i had to laugh heartily when i read this on munich to genoa by heine, this is what he had to say about irony:
"......., irony is not beer, but an invention of the Berlin people --- the wisest folks in the world --- who were awfully vexed because they came too late into the world to invent gunpowder, and therefore undertook to find out something which should answer as well. Once upon a time, my dear, when a man had said or done something stupid, how could the matter be helped? That which was done could not be undone, and people said that the man was an ass. That was disagreeable. In Berlin, where the people are shrewdest, and where the most stupid things happen, the people soon found out the inconvience. The government took hold of the matter vigorously -- only the greater blunders were allowed to be printed, the lesser were simply suffered in conversation -- only professors and high officials could say stupid things in public, lesser people could only make asses of themselves in private -- but all of these regulation were of no avail -- supressed stupidities availed themselves of extraordinaty opportunities to come to light -- those below were protected by those above, and the emergency was terrible, until some one discovered a reactionary means, whereby every piece of stupidity could change its nature, and even be a metamorphosed into wisdom. The process is altogether simple and easy, and consisted simply in a man's declaring that the stupid word or deed, of which he has been guilty, was meant ironically. So, my dear girl, natural coarseness is changed to artistic raillery, real madness is humor, ignorance real wit, and thou thyself art finally the Aspasia of modern Athens"