Converted Unit: Zulu Worker


Apr 3, 2003
This is a Zulu Worker I made for Risbinroch. It's just the regular worker that I gave darker skin. I also converted the pedia icons and units 32 pic which are included in the zip.

I'm not sure if this forum is only for new units or whether converted ones are O.K. but I guess I'll get told anyways if I shouldn't be posting this.

Anyways, here's the zip:
And here's a couple of preview pics. I can't post an animated preview so I just put a section of the storyboard.

I think it is possible Zulu, as long as you give it another name than worker.

Otherwise I am impressed. It has to be the fastest Unit Request to delivery that ever was. :eek:
I've made civ-specific workers with the Japanese workers from the PTW extras folder. Like LouLong said, as long as you give it a different name, it works. Although the starting unit worker for every civ will always be the regular worker, if you've unchecked the ability of a civ to have regular workers, and check these as workers, any further workers will be these ones.
Grandraem, what happens when your japanese attack someone elses workers? Do those get destroyed? Or isn't a 'stolen' worker the same as a normal worker?
depends how u set it. it can either die or be captured and turned into standard worker (that's why i make all fantasy workers uncapturable)
I've been using civ specific workers for a while with no problems. I'd been using the goblin worker for Zulus and Egypt. I changed the "captured unit" to a unit called "prisoner" which has all terraforming ablities but uses the japanese worker anim. An enlarged dwarf worker would make a good european worker unit.
like embryodead said, it will turn into a standard worker if captured (hopefully that changes with the Conquest editor), you can't change that at the moment as far as I know.
Make the standard worker upgrade to the other worker. then when you capture other workers you upgrade them:)
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