Define Ironic

Originally posted by MrPresident
Thats not ironic. It would be ironic if you were run over by a van which is promoting pedestrian safety.
Nah, that is too far over the top. :D

Another thing, more historical:
I also think Hitler's appearance was quite ironic, considering what he stood for.
Not to speak of the fact that he was Austrian...
I also think Hitler's appearance was quite ironic, considering what he stood for.
Most people think that is ironic but isn't really. Hitler believed that Austria was part of a large Germany, so he considered himself German. Also the Nazi ideal was a blonde, aryan but that didn't mean that other types of Germans (what they considered Germans) were useless.

What is ironic about Hitler is that he wanted to avenge what happened in WWI and a lot of his ideas were governed by this and in the end he led Germany to an even worse defeat.
Originally posted by MrPresident
Most people think that is ironic but isn't really. Hitler believed that Austria was part of a large Germany, so he considered himself German. Also the Nazi ideal was a blonde, aryan but that didn't mean that other types of Germans (what they considered Germans) were useless.
Pff, I know that, but the common thought about Hitler is 'He was leader of Germany and promoted the racial superiority of blonde and blue eyed people'. And in the closer sense, he was nothing of that himself, today Austria is no more considered part of Germany.
And although you're right that other Germans weren't supposed to be worthless, the ideal were blond, blue-eyed, tall, strong and fit people, but they were lead by:
- an Austrian black haired rather small man (Hitler)
- a guy with a crippled foot (Goebbels)
- and a totally overweight man, who was psychologically a wreck (Göring)
That is ironic!
Originally posted by MrPresident
Thats not ironic. It would be ironic if you were run over by a van which is promoting pedestrian safety.

Just where do we obtain Artificially Intelligent motor vehicles, particularly altruistic ones?
Originally posted by Hitro

Nah, that is too far over the top. :D

Another thing, more historical:
I also think Hitler's appearance was quite ironic, considering what he stood for.
Not to speak of the fact that he was Austrian...

What was ironic about him that he said anyone who had a jew in his family tree as far as three generations back still carried the destructive genes. I can tell you about one case where it's true - Hitler's grand mother was jewish.

More irony: A thief is breaking into a house, takes the TV and sneeks out where he finds his car has been stolen.
Hitler's grand mother was jewish.
I thought this was a rumour with no or little evidence to support it. It was far more likely that Heydrich had Jewish relatives, which is ironic because he is the most senior Nazi offical that actually looked like an Aryan.
Just where do we obtain Artificially Intelligent motor vehicles, particularly altruistic ones?
Figure of speech.
Originally posted by G-Man
More irony: A thief is breaking into a house, takes the TV and sneeks out where he finds his car has been stolen.
That's not irony, that's poetic justice.:goodjob:
I find it ironic that we supplied Vietnam and Afghanistan with arms that they turned around and used against us!
Originally posted by Lt.Col. Kilgore
I find it ironic that we supplied Vietnam and Afghanistan with arms that they turned around and used against us!

I find it ironic that US-Anti-drug organizations claim that Taliban supplies the drugs,
while Taliban is AGAINST the drugs.
I think this is a good definition for Irony

Irony: A statement that is contrary to what is otherwise stated or implied.

It is ironic that a thread that started by asking for a definition has only recieved examples.
The thread stater used an example to define Irony and so everyone else except for you, have also used examples...
i had to laugh heartily when i read this on munich to genoa by heine, this is what he had to say about irony:

"......., irony is not beer, but an invention of the Berlin people --- the wisest folks in the world --- who were awfully vexed because they came too late into the world to invent gunpowder, and therefore undertook to find out something which should answer as well. Once upon a time, my dear, when a man had said or done something stupid, how could the matter be helped? That which was done could not be undone, and people said that the man was an ass. That was disagreeable. In Berlin, where the people are shrewdest, and where the most stupid things happen, the people soon found out the inconvience. The government took hold of the matter vigorously -- only the greater blunders were allowed to be printed, the lesser were simply suffered in conversation -- only professors and high officials could say stupid things in public, lesser people could only make asses of themselves in private -- but all of these regulation were of no avail -- supressed stupidities availed themselves of extraordinaty opportunities to come to light -- those below were protected by those above, and the emergency was terrible, until some one discovered a reactionary means, whereby every piece of stupidity could change its nature, and even be a metamorphosed into wisdom. The process is altogether simple and easy, and consisted simply in a man's declaring that the stupid word or deed, of which he has been guilty, was meant ironically. So, my dear girl, natural coarseness is changed to artistic raillery, real madness is humor, ignorance real wit, and thou thyself art finally the Aspasia of modern Athens"

when the actual meaning is the complete opposite from the literal meaning
Originally posted by MrPresident
You want irony, okay then. There was a city planner on his way to a big city planners meeting about how that city planner had solved all the traffic problems in that city but he was delayed because of the large amount of traffic.
How about this: there was a city planner who was on his way to a big city planners meeting, but got lost in the city that he planned?
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