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Contemplating Ones Naval


Apr 11, 2011
One day on deity Freddy was rather cross with me and eventually over the waves can some sea horses and also an AT corps and an AT army.

All one had onshore was 2 crossbowmen however knowing Freddy was coming one cunningly built 2 Minas Geraes (Pedro's+10 Early battleship) - 2 were historically built anyway.

Horseflesh abounded however my 12 inch shells were mostly deflected as if by some demon force by the AT ships who blithely sailed on to de-home ones land.

One is used to such behavior but was praying my new toys would provide them with a decent Brazilian.

Upon nearing my shores these godlike AT crews did not land immediately but decided to split toward my 2 ports and jeer at my ancient walls.

Two turns later one felt one should discover AT as such a large amount of said armory was now a twisted mess blocking my harbor entrances.

The big surprise was not the invincibility toward my shiny new toys but the holy destruction brought about by my ancient walls. Does anyone know if there is a naval modifier for city walls?
If so one would like to build a floating city.
I can't find the exact penalty for attacking from the sea, but maybe it's steeper than in previous versions? It does seem like the amphibious promotion is pretty easy to get. I also wonder if anti-cavalry units get an unusual penalty for attacking cities, of if they're the same as melee units.
I'm not even sure there is an embarked penalty, if there is one then it is minor. The amphibious assault penalty is minor.

City attack strength depends on your current era, population, and if a unit is garrisoned in it. Sometimes it can be really powerful, but other times it can be really weak.
I think I was industrial with a crossbow. They did not take my walls but merely jeered at them while I hailed holy death. It seemed like my walls did twice as much as my battleships... and definately were ancient.
Do not get me wrong... the modifier seemed right... but also should have been aplpied to my battleships versus unarmed boats. Especially as mine were proud new +10 battleships (built in England historically)
I was watching one of Filthy Robot's videos, and this came up. He hadn't built a range unit in ages... and said that the cities range strength is based upon the level of range units one has built in the game. His walls were doing like 1-2 damage. He built a couple machine guns, and sure enough, a few turns later the walls were doing 15-20 damage. I haven't seen any confirmation of this anywhere, or know how he might have deduced this. ( He has mentioned before that he has friends who "look into the game code" to try and figure out things.
AFAIK The Era of the Walls does not influence the City-Range Attack. The City Range Attack is based upon City Pop,Current Era and Garrisoned Unit. I am at least 65% sure :) that Upgrading your City walls would not have increased the City Range Attack. Also... Yes...Embarked land units should get murdered by a Battleship, even Information Era Units. I am ok with keeping ground based Ranged at its current levels but Sea units should get an innate bonus versus Embarked units units.
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