted to research my last AA tech, so that I could use the big picture to trade for the scientific civs free techs, then choose something different for myself. So I thought that I had better research code of laws so I could trade it to the AI for currency. In the end, they beat me to code of laws, and it was traded round further than currency, meaning it would have been cheaper to buy. So I threw away time researching one and swapping part way through to the other for no gain!

900BC - With 1 turn remaining on my code of laws research, I brought currency off the Ottomans for 509 gold. Both the Ottomans and the Russians had already made it into the MA. Persia was way behind. In the inter-turn, my research on code of laws completed, and I used the big picture to enter the trading screen. Both Ottos and Russia had received engineering as their free tech. I gifted Persia into the MA. Persia got Monotheism. I had monarchy and around 1000 gold to trade with the Ottos and the Persians. The Russians already had monarchy as well.

I brought engineering off the Ottomans for monarchy and 278 gold. I then gifted Persia into the MA, hoping they would pick up something else. They did - monotheism. Engineering and monarchy gets me monotheism. I then chose theology as our free tech, putting me squarely in a tech lead. Selling monotheism to the Ottomans meant that I also got back all my gold, and so slowed down the lead AI's tech growth.

The Future
I think this scenario begs for a quick spaceship race. So that will be the target. However, in the short term we need more breathing space, and the Indians are obviously going to be a problem. They are already crowding our area, and have the maximum area and population statistics.


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I could actually see a hoof dangling in the fog, saying come this way ... So the Worker went W and Settler NW. I thought about that - a Cow in the Plains, after irrigation becomes 3 Food. Nice but just one Food better than a plain start, so I decide to search around some more, and my Worker saw the Games space. Much Better!! So I formed a land-locked Capital W SW of original start in 3850 BC; SW of original start is probably better - it's coastal, on river, and will get both Cows and Game on expansion; my location uses Games immediately, gains more River squares within radius, and one Ivory.

I need Pottery ASAP, and start researching it. 1st build is a SPEARMAN! I never build Spearmen, but I finished chopping the Games Forest on the same turn and didn't want to just throw away 10 shields. At +3 Food overall, Constantinople will grow to size2 in 4 turns; coincidentally that's the same amount of time to build a Worker, assuming +2 shields on the growth, so a Worker is the 2nd build. 1st Worker just finishes Irrigating the Games, so +4 food or 5 turns to grow. Time to get the Cows Irrigated for 4 turn Growth, or 2 turns with Granary.

Meanwhile the Spearman heads off exploring. Which direction? North of course! No one's going to be SOUTH of here! It's likely to be just Tundra and Mountains. Ha, Ha. We encounter nobody but a barb camp. I finally meet the Indians in 2750 BC as they send 3 Warriors North to take care of that barb camp. All I have to trade is Pottery (which I learned in 3050 BC, 16 turns; the Worker build delayed Pottery a bit.) Indians have Alphabet and CerBurial (of course) along with Wheel and BronzeWorking, and 60 Gold. No trade at this time; I am completely defenseless and 4 turns from completing Granary, but I figure they have their orders (disperse Barbs!) and will probably not deviate from those orders so I should be OK. (And I was).

After the Worker I built a Warrior, which I sent off Scouting - to the SouthEast (am I striking out or what?). Next was the pre-build for Granary, which was completed in 2630 BC. 3 four-turn Settlers come out next; then I figure out that I can do Warrior/Settler in 4 turns, and build a Barracks (1990 BC) and start doing that, going 4-5-5-6 along the way. Occassionally I forget to move a citizen from the Forest and it takes an extra turn (Aaaarrrgh!!) I also have the option to do a Warrior/Worker combo at 4-5, which I can repeat endlessly.

Anyway, my Warrior figures out that there's just a Volcano and some barbs to the SE, and decides to see where the Indians came from and who they know. I sell Pottery to Gandhi in 2470 BC for 82 Gold; this is to provide money to support my Granary while I keep full research going on Writing. Adrianople is founded to the NNW in 2430 BC (another Land-locked city; some sea-faring tribe I'm turning out to be!) Ceasara is founded on coast to West in 2150 BC (finally a Curragh can be built). Nicea is founded on Hill on Chokepoint in 1870 BC; no more Indians sneaking through. Anyway, I build more cities at fairly frequent intervals.

I learn Writing in 1950 BC, start on Code-of-Laws (25 turns at this point). My only contact is India; they have WarCode, CerBur, Masonry, Wheel and IronWorking. I make NO trade of Writing! I want to try for Philosophy first so I wish to protect my knowledge of Writing, and since he has Monopoly prices on his Techs to me, I want to contact at least one other civ first. Now I think someone (Zagnut?) posted that they saw like 1 Barb Galley. Maybe this is a Predator set-up, but every direction I went had at least 2 Barb Galleys to go through before makeing contact. So my first Curraugh going any direction would sink, leaving usually 1 one-hp Barb behind that a 2nd Curraugh would have to take on before finding the next set. This slowed contacts a bit.

Well, India learns Writing in 1750 BC, before I make contact with anyone else! I finally get through Indian culture to the West and contact the Russians! In 1675 BC! They have all the same Techs India does, including Writing. I learn CodeofLaws in 1475 BC, and trade it to Russia for IronWorking, Masonry and Wheel, and to Gandhi for WarCode, CerBurial and 69 Gold. Now I learn that these two also have Math, Mysticism, Map-Making and HorseBackRiding already! (Well, it is Demi-God). Start on Philosophy, 13 turns it says.

I finally break through the first Barb barrier, and a 1 hp Curraugh goes Westish and meets the Ottomans in 1375 BC. They have Myst and HBackRiding, but don't have the Alphabet yet! Trade Alphabet for Mysticism and 29 Gold. They HAVE Polytheism!! (That seems odd for a Scientific/Industrial civ.) No good trade is available for that, so I trade Writing for HBackRiding and 57 Gold.

With 2 Turns left on Philosophy, I order everybody to don their labcoats and work in the research labs, cutting the turns to 1. Philosophy learned in 1250 BC and ... nothing... Going to learn Republic the hard way! On to trading: trade Phil, CofLaws and 95 Gold to Ottomans for Poly; Poly to Russia for Math (Indians have Currency!!); Poly and Phil to India for Currency and all their Gold; Currency to Ottomans for Map-Making and all their Gold. I'm Tech even or ahead, and have 400+ gold. Republic as fast as possible.

After going through the Barbs to the East, a Curraugh takes the Safe crossing and sees a Dutch Warrior. They are WAAAAY behind, but are rich so I sell a couple of older Techs to get 300+ gold from them.

Contact Carthage in 1175 BC. We are up Currency on Hannible, but no real trade is available.

1100 BC, get reports of a mass Barb Uprising! I never cleared that barb camp near the Volcano to the SE, and now there's 27 Barb Horsemen there!! And me with 700+ Gold in the bank! What to do? First, who has Construction? India and Russia (quite convenient). Next I deposit 585 Gold into the Bank of India, taking Construction as collateral. What do you know, somehow I got the idea for Feudalism as well! And I see Russia has Monotheism. I'm down to 170ish Gold, so I build embassies with Carthage (almost done with Great Lighthouse), the Dutch and India (working on TofArt.) Now only 32 Gold left. I move the defenders away from the city I founded to the SE, and put out a 'FREE GOLD' sign in barbarian. 26 out of the 27 take the bait; I lose only 32 Gold and 8 shields of production. Next turn I move the defenders forward to remove this Barb Camp for good. Meanwhile I see that the Ottomans have also gone Medieval, and have learned Engineering, and traded with Russia (so I have the only unique MidAges tech). I trade Feudalism to Russia for Mono, Eng and 429 Gold. I then reclaim my deposit from India with Monotheism; India is so happy with our business they also throw Furs and a Worker into the deal.

Research goes on for Republic. I finally contact the Vikings in 975 BC (in MidAges with no Techs) and Persia in 850 BC (behind, I sell them Math for 52 Gold) to qualify for this thread. 8 more turns for Republic, then a revolution. When the 20 turns are up on the Fur deal, India will get a surprise - lot's of MedInf. I plan to start my GA about that time with Dromons (I've seen one or two Indian Galleys around), which should sustain the War and allow me to build up my Libraries and Marketplaces. That's my nearterm plans.

The pace has been very fast; however, this is not Pangea like GOTM33 was, so if I gain control of my continent I will have done all required to provide security for my empire. Most likely I will pursue a fast research game for Diplo or Spaceship attempt, although it is tempting to go Militaristic. The extra units that the AI gets at DemiGod, and the fact that I'm starting this game very late tend to make me want to stay away from Conquest or Domination.

Here's my empire at 1000 BC, and my F3 screen shot showing my Military

SirPleb said:
I think you get reverse war weariness in every government type, including Republic and Democracy.
You're right, I just checked in republic. I may have mixed it up with ordinary war weariness. Or has it changed since the beginning?

This was my first GOTM, and my first attempt at demigod. I haven't played or won on emperor, so I decided to go for CONQUESTS level and take the bonus. I'm a little concerned that my map at the end of the ancient age doesn't look like any other map posted. When you see people like sir-pleb post maps that look much different from your own, it makes you worry you've done something horribly wrong - even if you have more territory, maybe I've crippled my culture.... I didn't expand north and I had a MUCH earlier war with India than others.

However, I don't have to worry about India any more... and technology is good...


I moved 1 NW before settling and sent our bonus settler west. With the cow I could grow every four turns with a granary and alternate - units for 4 turns GROW, settler in 4 turns with 2nd GROWTH. I settled on 3/5 for size.

CRITICAL FLAW #1 - for some reason the idea of cutting the forest on the game tile utterly escaped me. It was stuck in my head as "bonus forest" which was as good as a mined BG. I do believe "FOOD=POWER" and would have unquestionably maximized food for my second city, but my inexperience kept me from thinking of that tile that way. I'm sure I cut too few forests as well.

I created 2 curraghs a few warriors and explored, using a bit of lux slider early and then settling down to lux 0% when I can MP. I planned to explore for contacts to trade tech with...

Adrianople is founded in 3800 BC to the SW of Constantinople. First settler in 2750 BC, second in 2270, third in 2070. This felt VERY slow.

Starting in about 2800 BC I effectively blocked the choke point with India and eventually fortify and later settle there. Also this year I do some good tech trading and become the tech leader - a position I essentially maintain throughout the Ancient Age.

India grew like wildfire - 4 cities when I hadn't yet produced my first settler. By exploring I learned their land was LARGER (on the other side of the choke point) and probably BETTER than mine.

If I built cities north of the mountains, they wouldn't be productive, at least until Republic - they're too far away. (Playing with CRP Rings really emphasizes that distance is NOT linear on civ maps - 5 inches of horizontal screen space on my monitor takes you out past the center of a 3rd tile for a distance of 4.5=4, but 5 inches of vertical spaces takes you out SEVEN tiles for a distance of 10.5=10.

If I take out India and expand there, I can move my palace and have a better, stronger empire. If I DON'T take out India, their better larger land will lead to them becoming stronger than me. It's inevitable, particularly since they already have twice as many cities. This couldn't be allowed to continue. I decided to take out the Indians ASAP. I'd produce warriors and to a mass Swordsman upgrade.

This influenced my trading plan (do not give him warrior code early on, and pay him a high price for Iron Working, since he's the first to get it), my production plan - warriors to become swords, etc. I also am sure to block the choke point early.

By 2030 the Russians have 6 cities, Dutch have 5, Vikings have 5, Carthage has 5, Persia has 6, Ottomans have 6, and Indians have 8. I have only 4 and 1 settler.

Ghandi demands horseback riding in 1675. We're not ready for war, but we turn him down because he has no stack nearby and we'll be ready soon. He doesn't declare war. I begin creating swordsman out of warriors in 1650 BC. India has 11 cities. I get in an embassy and final tech trade before war with India.

I had decided to go Writing MIN, Code of Laws MAX, Philosophy MAX, to get Republic. When I met the Vikings they had Writing and I had 17 turns to go, so I traded for it. Later I failed to notice when Carthage picks up Writing and they went straight for Philosophy...

In 1525 Carthage discovers Philosophy, 2 turns before I was scheduled to. This toasts my science plan for the Republic slingshot. I finish philosophy and start Republic on min, and the whole world seems to come to a screeching halt in science (though maybe that's because each turn is taking so long to play).

At this point, I should still be sort-of happy, I'm up 2 techs on the closest civ, 3 techs on 2 civs, 4 techs on 2 civs and 5 techs on 2 civs. However, Republic being delayed 50 turns is so costly I can't imagine it - and it's 50 turns away even on 80% science.

I decide to console myself by killing the Indians, which I've long been planning. In 1500 we declare and send 6 swords for Jaipur and 4 for Karachi both west of the choke point. Jaipur is not so far from Delhi, our next target. We've monitored the Indian Iron and they haven't connected it, although they've got a worker roading it now. Our lookout warrior (outside Indian territory when we declared) makes slaves of the those workers and fortifies next turn on the iron.

In 1475 we destroy Jaipur and Karachi. We head for Delhi. In 1425 India kills my warrior on their iron and gets his slaves back.

The Indians were producing 2 wonders but stopped building both over time.

In 1400 I produce a dromon. I immediately see barbs and disband in order to avoid winning a fight with them. Again - the cost of the loss of Republic is incalculable.

In 1325 Delhi falls to the mighty Byzantine Swordsmen. I take Madras in 1200.

In 975 BC I use a damaged elite swordsman to attack a redlined spear in Bangalore, taking the city and creating GREAT LEADER Justinian!

My army is spent and spread out, so now is the time for peace, anyway. I take 2 cities (Lahore and Chit-something) + Construction and around 94 gold for peace. The indians now have 5 cities in the south and I have a new empire and a way to move my palace...

However, I am producing VERY little culture and falling WAY behind. I preped for the end of the 20 turn cease-fire by building up the military a bit and starting some libraries to address the culture gap. I also build the Statue of Zeus.

We pop a far-off GH during this period and pick up Literature for free. We have a "strong military" compared to everyone but Carthage - against whom we're average.

Persia tried to extort me and declared war at some point, but we never see a persian soldier. Later they pay us for peace, but we enjoy some great reverse war weariness in the mean time.

War with India resumes in 490 BC. It's a little rougher this time, but I make good use of dromons to bombard their coastal cities. We take Hyderbad in 490, Calcutta in 470, India get some fabulour RNG and reduces our forces, slowing the capture of other cities, but we take Bengal in 390, destroy Dacca (on our northern tiny island) in 370, Kolhapur and the final capital remain.

We entered the Middle Ages in 410 after some serious tech trading which left us here:

Civ, Gold, Tech
Ottomans 175 EVEN
Netherlands 14 down FEUD MONOTHEI
Russia 9 down LIT MONOTHEI
Carthage 0 EVEN
India ? down PHIL CODE LIT POLY OTHER <uncertain due to WAR>

[edit - I should make clear that THEY are down these techs, not me]

I have 1569 gold and am:
even with 2 civs
up 2 techs on 2 civs
up 5 techs on 1 civ
up 6 techs on 1 civ
up ? techs on India who's about to go away...

I have 5 lux empire-wide in preparation for anarchy when we revolt for the Republic, which we will discover in 350 BC (but not immediately revolt - want to finish war and may whip some libraries which are almost half done).

I will move the palace to either Lahore or Delhi, I think. Maybe Delhi for palace and adrian for forbidden palace. Not good with new weakened fp placement...

Our initial plan was to pursue writing at min, then code at max, philosophy at max to get republic for free. This didn't work out - and in the WORST possible way I could imagine.

The great trade of 2800 BC: I trade Alphabet to the Ottomans for Ceremonial Burial, Pottery, Warrior Code, and 9 gold. I have no idea why Osman was willing to offer so much for the Alphabet. Concerned Russia and Ottoman have contact I trade Alphabet and 11 gold for Masonry with the Russians. I am now at par with the Ottoman and Russians and up on India. I think I caught the Ottoman before contact with Russia.

In 2750 I trade Masonry and Pottery for Iron Working and 31 gold. I don't want them to grow faster, and I don't want to trade 2 techs for 1, but this is part of the PLAN - I need IronW to see Iron and get moving on the Indians, so I do it. And I don't want them to have Warrior Code. (I still see civ2 archers in my head...)

I remained tech leader, only occasionally down 1 or 2 techs briefly, until the end of the AA.

I later learn with embassies that other civs don't have as much contact as I'd feared they could with close islands and lots of connecting coastal tiles.

When I meet the Vikings in 2390 they have writing. I'm 17 turns away (on min). They lack the Wheel, Ceremonial Burial, and Iron Working.

SERIOUS FLAW #2 - I work a trade with the Ottomans for Mysticism in order to improve my position to trade with the Vikings, since they have a monopoly on writing and I can't wait 17 more turns. However, this does NOT improve my position because the Vikings lack Ceremonial Burial and you can't trade a dependent tech in the same trade as one of its predecessors.

We trade Iron Working and Ceremonial Burial for Writing - the Vikings should LOVE us. I do end up the tech leader and with 488 of the world's 593 gold this turn. I manage to keep writing from other civs for a long time.

I fail to note the discovery of Writing by Carthage in 1790 BC. I even wrote it in my notes, but wasn't aware. They head straight for philosophy at max or near max sci. I still have 3 turns left on code, so I'm starting out 3 turns behind. I don't make it, though I gain 1 turn on them and finish 2 behind. This is TRAGIC and I have to research republic on min because max is hardly worth it.

In 1725 the Vikings go up Maps, the Indians go up Math, and the Ottomans go up Poly, all on the same turn! in 1625 we perform a series of trades to pick up these 3 techs and obtain most of the worlds gold and maintain my tech leadership - up 2 techs on 2 civs, 3 techs on 3 civs, and 4 techs on 2 civs.

  • Indian border seen in 3100, contact in 3050 (ctrl-shift-d saved a turn). India was up CerBur, discovered IronW in 2750.
  • Russians in 2850. Up Pottery and WarCode, Down Alpha. They discover Masonry next turn.
  • Ottomans 2800. Up Pottery, WC, CerBur
  • Dutch 2750. I'm up Mas and CerBur on them.
  • Persian 2430. Up Wheel, down Alpha, Pottery, IronW
  • Vikings 2390. UP WRITING, down Wheel, CerBur, IronW. The VIKINGS went after WRITING? This messed with the science plan.
  • Carthaginians 2190. Down Writing and Myst

I get a barb warning near Constantinople in 3550 BC. I find a camp with 2 barbs on a hill. I just don't have the units to deal with it, and I'm overly scared of fortified hill barbs on demigod. I leave them be and monitor them with a warrior fortified on the mountain across the river from the barbs (SE), and they grow to a pile of 5 by 2950. Eventually this causes me a problem, but also resolves itself. I still don't know what "angers" them. My fear of barbs is amplified by the fact that I go 0 for 4 against them early on, even losing an archer.

In 1790 I move a worker onto the iron. The barb encampment sees this and kills him in the IBT. This slows my acquisition of iron for the war with India and sets of a barb attack. The warriors throw themselves against my warrior fortified on a mountain across a river. All 5 die.


Paid a lot of unit support early on - it was a while before I got to 4+ cities. I notice the power graph seems to indicate the AI isn't building many units early on - they're depending on their bonus units. I can't compare them to each other, but I can compare them to me and I'm gaining at decent rate, which I wouldn't be if they were cranking out units. This contributes to my belief in THE PLAN.

SERIOUS FLAW #3 - my production schedule was slow to produce workers. Without enough food, needing curraghs to explore, warriors to explore and MP, I just couldn't get them done quickly. My first produced worker didn't come until 2230 BC, next in 1650 BC (which immediately died to barbs), then 1425 BC. Since I kept my cities small this wasn't crippling, but it wasn't fun either.

I build my first Dromon in 1400 BC. I take it south and see barb galleys. I don't have enough movement to escape and if one attacks me, I'm likely to win and enter my golden age in despotism, so I disband the dromon. :( Later I'm able to use them to bombard.


I did a LOT of note-taking and planning, and I DO think this really helped. I credit the GK2 Training Day game for this. The game played MUCH slower, unfortunately, I stopped taking detailed (every unit move) notes around 975 BC, but I caught a LOT of things I would have missed, micro-managed more, had good reasons for what I did. Even when I made a mistake it wasn't because of a reflexive play, it was for a "good" reason. When my first settler was built I took a screen shot of my map and played with it in paint - drawing city borders etc - for about an hour before pre-selecting my next several city sites.

Why did I inherit the "Cruel Oppression" unhappiness of the Indian cities for their whipping? I thought they changed the game so that you couldn't whip a city to death and gift it to another empire to send them unhappiness. Why do _I_ get their unhappiness, and shouldn't the people be happy since I'm not the one who whipped them?

I'm not sure if it's been good to keep my cities as small as I have. It's allowed me to use few MPs and keep a high science or tax rate, but I think it may now be slowing my production and commerce. Of course, doing this did let me finally get a decent number of cities and some workers.

I see a lot of other players reached the MA before I did, but they didn't seem to do it with their own booming science, they did it through trade. Why was my world so much slower in science in the mid to late AA? Wars maybe? The Russians and Ottomans fought, as did the Vikings and Carthaginians.

I'm definitely interested in comments and suggestions.


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Perhaps a little bit more of shrewd trading and early contacts could have helped, but your conquest of India is a great thing, many that tried conquering India regretted it.

You did it, all hail SwedishChef! :worship:
nice :hammer: SwedishChef! you really took the initiative, preventing the indian iron from being hooked up. :thumbsup: I paid a high price for not taking the inititive early enough against india. I nearly lost 2 army's attacking a size 12 dehli which, in my game, had a seemingly endless supply of pikes. luckily, i had knights and they didn't :)
SwedishChef said:
I build my first Dromon in 1400 BC. I take it south and see barb galleys. I don't have enough movement to escape and if one attacks me, I'm likely to win and enter my golden age in despotism, so I disband the dromon.
Barbs won't trigger golden age.

SwedishChef said:
Why did I inherit the "Cruel Oppression" unhappiness of the Indian cities for their whipping? I thought they changed the game so that you couldn't whip a city to death and gift it to another empire to send them unhappiness. Why do _I_ get their unhappiness, and shouldn't the people be happy since I'm not the one who whipped them?
It's just one city that gets that unhappiness so trading it wouldn't matter.

SwedishChef said:
I see a lot of other players reached the MA before I did, but they didn't seem to do it with their own booming science, they did it through trade. Why was my world so much slower in science in the mid to late AA? Wars maybe? The Russians and Ottomans fought, as did the Vikings and Carthaginians.
Even on this level, much of scientific research depends on the human. Early MA goners traded well so that they would be the first to enter the MA so that perhaps they could get more techs in deals that way. If you want a quick military win, it can be useful to slow down the tech pace. Looks like you managed to do that well, at least for Indians, but there're lots of other enemies to kill for a military victory, so that's not necessary the best tactics, but remains to be seen. The timing of the tech slow down (so that you get needed techs to kill everyone, they hopefully are backwards) is critical for a great win.
Techs good - Barbs Bad

It was my first demigod game... and I struggled. but I also executed my best ever trade.

Built Curraghs and got them out early and started making contacts. First contact - down 3 techs and up none! second contact - down 3 techs up none! third contact down 3 techs and up none! (can't afford to buy any either - start sulking). Fouth contact down 2 techs (look again at everything carefully)

By now various monopolies are broken, and I am able to afford one of the techs, that some of the others don't know for 4GPT and 80 G, trade that for CB and pottery and some cash, trade those and some cash for another tech and so on. By the end I was down 4GPT, up 38G and had 5 techs, and the joint tech lead.

I fumbled the ball on philosophy gambit though. Seing barb galleys appear before I had writing I was convinced that someone else had mapmaking. having contacted 6 civs, assumed the 7th one would be ahead so researched phil, hoping to snag COL from them. Was I in for a shock - they didn't have writing! got monarchy from philosophy and draw 3 turns of Anarchy. so not all bad.

Barbs were my downfall. my military was just too weak, I wasted several units fighting barbs, before giving up and letting them take my Gold. Even then I lost 2 workers when the horses started appearing. I have TOZ almost ready to go, by 1000BC but am wondering whether it will be obselete before I build it!

Just as a learning tip (that I learnt the hard way) If you are cash rushing to spend your gold so the barbs don't get it there is no point in doing it in the city that they will attack (they just pillage the job in progress.) I have also had my western choke point ciy flip to India (but I built one city at either end of the choke point so I am still OK)
I got a real late start on this one, hopefully I'llbe able to finish it before the deadline.

QSC Summary

only 6 cities
Built: SoZ, 2 barracks, 1 granary, 1 temple and 1 harbor
City size equal 16, territory equals 85 tiles

16 units: 1 settler, 2 workers, 5 warriors, 2 spears, 3 AC, 2 curragh and 1 slave worker
lost units: 1 curragh
killed units: 1 Bgalley and 9 Bhorses

ALPHA - 4000BC started
BW - 4000BC started
POT - 2950BC trade
WC - 2510BC trade
MAS - 2510BC trade
CB - 2510BC trade
WHEEL - 2510BC trade
IW - 2430BC trade
MYST - 2430BC trade
HBR - 2430BC trade
WRIT - 1990BC trade
MATH - 1990BC trade
POLY - 1830BC trade
MAPM - 1550BC trade
PHIL - 1450BC researched
CONST - 1450BC free from PHIL
COL - 1225BC trade
MONARCHY - 1175BC trade
CURR - in 9 turns (although I slowed it by a few turns to take out the Bcamp before going into the MA)


Opening thoughts:
Placement & speed of meeting our neighbors is going to be important in this game since our two techs are the most known ones. We have 4 scientific civs and 4 seafaring civs in the game as well. Speculation that the NW NW tile is a cow in pregame discussion. With seafaring we want to build cities on the coast for the commerce bonus. Can uncover the most fog with a West move of the worker and then decide where to move settler.

4000 BC
Worker1 west spies cow & 2 BG's (also spy a white tip (a game?) SW SW of worker & potentially something NW NW of worker)
Settler SW to keep city on coast and towards potential game tile

3950 BC
Worker1 west spies game and ivory and 3rd BG
Can grab cattle, game & 2 BG's settling here
Found CONSTANTINOPLE (uncovering another BG) should be able to get a 4 turn settler/warrior factory at size 5 with granary - set to Curragh
Sci to 10% WRIT in 50

CONST curragh (Driftwood) => curragh

CONST curragh (Raft) => warrior

CONST warrior => curragh

CONST curragh (Float) => warrior

CONTACT: NET 2 cities, 10 gold, up POT, Wheel & CB down nothing - no trades possible

CONST warrior2 => settler

CONTACT: SCN 3 cities, 45gold, up MAS, POT, WHEEL & WC down nothing -
TRADE: Buy POT from NET for 90gold & 1 gpt
switch CONST from settler to granary - need factory running or I'm dead

CONTACT: CART 3 cities, 0gold, up MAS, WC & CB, down nothing

CONST to size 4 lux to 20%
Float NW (spies purple border on my island) N W

IBT - IND warrior moves into view & they control the chokepoint

CONTACT: IND 5 cities, 60 gold, up MAS & CB - nothing to trade
Raft S S SW (spies brownish border)

IBT - could be a short game - IND has 4 warriors heading thru the chokepoint

CONTACT: RUS 5 cities, 10 gold, up MAS & WC, down Alpha
TRADE: Alpha to RUS for WC, MAS & 10 gold
TRADE: WC to IND for CB & 60gold
TRADE: MAS & 55 gold to NET for Wheel
TRADE: sell CB to SCN for 45 gold
Tech parity with everyone except NET who are up Myst & HBR

IND has me worried - I change CONST from settler to spear

CONTACT: OTTO 4 citie, 0 gold, up Myst, down nothing
TRADE: Wheel to IND for IW
TRADE: IW and 20 gold to NET for HBR
TRADE: IW to RUS for MYST and 60 gold
At tech parity with NET and up at least 1 on everyone else

IBT to 2310BC - 4 IND warriors go past my worker - game my not be as short as I thought

CONST warrior3 => spear in 4 - should put city back to size 5 and able to do 4 turn settler only until I finish improvements for 10spt

found Adrianople on choke point set to worker

IBT to 1990BC - SCN & CART both learn WRIT (I'm 7 turns from it) / IND learned Math

TRADE: Myst & HBR to IND for MATH
TRADE: Math to SCN for WRIT & 32gold
TRADE: Sell MATH to NET for 295gold
adjust sci to 50% PHIL in 30 instead of 50

CONST settler => SoZ (should take me about 17 or 18 turns to build - use Oracle as prebuild until I hook up ivory)

IBT to 1830BC - OTTO & RUS learn POLY / light green border appears near Float

TRADE: WRIT & MATH to OTTO for POLY & 82gold
found CAESAREA set to warrior
CONTACT: PER 7 cities, 85gold, down Alpha, POT & MYST - they must not know anyone else
I have meet everyone in the game now
TRADE: sell MYST to PER for 85gold
I have tech lead on everyone except for OTTO, who I'm even with

IBT to 1550BC - SCN learns MapM

road bringing ivory to CONST is complete - lux down to 20% & sci to 60% still in 4
TRADE: POLY & 172gold to SCN for MAPM
switch Oracle prebuild to SoZ in Const. due in 3

IBT to 1475BC - after I complete SoZ - SCN completes Colossus

CONST completes SoZ => settler

IBT - 5 Bgalleys sail up next to Float

learn PHIL - set to CONST (50 turn tech vrs. COL or LIT at 29 turns) - get CONST
sci to 70% CURR in 40 at +1gpt - I'm gambling that 1 of the 5 civs capable of learning CoL is working on CoL - besides in the 40 turns it will take to learn I'll have 8 AC from SoZ.

CONST settler => settler (mm back to +5 food)

TRADE: sell PHIL to SCN for 224 gold
TRADE: sell PHIL to OTTO for 79 gold
TRADE: sell PHIL to NET for 50 gold
TRADE: sell WRIT to IND for 38gold & a worker

produce first AC
CONST settler => barracks - now at size5 +5food +10spt now have 4 turn warrior/settler factory need barracks first for the AC’s

IBT to 1275BC - RUS completes the Pyramid / OTTO completes Oracle

found NICAEA set to barracks

IBT - CART complete Lighthouse / NET completes MoM

CONST barracks => settler
ADRIANOPLE barracks => temple (for cultural)
found VARNA set to Dromon (disperses Bcamp 1 barb left)

IBT - RUS learns CoL / OTTO learn CoL & MONARCHY

TRADE: CONST to RUS for CoL & 69gold
TRADE: sell POLY to NET for 50gold

CONST settler => warrior

IBT to 1100BC - SCN demands CONST (they only had 39gold wasn't worth selling) - not sure which victory condition to pursue yet so I give in to the demand / Float is killed by Bgalley about 5 tiles N of CONST

Discover one problem from playing at 3am, I forgot to revolt after trading for Monarchy. Do it now and draw a 3 turn period, maybe not that bad of a mistake.

IBT - IND completes Temple of Artemis

founds SMYRNA set to barracks

IBT - RUS completes Hanging Gardens / OTTO complete Great Wall

become a Monarchy
mm all cities / left lux at 20% and sci at 80% Curr in 10 at -6gpt
switch Varna to Harbor and rush it
rush temple in Adrianople (on IND border)

IBT - 10 Bhorse on north end of island by AC1 (confirmed I'm still in tech lead - this is not MA barb uprising)

CONST settler => warrior
ADRIANOPLE temple => dromon
VARNA harbor => dromon


Rest of AA
IBT to 975BC - IND demands 60gold - I give it for now, but will have it back soon.
950BC buy LIT from RUS for ivory & 363gold
900BC found HERACLEA
IBT to 875BC defeat the 10Bhorses with a single AC on a hill
IBT to 750BC PER demands Ivory - I refuse they declare war
750BC - learn CURR & enter MA & receive Feudalism

End the AA with 8 cities and I am in the tech lead. I am the only one in MA so I should be able to completely “light” my territory before the massive barb uprising. I sacrificed some early cities for SoZ but I now have 6 AC and I am about to upgrade some of my warriors to swords. My plan is to hit IND hard before they get War Elephants. I may even raze initial towns because I can replace them so fast. With only spears in defense I’m hoping to make a big dent in IND quickly.


QSC (4000BC to 1000BC)
I started by moving the Settler NW to get the cow straightaway and did my normal 1st build of a warrior to avoid an embarrassing early loss. I researched at max going for the Philosophy slingshot to The Republic, which was successfully completed in 1350BC. I put quite a high priority on making contacts, and made contact with the 7th Civ (Persians) in 1625BC. I was careful about trading the prerequisite techs for Philosophy this time, having been beaten to Philosophy in CGOTM02. My expansion was very slow, resulting in the following QSC Stats:

6 towns
18 population
1 Settler
6 Workers
1 Slave
5 Warriors
1 Spearman
2 Curraghs (Lost 2 during exploration)
7 Contacts
Bronze Working
The Wheel
Iron Working
Warrior Code
Ceremonial Burial
Code of Laws
Horseback Riding
The Republic
Map Making

Here's a minimap at 1000BC:

Remainder of Ancient Age (1000BC-800BC)
I finally got producing Settlers/Workers at a decent rate having completed the change to The Republic, though there wasn't much room for expansion now. I completed the final Ancient Age tech in 800BC, and had a Settler on it's way to claim the horses to the N.

Here's a minimap at 800BC.:

Here's a log of my tech pace:
4000BC Bronze Working (Starting Tech)
4000BC Alphabet (Starting Tech)
2310BC Writing (Researched)
1910BC Pottery (Traded)
1600BC The Wheel (Traded)
1600BC Iron Working (Traded)
1575BC Code of Laws (Researched)
1575BC Warrior Code (Traded)
1575BC Ceremonial Burial (Traded)
1475BC Masonry (Traded)
1475BC Mysticism (Traded)
1475BC Horseback Riding (Traded)
1350BC Philosophy (Researched)
1350BC The Republic (Free with Philosophy)
1325BC Mathematics (Traded)
1325BC Map Making (Traded)
1325BC Polytheism (Traded)
1325BC Construction (Traded)
1025BC Literature (Researched)
800BC Currency (Researched)
800BC Monotheism (Free new era tech)

At this point I was pleased with my tech rate, but it was looking pretty scary from a military point of view. I still hadn't connected up Horses and hadn't wanted to waste shields on units I wasn't going to use, so had very little military. At this point I was thinking I would really have to go for a peaceful Diplomatic/Space win, but even for those I was going to need to take out the Indians to be able to expand enough to get a decent tech rate going.
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