EDIT: These are reskins of White Rabbit's F-15. While I am humble enough to realize they are only a reskins, I am quite proud of it as they are my first published units ever and I learned quite a bit in doing it. I had the dds pretty much completely mapped by trial and error before I realized that nifSkope lets you view the layout. 
Given the Decepticon symbol, I thought the alpha layers for Civ colour were redundant and removed them. Here we have Skywarp, Starscream and Thundercracker and the nameless Decepticon Seeker, which eventually weren't seen in the cartoon after more characters were brought in.
In your ArtDefines_Unit.xml file, just replace f15 with the name of the unit.
I have changed the nif file just a bit for each of the different Decepticon jets for their colour scheme mapping. You also will want to keep the jetfighter_256.dds file in the unit folder for the missles and stuff underneath. Each jet has it's own coloured jetfighter_256.dds file.
Download here.
EDIT: Big thanks to Deliverator for his help and answering my questions below. I was able to fix up the units quite nicely as a result.
I am asking the question here because it pertains to my units and their look/quality.
I seem to have a problem with colours bleeding. I don't know if it is a problem limited only to Photoshop, but that is what I use. The next two screenshots are of the problem that I am having. It might be difficult to see, but the pixels seem to group together in square blotches. It is not limited to just where the red stripe is on the wing, it tends to happen on the whole entire dds picture. It seems like this might be a result of saving the file. I am not sure.
I have also had problems with the actually painting. I have found that even with the 1-pixel paint brush that the pixels to the right and bottom of the one being painted are also affected. I have tried boxing things off when painting, but things don't always work out. I find too that when copying and pasting that even the pixels not in the selected area are sometimes copied and their transparency affects the pixels around them when pasted.
If you take a look at the red stripes on this skin, it's maybe not too bad, but if I try to add a small white strip on top, it makes the underlying pixels really blotchy. Check out the last picture. The purple squares aren't there when I paint the white, but it seems they appear during the saving process. Is there not enough colours? Is this why it is happening? It doesn't affect the look of the unit too badly in game if you don't zoom in, but being the near-perfectionist that I am, I wish to correct it. Any thoughts on this problem?
Oh, and tell me what you think of the unit. Thanks.

Given the Decepticon symbol, I thought the alpha layers for Civ colour were redundant and removed them. Here we have Skywarp, Starscream and Thundercracker and the nameless Decepticon Seeker, which eventually weren't seen in the cartoon after more characters were brought in.
In your ArtDefines_Unit.xml file, just replace f15 with the name of the unit.
I have changed the nif file just a bit for each of the different Decepticon jets for their colour scheme mapping. You also will want to keep the jetfighter_256.dds file in the unit folder for the missles and stuff underneath. Each jet has it's own coloured jetfighter_256.dds file.
Download here.
EDIT: Big thanks to Deliverator for his help and answering my questions below. I was able to fix up the units quite nicely as a result.
I am asking the question here because it pertains to my units and their look/quality.
I seem to have a problem with colours bleeding. I don't know if it is a problem limited only to Photoshop, but that is what I use. The next two screenshots are of the problem that I am having. It might be difficult to see, but the pixels seem to group together in square blotches. It is not limited to just where the red stripe is on the wing, it tends to happen on the whole entire dds picture. It seems like this might be a result of saving the file. I am not sure.
I have also had problems with the actually painting. I have found that even with the 1-pixel paint brush that the pixels to the right and bottom of the one being painted are also affected. I have tried boxing things off when painting, but things don't always work out. I find too that when copying and pasting that even the pixels not in the selected area are sometimes copied and their transparency affects the pixels around them when pasted.
If you take a look at the red stripes on this skin, it's maybe not too bad, but if I try to add a small white strip on top, it makes the underlying pixels really blotchy. Check out the last picture. The purple squares aren't there when I paint the white, but it seems they appear during the saving process. Is there not enough colours? Is this why it is happening? It doesn't affect the look of the unit too badly in game if you don't zoom in, but being the near-perfectionist that I am, I wish to correct it. Any thoughts on this problem?

Oh, and tell me what you think of the unit. Thanks.