Crashing Issues


Inefficiency Expert
Jan 26, 2013
Has anyone had any luck figuring out the crashing and/or other issues that are being reported on the steam forum?

For me, it crashes at the beginning of any movie, that is the opening movie or ending. At least I think there is an ending movie since I crashed to desktop there after a dom victory.

I can get past it by spamming ESC when it starts up so it goes straight to the menu and then I can play fine.
I was having the same problem with the game crashing at the opening and ending videos, so I wrote to 2K Support and got the following email response:

"Can you please try to run the following installer: oalinst.exe: ...Steam/steamapps/common/Sid Meier's Starships/_commonRedist/openAL/
Then reboot PC.

Kind Regards,
Matt C.
2K Support"

After running the oalinst.exe program and rebooting, as instructed, my Spaceships game finally started and ended properly - no more crashes. Please give it a try and see if it fixes your problem too.
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