Create a Custom Game from a WB Scenario

@king_dean: sorry, can't work out what you mean from those descriptions. Do you have a screen mock-up / grab marked up with what you want to achieve.
Hi Whoward. Currently, on the menu screen it has random map as the default pre-selected button and the player needs to actually click below on 'scenario' to play the scenario. I'd like to flip that around where the scenario is pre-selected and if they want to play a random map to have to click on that.

And a separate issue, I want to guarantee 'random seed' is enabled for both the scenario and the random map because currently it seems that it is not. I can kind of tell because when it's selecting random greeting text it's picking the same order each game.
Currently, on the menu screen it has random map as the default pre-selected button and the player needs to actually click below on 'scenario' to play the scenario. I'd like to flip that around where the scenario is pre-selected and if they want to play a random map to have to click on that.

In UI/ScenarioLoadScreen.lua, as the very last line of the file, add
MapSelected(Controls.FixedMapSelectionAnim, g_FixedMapPath)
I want to guarantee 'random seed' is enabled for both the scenario and the random map because currently it seems that it is not.

Untested, but it should be

PreGame.SetGameOption(GameInfoTypes.GAMEOPTION_NEW_RANDOM_SEED, true)

which again can be added at the very end of the file
Thanks brother, I'll give it a shot.................and, when are you getting on the Firaxis payroll?
This post nor the download link doesn't explain how to install it. After a bit of searching I found out how on the page you get if you click "Mods by Category". Super helpful for beginners if you added the install instruction here or on the download page.
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