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[PTW] COTM 164 Inca Demigod

All was going well until about 800 A.D. I was in the lead and had a big stack of Cavalry, Zulu had been eliminated, and I was thinking of glory. Japan was in mutual protection with Korea and suddenly Kim Jeong attacked me! I found myself at war with the other two powers on my continent and very quickly my horde of cavalry was depleted and I raised the white flag. I did not help that I had only just discovered nationalism and had too few riflemen.

It was a lush setting. Thanks for the map Piu.
All was going well until about 800 A.D. I was in the lead and had a big stack of Cavalry, Zulu had been eliminated, and I was thinking of glory. Japan was in mutual protection with Korea and suddenly Kim Jeong attacked me! I found myself at war with the other two powers on my continent and very quickly my horde of cavalry was depleted and I raised the white flag. I did not help that I had only just discovered nationalism and had too few riflemen.

It was a lush setting. Thanks for the map Piu.
In one particular test game Shaka was annoying me so I sent Cavalry to destroy them and got Korea/Japan to gang up on him too. It was a difficult land campaign with only one road up the mountains and the only cleared jungles were ones where the AI settled. Something similar happened where Korea decided it was a great time to attack right after I got flight and I just bombed then took all his cities.

pssst I made the map silly ;)
All was going well until about 800 A.D. I was in the lead and had a big stack of Cavalry, Zulu had been eliminated, and I was thinking of glory. Japan was in mutual protection with Korea and suddenly Kim Jeong attacked me! I found myself at war with the other two powers on my continent and very quickly my horde of cavalry was depleted and I raised the white flag. I did not help that I had only just discovered nationalism and had too few riflemen.

It was a lush setting. Thanks for the map Piu.
Do u have canions? Learn how to fight. I barely lose 2-3 units and have 100+ battles. Cavalry retreate when it's about to lose battle? How do u manage to loose all. Always wait AI to send all attacking unit to u teritory and kill them on your teritory waiting and healing in the border towns. After AI stop sending units - it's your time to conterattack. Never attack with cavs without 2-3 defenders. If u do not do this cav will deaspere like water in the Sahara. When attack big and strong AI - capture 1 town and wait and kill AI attacking units and counterattack. On other continent - send also setler. Town on hill or easily defending position and wait for AI attackes. I invade with 6 defenders+5 atackers and a settler. In 1-2 turns other 12 units, 3-rd wave cav+artillery
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Finally domination victory in 1130AD. 10k+ points. If I play domination from start - may be I can finish at 800AD. Diplo not work - AI just polite and no vote for me. Definately no barbs

Moderator Action: Please note: attaching .sav files here is definitely too much spoiler information for the people who are still playing!
I deleted them.

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Finally domination victory in 1130AD. 10k+ points. If I play domination from start - may be I can finish at 800AD. Diplo not work - AI just polite and no vote for me. Definately no barbs

Moderator Action: Please note: attaching .sav files here is definitely too much spoiler information for the people who are still playing!
I deleted them.

Sorry, I found where to submit. Waiting for diety Ilorious games
Out of the three GOTM's I've worked on, the Inca was by far the most fun. Sometimes I start over with this save and play again just for fun. I am more of an Emperor level player, yet I was able to comfortably win throughout multiple testing sessions. Those of you who aren't quite on the Demigod level should still try this game.
Where can we submit our games, if we should not attach it in this message? Can`t seem to find any emailaddresss... ?
Well, this was a funny game! I think I've never scored so high.

Game status:Domination Victory for Inca
Game date:430 AD
Firaxis score:14338
Jason score:12544

I did exactly as discussed in the pre-game discussion. I set up not one, but two, two-turn Settler factories, triggered the Golden Age early and expanded into the empty land mass like crazy. Normally, I would have attacked the neighbours earlier, but I stuck to the plan and only when the lower part of the continent was pretty full sent my Horsemen north through the jungle, followed by roading Workers. I soon had all eight Luxury resources connected. From there on it was just military conquest and founding cities. I researched to Navigation and attacked the other continent taking out the two weak tribes, Zululand and Rome, to reach Domination. I had stopped research after Chivalry but made a sprint to Military Tradition after the AI had discovered Invention and Gunpowder.
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Had a weird, but very nice start! I decided to settle on the other side of the river (popping 25G). Then my scout (Chasqui I think) popped a city in a very nice location on move 3. Popped one more city later, and lots of techs and $. I found my local rivals comfortly far away, while my super start allowed me to build several Great Wonders, including the two G L's. My ships blocked naval passage to the south on both the east and west coasts, and the extra tile move eliminated access risk to the other land masses. Bonus tiles kept my citizens happy and my troops well equipped, although I did run out of saltpeter (perhaps my thirsty calvary horses ate it!).
Ran out of time and still haven't won at Demigod, though I was fixing to. I loved the map and the starting point. I got tons of techs from huts as well as two cities far to the north, one in the jungle and one above it, near the zulu capital. The zulus conquered that one and I abandoned the other. But still had 14 or so cities by 1000 BC, one of my best starts. I missed Statue of Zeus and could have had Pyramids but went for ToA, which I also missed. Built Great Library although I was at tech parity. Had several wars with annoying settlers from a variety of nations who kept building cities or threatening to inside my invisible cultural boundaries aka turf. Upgraded a lot of horsemen to knights when Chivalry came in and started being aggro, pushing the japanese back and ruining my reputation thoroughly. Then I pushed the Koreans back. It was a good difficulty level, as I felt challenged rather than bored. The other civs were super-aggressive though, and would dow any time I signed a GPT deal with them. Or ally with a civ that was across the ocean and was getting the crap kicked out of them. Rome was the worst. They were the leading civ on the other continent and they and Persia had reduced the Mongols to 4 cities. But after I allied Persia and Sumeria against them, they were cut down to size significantly. By 11:59 PM last night, it was ~850 AD and I had expelled the Koreans from my land mass, and conquered both the Zulu and Japanese capitals and, I wouldn't say mopping them up, but definitely getting out the mop and bucket to do so. Had about %36 of land.
Hopefully I'll do better at balancing my many civ responsibilities next time around. Congrats to all who finished and thanks to Mr. Random.
BTW I didn't see a single actual barbarian at any time, just huts.
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