Copper Kettle or Wild Amber?

What should the name of our second city be?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jan 30, 2004
Stoke-on-Trent, England
So...sorry for the delay, I kinda forgot about this whilst I was madly trying to sim out the best way to get the oracle. So, vote on your preference, and we'll see what happens.

Screenshot of the city:

Spoiler :
Can someone explain to me the bananas thing? I'm playing a team called bananas over on apolyton, Memphus likes calling his city bananas and now this.

I mean,I know they are the perfect fruit... but I've missed something along the way, I think.
Oh, on Apolyton the abstain option in a poll is traditionally based on something to do with bananas.

Oh, and as to most screwed up MTDG ever...I've played in worse ones. Though I'd probably say that looking at the MTDGs over here on CFC have been monumentaly boring (the CIV one had incredably basic land layout that lead to boring geopolitics and the C3C one was even worse than that IMO...not to say that hte winning teams didn't deserve to win, but from a game theory PoV they were pretty simple to predict).
nah, the snarky comments are appropriate; me offering to be admin was the only way to get that game back on track in a quick manner and I need some entertainment for when this game is going slow ;)
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