Yes, I think this is a very elegant solution.
My early experience (and not on high level difficulty levels, so take this FWIW) is that going forward I'm going to chase any other victory but Culture because it has proved to be relatively simple to achieve.
I wouldn't change the timing of the first access to artifacts. If you've taken some sort of lead/advantage that gives you a leg up heading into the modern age, I think you should be able to jump on it and grab as many artifacts as possible. This will still require you to sacrifice all sorts of other things to build museums, bang out a world's worth of explorers, and send them all over the place to grab what you can.
So if you choose to chase the culture victory right from the start of the modern age, by moving the second wave of artifacts deeper into the tree, there is more to pay attention to while you're sweating it out. You could put some time into military or economy. My experience with culture is this a complete rush job, where there really isn't a lot of room for a backup plan.