Custom map issues: clouds not appearing properly and resources not distributing properly in custom map


The filidh that cam frae Skye
Sep 24, 2007
Trotland the Brave
I'm having a couple of issues with getting a map I made with Rhye's BMP to WBS program. First, when I try opening it in BTS (first image), the cloud cover is completely black and opaque, making it impossible to view the map when you zoom out too far. I get this problem both in vanilla and a mod I'm making based on the Magister Modmod for FFH2, which I intend to use this scenario for.

Secondly I've added a large number of resources to this modmod. When I test them on a random map they generate fine (second image), but when I try generating them in the scenario with "Randomize Resources=true", the distribution and frequency of the resources are completely off. Does anyone know how to solve these issues? Many thanks in advance.


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  • Screenshot 2025-01-02 113628.png
    Screenshot 2025-01-02 113628.png
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Regarding the resources: The scenario should call the addBonuses function that e.g. the Fractal script also uses:
if (self.mapDesc.bRandomizeResources != "false"):
	for iPlotLoop in range(CyMap().numPlots()):
		pPlot = CyMap().plotByIndex(iPlotLoop)
Maybe the scenario doesn't have as much land as the random map you've tested it with? When there are a lot of different resources to place, addBonuses may not be able to find room for all of them and will prioritize based on the PlacementOrder numbers set in Civ4BonusInfos.xml. And a high number of players may cause a lot of space to be taken up by strategic resources whose number scales with the player count.
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