Delegation Gifts suggestions list


Rajah of Minyue and Langkasuka
Mar 30, 2011
New York City
Ok, Here is the delegation gifts suggestions list for Civs not yet in Civ6 (including those which have never appeared in Civ yet), and alternate leaders for the Civs already in Civ6. Feel free to suggest foods (even the bizarre ones), or non-foods.

Alternate Leaders:
America: Cornbread, Eggs Benedict, Greengage, Cherry Pie, Hoecake, Fricassee, Oyster, Gingerbread Man, Virginia Country Ham, BBQ, Bourbon, Pecan Pie, Jelly Beans, Popcorn, Pretzel, Toast, Pumpkin pie, Sweet potato pie, Turkey meat, Cranberry sauce,
Arabia:silks, brass candelabra, perfume, balsam, ivory chessmen, a colossal tent with many-colored curtains, an elephant named Abul-Abbas, and a water clock
Australia: Balmain Bug, Meat Pie, Damper, Vegemite, Macadamia Nuts,
Aztecs: Century Plant juice, Corn Smut, Chia,
Babylon: Cylinder seal, Clay Tablet,
Brazil: Feijoada, Cachaca, Pao de queijo, Tacaca, Pato no tucupi, Manicoba, Acaraje, Brigadeiro, Moqueca, Vatapa, Caipirinha, Bauru, Pacoca, Beijinho, Pamonha, Tapioca,
Byzantines: Byzantine Silk, Retsina, Paston, Tavli Board,
Canada: Beaver Hat, Poutine, Back bacon, Beaver pelts,
China: Peking duck, Camels, Bears, Shaobing, Dongpo Pork, Shark Fin Soup, Edible Bird's Nest, Giant Panda, Grass Jelly, Jade artifacts, bronze bells, Sancai
Cree: Labrador Tea, Snowshoes, Furs (beaver pelts), sigabon, moose meat, buffalo meat/skin, peace pipe,
Egypt: Carob, Emmer wheat, Dates, Fesikh,
England: Shepherd's pie, Mortis, Bangers and mash, Jellied eels, Porter, Trifle, Breakfast tea, Earl Grey tea, Jelly Babies,
Ethiopia: Wat, Jebena buna,
France: Cassoulet, Ragout, Foie gras, Bouillabaisse, Cognac, Champagne, Chartreuse, Brie, Crepe, Coq au vin
Gaul: Torc, Flagon,
Georgia: Calligraphy, Kantsi, Khinkali, Khachapuri, Kindzmarauli,
Germany: Bratwurst, Brathering, Spatzle, Sauerkraut, Hefeweizen, Dortmunder, Schwarzwalder Kirschtorte, Kirschwasser,
Gran Colombia: Arepa, Ajiaco, Bandeja paisa, Sancocho,
Greece: Sturgeon, Octopus, Souvlaki, Feta, Mastich
Hungary: Goulash, Porkolt, Fisherman's soup,
Inca: Chuno, Llama wool and meat, Potato, Vicuna, Mayfly larvae,
India: Chapati, Dal, Kheer, Samosa,
Indonesia: Gado-gado, Ikan bakar, Rendang, Tempeh, Nutmeg, Cloves, Peppers, Durian, Batik clothes, Cincau,
Japan: Sushi, Sashimi, Mochi, Onigiri, Soba, Matcha, Udon, Somen, Miso soup, Okonomiyaki, Tonkatsu, Tempura, Sake, Kimono, Cherry blossom tree, Ramen, Body Pillow, :lol:, Bonsai, Sweet Bean Paste, Takoyaki, Kakigori, Natto, Shiokara,
Khmer: Prahok, Turmeric, Amok trey,
Korea: Kimchi , Beondegi, Tteok, Korean pear, Jokpyeon
Kongo: Masks, Peanuts,
Macedon: Feta, Aspic,
Mali: Griot Band,
Maori: Kumara, food cooked in a pit oven, carved jade
Mapuche: Potatoes, Silverwork, Textiles
Maya: Ceremonial Mask, Calendar, Maize, Tortilla, Tamale, Avocados,
Mongolia: Kumis, Sable skin, horse blood
Netherlands: Tulips, Edam Cheese, Gouda Cheese,
Norway: Farikal, Lutefisk, Gravlax,
Ottomans: Kebab, Baklava, Turkish delight, Sharbat, Doner Kebab, Turkish coffee,
Persia: Fesenjan, Hogweed, Kabab koobideh,
Phoenicia: Pita, Hummus, Ayran,
Poland: Pierogi, Czernina, Bigos,
Portugal: Vinho Verde, Bacalhau, Azulejo, Malasada
Rome: Dormice, Juscellum, Garum,
Russia: Borscht, Okroshka, Pelmeni, Medovukha, Russian caravan tea, Matryoshka doll,
Scotland: Haggis, Tartan, Single malt scotch, Shortbread cookies,
Scythia: Goldwork, mare's milk cheese, horsemeat,
Spain: Paella, Gazpacho, Manchego, Turron, Dragon's blood
Sumeria: Barley, Beer, Felt
Sweden: Rose Hip Soup, Surstromming
Vietnam: Dog Stew, Pho, Goi cuon, Banh chung, Bun bo Hue, Ao dai,
Zulus: Nguni cattle,
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Assyria: Clay tablets, lions
Austria: Schnitzel, Sachertorte, Strudel,
Denmark: Ollebrod, Smorrebrod, Frikadeller,
Hittites: Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron
Huns: severed heads, boot clasps, whips, bows, saddle decorations, a hostage from the player's Civ
Iroquois: Three Sisters (Winter squash, maize, climbing beans), Wampum beads, Quillwork moccasins, Hominy, Tobacco,
Morocco: Couscous, Harira, Tajine,
Polynesia: Poke, Lei, Breadfruit,
Siam: Tom yum, Pad thai, Phanaeng curry, Jasmine rice, Massaman curry, Boat noodles, Phat phrik khing, Green curry, Bua loi, Thong yip, Thong yot, Foi thong, Red curry, Larb, Som tam, Mi krop, Thai tea, sticky rice,
Sioux: Buffalo meat
Venice: Carnival masks, Venetian glass,
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Aceh: Nasi gurih, Mie aceh, Timphan,
Afghanistan: Pomegranate, Kabuli palaw,
Anishinaabe (Odawa, Ojibwe, Potawatomi): Maple syrup, Wild rice,
Apache: Oxalis,
Aramaea/Syria: Damascus Steel, Damask, Figs, Dates, Capers, Almonds, Pistachios,
Argentina: Asado, Dulce de leche,
Armenia: Harissa, Khorovats, Apricots, Lahmajoun
Ashanti: Kente cloth, Fufuo
Belgium: Moules-frites, Waffles,
Benin: Omoebe, Bini Owo soup, Omisagwe,
Blackfoot: buffalo meat,
Brunei: Ambuyat,
Buganda: Matooke, Katogo,
Bulgaria: Martenitsa, Wine, Gadulka,
Burma: Lacquerware, Longyi, Parasol, Mohinga,
Champa: Sour soup, Dong salad, Vole,
Cheyenne: buffalo meat, pemmican
Chimu: Ceviche,
Chinook: Wapato, huckleberries, salmon,
Chumash: acorns,
Comanche: buffalo meat, buffalo tripe, Pemmican,
Creek/Muscogee: Pawpaw, Black drink, deer meat, sweet potatoes, cornbread,
Czechia/Bohemia: Svickova, Pilsner, Kolach,
Dahomey: Fufu,
Finland: Lingonberries, Ruislepa,
Haida: Sea Otter pelts, Transformation mask, Smoked salmon, Indian ice cream, Soapstone carvings,
Hausa: Dan wake, Masa, Moringa soup,
Hopi: Piki,
Ireland: Irish stew, Black pudding,
Israel: Figs, Dates, Capers, Almonds, Pistachios,
Italy: Art pieces, cheeses, wine, Pizza, Spaghetti
Kazakhs: Beshbarmak, Kumis,
Kimberley: gubinge,
Laos: Sticky rice, Larb,
Lithuania: Cepelinai, Boletus mushroom, Lingonberries,
Madagascar: lemur meat, Koba akondro,
Malaysia: Coconut, Nasi lemak, Kangkong, Durian, Mangosteen, Rambutan, Kuih,
Mexico: Mole sauce, Sombrero, Tacos,
Micronesia: taro, breadfruit,
Mon: Htamane, Durian jam, Banana pudding
Mossi: Fufu,
Muisca: Maize, Chicha, Guinea Pig, Potato,
Navajo: Frybread, Silver and Turquois jewelry, Navajo rugs,
Nepal: Momo,
New Zealand: Paua, Whitebait fritters, Pork Bones and Puha
Nez Perce:
Nootka: Woven Whaling Hats, Whale meat,
Philippines: Balut, Adobo, Sinigang, Lumpia,
Powhatan: Raccoon pelts, Deer pelts, Beaver pelts, Succotash, Blue crab,
Romania: Mamaliga,
Salish: Geoduck,
Serbia: Cevapi,
Somalia: Canjeero, Sambusa,
Sri Lanka: Kiribath,
Swahili: Kanga, Ivory
Switzerland: Chocolate, Emmentaler, Gruyere, Watches, Alphorn, Swiss Army Knife,
Taino: Cassava, Manatee,
Tibet: Tsampa, Butter Tea,
Tlingit:Sea Otter pelts, Transformation mask, Smoked salmon, Indian ice cream, Chilkat blanket,
Tupi: cauim or cahoi, Manioc,
Wampanoag: Wampum beads,
Yemen: Dragon's Blood,
Zimbabwe: Sadza, Gonimbrasia belina, Kapenta,
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As a native Thai living in Thailand I could help you for delegation gifts for Siam, thought some foods are foreign influences and some are regional foods like Northeastern Food which originally were part of Lao

Tom Yum, Pad Thai, Phanaeng curry, Jasmine Rice, Massaman curry, Boat noodles, Phat phrik khing, Kaeng Khiao Wan (Thai Green curry), Bua Loi, Thong Yip, Thong Yot, Foi Thong, Kaeng Phet(Thai Red Curry), Larb, Som Tum, Mi Krop, Cha Yen

Also for Vietnam delegation gifs is Pho, Gỏi cuốn, Bánh chưng, Bún bò, Ao Dai

For Japan is Matcha, Udon, Somen. Miso Soup, Okonomiyaki, Tonkatsu, Tempura, Sake, Kimono
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Vegemite for Australia
Sticky Rice for Siam or Balut (can be Khmer)
If the Huns came back they could give severed heads:shifty:
I think Venetian delegation can bring you carnival masks, and maybe Zulu can offer you cattle?
Huns: boot clasps, whips, bows, saddle decorations. See Attila the Hun by John Man, p. 329 (Google books). These are Hunnic treasures though. Hunnic delegations may or may not have provided gifts (likely not, it was usually the other way around). Some Hunnic delegates were Roman though (like Orestes, a Roman landowner who was sent as part of a Hunnic delegation to Constantinople in 449 AD), so maybe Attila can mention he's sending a delegation that includes a member of "[your] civilization" who "lost his way" and now serves Attila as a delegate. "Please treat my delegation with kindness (and riches), or I will be back with nocked arrows." Or some such.

Mongols could give you horse blood. They fed on it during their war campaigns. Or maybe a sable skin (I read somewhere this was a bridal gift, but nonetheless).
Brigadeiro could be a gift, it's a popular Brazilian sweet made of chocolate, it's so delicious that I'm not satisfied with just one :D.

Acarajé is a famous Afro-Brazilian culinary dish, although I still prefer Feijoada.

There are also many Brazilian dishes of indigenous origin, such as Maniçoba, Pato no Tucupi and Tacacá, and many others. Although they are popular in the northern region and I have particularly never tasted any of them.
Balut is Filipino food.
Woops. Just learned something. If Polynesia comes back with Kamehameha they could give some poke with a lei.
Time for more food! The Ottoman Empire can send you baklava. Austria can offer you strudel. And you can add svíčková for Bohemia/Czechs.
America : Virginia country ham, BBQ, Bourbon, pecan pie
England: Porter, Triffle, Breakfast or Earl Grey tea
Czech: Should be Pilsner instead of the generic beer.
Germany: Hefeweizen, Dortmunder, Black Forest Cake(schwarzwälder kirschtorte), Kirschwasser
France: Cognac, Champagne, Chartreuse, Brie
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If Switzerland was added in-game, maybe it could offer you some chocolate?

Talking about chocolate - didn't Spanish learn about chocolate from the Aztecs? Maybe cocoa/chocolate could be a good present from Aztec delegation (if they don't already offer it to you. What's Aztec present anyways?)

Maybe it could be good to write delegation gifts that are in the actual game somewhere.
If Switzerland was added in-game, maybe it could offer you some chocolate?

Talking about chocolate - didn't Spanish learn about chocolate from the Aztecs? Maybe cocoa/chocolate could be a good present from Aztec delegation (if they don't already offer it to you. What's Aztec present anyways?)

Maybe it could be good to write delegation gifts that are in the actual game somewhere.
I believe they already do bring gifts of chocolate and maize. There is a list of delegation gifts somewhere in the forums, but I'm not sure where.
I believe they already do bring gifts of chocolate and maize. There is a list of delegation gifts somewhere in the forums, but I'm not sure where.
Found it. Here is @Guandao's list of in-game delegation gifts.

It seems that my proposal for Aztecs bringing you chocolate doesn't matter now. Although... Can we say cocoa =/= chocolate? Cocoa beans are raw material and chocolate is the product.
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Thinking about sweets other than cocoa beans for Aztecs, Czech delegation can bring koláč (or kolach in English).
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