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CotM 20 - Pre-game discussion

Interesting start. No rivers and only a cow on a bunch of low value plains.

Looks like we'll have to scout around a bit before settling down.
I've been thinking about this one a little bit and I'm pretty sure that I'll start by moving the worker to the cow, then the scout S & SE and then the settler S looking for some fresh water. It might take 2-3 moves and then I'll settle Washington, build a couple of scouts before starting a settler.

My real quandry is what victory condition to target. The lack of any cheap culture buildings makes 100K & 20K undesirable and not being SCI makes space slower (especially on Regent where the AI is no research help). I'm not in the mood for a histographic, so that leaves the war options. I won my only other solo game as America (GOTM 27) via domination, so that leaves conquest. I'm not much of a warmonger, so I doubt I'll crack the top-10 in that race. I think I'll make this a little more challenging for myself (this is regent after all) by adding a couple of constraints.

1. I can only build OCN cities. Once I get the FP message, I can't build any more cities until the FP is built. And then I can only found the OCN additional cities. Any captured AI city must be razed unless it contains a wonder.

2. I must have all of the available wonders (minor & major). If someone else builds one, then I must capture them ASAP.

3. As long as they are available, I must research a required tech. No optional ones until all of the required ones are complete.

4. The last AI unit must be killed by an F-15. (I'm not sure if F-15's have lethal land bombardment, so this one is optioinal)
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