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Defending captured cities


Coffee? Yes please.
Oct 14, 2003
This is not the traditional how to defend recently captured cities question, but a situation I came across some time ago.

The situation was the following. I was playing PTW emperor game (I haven't won any yet, doing great in monarch) as Scandinavia with standard continents. I was in the western continent with Japanese and Zulus. Me in the south, Japanese in the middle and Zulus at the north. I was doing fine, and planned to start war against the Japanese as soon as I get berseks. A little before launching my attack, a war broke between the Zulus and the Japanese. How convinient, they would have to split their forces. So I began my attack, with a amphibious landing in the backyard of Japan and a main strike from my area. The war went great with the power of berseks, and made peace when Japan had only one city left to get technologies, gold etc.

Here comes the main problem. As the last Japanese cities were in the western side of the continent, my main army was also there. So in the border towns near the Zulus I had only a few troops. Because I had good relations with them, I didn't believe they would attack me (at least not yet). I was producing musketmen in my core cities, but they were far away. After two turns of peace with Japan (Japan and Zulus had signed peace much earlier), those damn Zulus attacked those border cities with massive force. As my army was combination of berserks, pikemen, and musketmen, I didn't have the possibility to counter attack quickly with knights. I lost many cities before I managed to sign peace treaty.

The question is, what should have I done? I was well prepared for the war with the Japanese to stop their Samurai's counter attacks, and had large defensive force to protect my berserks. But it wasn't that large that I could have left many units in those Zulu border cities. Yeah, more defenders in your original attacking force is a simple answer. But if you build your army forever, you might miss a goog chance for a victorious war.
Well, good job on you victory over Japan. My suggestion to you is fortify the border city with as many forces as you have. It would probably be better, (if you have the offensive force) to try and take the Zulu's cities, so they try pushing you out of their territory, versus pushing you out of your new territory. If worse comes to worse, let the capture the weak border cities, I am sure they are very corrupt. And if you get Japan to go to war with the Zulu's, the Japanese citizens that are bound to still be in those cities, will give happiness problems for the Zulu.
Well, considering how you juust signed a Peace Treaty with the Japanese, and how weak they were, you should have been more worried about the backstabbing Zulu.
true. i once had simmilar problems when i destroyed the persians, the Japs had an ROP and a MPP with me, and i left my capitla unguarded, because i needed units to quell the massive resistance and i had good relations with everyone else in the world and i , except for the scandinavians. the next turn after the war was over, what do you know, the Japs stole my capital. they were gracious before, and they still stole my capital.
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