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Dawn of Civilization General Discussion

Which new tech tree?
The tech tree was overhauled on v1.15 five years ago. No major tech tree changes are planned for v1.18.
The long awaited day is here! :goodjob: Thank you for all your hard work Leoreth and community, the map looks great, and I’m loving the changes I’ve played with so far.

Flood plains not providing :commerce: is such a small change, but makes such a big difference in the early game. Playing as Egypt, the dynamic has really changed from coasting through technologies with relative ease, to having to fight and emphasize every drop of :commerce:. Zipping through the ancient era is no longer a given, but must be earned. In combination with the increased turns, and of course, the bigger map, it really immerses me in the role of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh. I could easily play this all night, but I have to limit myself. (This will be tough, there is so much new content and challenges to overcome!)

Two things I wanted to mention that I noticed:

1.) The new River Combat promotion is not currently available for any unit types.
2.) Clicking on the Stability toggle in the bottom right highlights my core areas, but doesn’t display my Historical or Conquest Areas on the map, in Green and Orange respectively.
I think it's more a quirk than a bug - but because I guess the celts have much more diplomatic penalties for religious difference when they enter the medieval era, I have a funny scenario where they are pleased with me +6 and request a tech gift. If I give it to them, they drop to cautious +2 and if I deny the gift they stay at pleased +5.
Flood plains not providing :commerce: is such a small change, but makes such a big difference in the early game. Playing as Egypt, the dynamic has really changed from coasting through technologies with relative ease, to having to fight and emphasize every drop of :commerce:. Zipping through the ancient era is no longer a given, but must be earned. In combination with the increased turns, and of course, the bigger map, it really immerses me in the role of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh. I could easily play this all night, but I have to limit myself. (This will be tough, there is so much new content and challenges to overcome!)
Yeah, a lot of things to do with Egypt have been hit with nerfs because their larger area, additional resources and other benefits (like the worker at start - a small change I did not call out but makes a huge difference to the 3000 BC starters) made them by far the most economically and technologically advanced civ in every game.

They are still not poor by any means due to the large amount of food and the commerce their resources provide.
Two things I wanted to mention that I noticed:

1.) The new River Combat promotion is not currently available for any unit types.
Yeah, for now that promotion has only been introduced for the Druzhina and Farari UUs and is not meant to be available from XP, like e.g. Desert Adaptation.

We could think about making it available to other units with the right prerequsities, but I didn't have time for that yet.
2.) Clicking on the Stability toggle in the bottom right highlights my core areas, but doesn’t display my Historical or Conquest Areas on the map, in Green and Orange respectively.
Noted, I'll take a look.
I think it's more a quirk than a bug - but because I guess the celts have much more diplomatic penalties for religious difference when they enter the medieval era, I have a funny scenario where they are pleased with me +6 and request a tech gift. If I give it to them, they drop to cautious +2 and if I deny the gift they stay at pleased +5.
Yeah, I would agree that this is a bug. Can you show me a save where this can be reproduced?
Unfortunately not, I meant to keep the auto save of the turn it happens but I had an actual save 3 turns before the auto save and accidently loaded that save last night before backing up the auto save. My mistake. I might replay from the save a few times to see if I can get Brennus to do it again, shouldn't be too tough.
Sure, if you see it again please send me the save.
Tried out Dravidia's UHV, it's a fun challenge.


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Some questions regarding the early era civs:

- The Hittite goal of production sounds fun. However, it seems that it does not synthesise with the UP, since I can't see production from chopping added in the victory screen. Is this intended?
- The first game I lost because of a few large stacks of Sea people Axemen. I also noticed Axemen wandering around in the Egypt region when I started playing that civ. Are Axemen the units that are supposed to spawn in that area? With their +50% against melee units they're fairly difficult to defend against early game.
In the latest version with Git. At Epic/Monarch it is impossible to study the calendar for Maya. At best, 10 more turnes are needed
-New map was released.
-Trying the weirdest and probably the least polished civ right away (Turks).
-Where's my Horse Archer doomstack? :crazyeye:

The lack of barbarian units and Politics being so hard to buy from China become my highlights of the new Turk gameplay.
LACK of barbarian units? Are we playing the same game? They’re out of control, especially on the 3000 BC start!
Random ask : why is there a Polynesian settler map and war map, since there is no Polynesian AI ?
Settler and war maps also influence stability.
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