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Dave Europe BTS


Jun 9, 2003
Here is a huge map of Europe by Iuvavus for Warlords that I converted to BTS. Playable Civs are: England, Celts (in Ireland), France, Spain, Portugal, Italian States (Rome), Prussia (Germany), Netherlands, Sweden (Vikings), Poland (Byzantium), Russia, HRE (in place of Austria-Hungary), Ottomans. Unzip to BTS public map folder.


My immediate goal was to post something fun and playable for BTS as opposed to purely historical. I am open to input and comments. Should Celts be moved to Scotland? Is there a better name for Austrian leader, maybe Maximilian I? Any resource issues? I left North Africa empty to give Portugal a chance and allow for colonial expansion. Should Carthage be added as Barbaray States? Would have liked to have fixed religions to something more European but I wanted to keep it to a small map upload.

here is a screenshot

Well over 100 views and no comments? Maybe I'll move this to the new BTS mod forum.
The map itself is just how I like it, with medium resources and great detail... I especially liked that it didn't cap off at Sweden but included the entire Scandinavia as well as Greenland. Very good. :)

I'm not sure I like what you did with the country names, however. Why did you add "the Kingdom of..." in front of some countries, while leaving it out of others? In my opinion you should go with plain "Sweden" "Poland", and "Prussia".

Also, the fact that Poland has hippodromes and cataphrakts as special units seems a bit too unauthentic for my taste...

I'd love to play this map if the above issues are adressed. :)
Cataphracts were the closest to the polish wing knights which would be their UU. Also Justinan's traits were pretty close to Casimir's.
Same question as for the SASman : How do you, from a WBS file, add / remove some civs and change the leader (I want Elisabeth & not churchill for instance). It seems it is blocked.

Thanks for your help !
Rightclick the map file and choose "open as...", then select notepad. Within notepad, search for "churchill". Replace CIVILIZATION_CHURCHILL with CIVILIZATION_ELIZABETH, and change the world leader name in the line below it as well.
@Dabeuz Actually the line you want to change is "LeaderType=LEADER_ELIZABETH" You can change any civ's leader in this way to any available leader. In other words if you would rather have Churchill as the leader of the French (God Forbid) just scroll down to where is says "Begin Player" for Team=2 and change the name.

What exactly did you want to change?
Now I had the time to test this map. Played England on emperor and the game so far is awsome. I really like this map, great work!

I havent looked at much other map areas but England seems very nice without to much resoruces and yet plenty enuff.

The Celts on Irland makes for a fun early invasion plan. Usually I play my real map games as England very peacefully until moder times and this gives it a new dimension in my gameplay.

EDIT: One more thing I really like playing as England on this map is that there is place for 8 well developed cities on the two islands (good for small wonders)

Suggestion: All the extra water areas to the west seems to serve little purpuse.
Thanks Drogear. Iuvavus made this for me but I did want to include all of Norway/Finland and when you consider how far the map has to go west to include Spain you get a lot of water area in the north west. There are some northern islands to explore/exploit. I was tempted to add uranium some where up there. Have you played as Sweden yet? They seem to do a great job of fighting off the Russians and the Poles. Also looking at add some more resources around Istanbul. Has anyone played the Turks with any success?
Can you post a Screenshot?
Yes posting a screenshot on the first post make it more appealing for people to try (my self including). Always try to make the first post as attractiv/professional as possible for more downloads and replies.
You know, I've never posted a screen shot before because I don't know how. Guess It's time to learn. Will do.
Uploaded a screenshot but all I got was the link. Sorry, I guess you can always click on the link and as long as you allow pop-ups you can see it. I retired after the first turn and took a screenie of the map with founding cities so as to give an idea to everyone what the map looks like and where the civs are initially placed.
I did more or less the same thing but with more Civs, for anyone who's interesed. see thread on same
I had this moved from the pre-made map forum to the scenario forum. I'll spend more time making changes based on the amount of feed back. In other words, I'll spend time improving it if people are spending time playing it.
There is a huge black hole of recourses around Russian starting lokation. Dont tell me that this is to balance russian expansion, it seems there are about 20 russian city will be created without a single recourse from them :( And if this is, like, to picture "real" recourses of the region, so i must tell this is totally not correct. Not to mention what bizzare of treasuries other civs have.

Sorry for being so sarcastic, i just already tired always expecting russia to be "balanced" in this way
Old Joe, sorry you are of course correct. I had originaly had the Russian capital as St. Petersburg. I have added horses, iron and deer in the Moscow city radius. I have uploaded the changes to the same link in the first post. Thanks for playing and pointing this out. Please try it again and let me know if you find anything else. I'll have some time this week to work on it some more. I'll probably have all players start with Classical techs already researched.
Thanks for your excitement. Let me know what you think. I've also posted a version of this map for Civ Gold.
I´ve just played 250 turns as the Italians and unfortunately I´ve found an error. I first noticed it in the Diplomacy screen. For Casimir and Charlemagne it shows only "City of." Futhermore, when Charley created a city it was "invisible" and had no name.

Apart from this gremlin, a great scenario.
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