Demigod Succour


Nov 16, 2011
Greetings Conquests fans. Thought I'd share this bizarre game with you, and respectfully ask for your kind advice.

This is by far the furthest I've ever gotten at this level. It's also the only game above Regent in which I've been so scientifically advanced beyond my main rival. Also my first time on a large (huge?) map. Alas, I'm over 600 points behind the Mongols and time is getting short (123 turns to go). It seems I've got three main options, and here's where I'd appreciate some help:

1) How about a Space Race win? Unfortunately after Ecology (7 turns) I've got 8 techs to go and they're expensive as heck, the cheapest being 10 turns at 60% research. Already maybe half a dozen prime cities are on Wealth. So how to get more gold to pump it up to 70%? Maybe I oughtta shake down Genghis for some spare change. He's willing to parley but feels "insulted" when I suggest a modest amount to end hostilities; something like an even grand seems fair to me :). Maybe I'll have to grab more of his tundra empire and blow more of his antiquated vessels out of the water before he listens to reason.

2) What about Diplomatic? Elizabeth is willing to do an MPP but she's been furious with me since I blundered into her with a Caravel around 800 AD. We've had one war--she demanded something even though her military's weak--although mostly we've been trading peacefully. Is there any chance she might vote for me if I stick my neck out to allow a UN vote?

3) Domination? Well, an amphibious invasion of England seems doable--I've got the Military Academy so a Mech Infantry army sounds like just the ticket for a beachhead defense. But I don't think taking England would be enough; I'd have to go for Mongolia afterwards. Slogging through a quagmire of stacks in an empire that's apparently done practically nothing but pump out military the whole game seems a dubious prospect, but with, say, about 7 armies I could certainly do some damage. Even if I didn't achieve Domination it might give me enough points to beat Gengis on time. But what about WW back home? Sure hate to have to go Commie, but maybe I'd best start researching it right now and switch over.

Win or lose this has been a truly mind-boggling, enlightening experience. As the existentialists say, "Struggle alone gives meaning." Thanks for your kind attention. A save and two thumbnails are attached. Cheers.


  • Oil Wars.JPG
    Oil Wars.JPG
    234.8 KB · Views: 169
  • Taiga Trample.JPG
    Taiga Trample.JPG
    204.8 KB · Views: 178
  • Xerxes of the Persians, 1904 AD.SAV
    556.1 KB · Views: 69
Oops I closed my browser without hitting submit. I think I said that I haven't played above emperor before, but I think taking those two SW islands in your screenshots was a gigantic waste of resources because they are mostly worthless, unproductive and hard to defend.

Only if there was a vital strategic resource you couldn't get elsewhere it might have made sense to take them.

I don't think you can win by domination without invading the Mongol island, but I can't be sure.

I was going to suggest gifting some islands to the purple civ, gift them up in tech and use them as a research partner, but I think it's too late for that now. Remember a small AI civ can often still outresearch you, and if they're behind you can leverage their ability, even if they are down to 2-4 cities. Oh, but you said you're ahead of your rival.

Yes, for #%#$ sakes, sell happy buildings and use science farms instead (outside your most productive cities). Selling a temple and making a scientist is a +4gpt swing in research capability for each city you do it in. And remember libraries and universities don't help scientists but still cost money.
Oops I closed my browser without hitting submit. I think I said that I haven't played above emperor before, but I think taking those two SW islands in your screenshots was a gigantic waste of resources because they are mostly worthless, unproductive and hard to defend.

Only if there was a vital strategic resource you couldn't get elsewhere it might have made sense to take them.

I don't think you can win by domination without invading the Mongol island, but I can't be sure.

I was going to suggest gifting some islands to the purple civ, gift them up in tech and use them as a research partner, but I think it's too late for that now. Remember a small AI civ can often still outresearch you, and if they're behind you can leverage their ability, even if they are down to 2-4 cities. Oh, but you said you're ahead of your rival.

Yes, for #%#$ sakes, sell happy buildings and use science farms instead (outside your most productive cities). Selling a temple and making a scientist is a +4gpt swing in research capability for each city you do it in. And remember libraries and universities don't help scientists but still cost money.

Those islands are harder to defend, true, although airfields make reinforcement easy. Plus they have oil, one has a lux, and they both count for points, if not so much for domination.

You're probably right about domination. Mongolia is simply huge, gotta be over a third of land area. Shouldn't have wasted time researching Nuclear Power but gone straight to Ecology and Synthetic Fibers, then started cranking out Modern Armor. Now by the time I get there Genghis will most likely have tanks :(.

Incidentally I think I'm the purple civ--isn't that the Persian color?

Thanks for the advice Puppeteer. Might be too late for this game but will come in handy the next time. Cheers.

Edit: I just made the MPP with Elizabeth. She's still furious! At least I don't have to consider the UN vote anymore.
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