• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Divine Intervention: Garden of the Gods (Bullpen)

Cool. I'll look forward to it though, as I said above, could you include the Babylonians as a rival civ please?
I am still willing to finish the game if anyone still wants me to finish it, it seems that everyone just stopped participating.

im actually in favor of just starting a new game, but if anyone does care i will finish the game up in one more round

To be honest I think the lack of pace kind of caused me to lose interest. So a new game is probably for the best. You practically won this game.
Oooh. I intend to play the god of nature this time around (as stated in the thread). Also stated in the thread is that I need someone to do my edits. Runner, you still around here? Or Nictel?
I can try to help you out, Diamondeye, but I've never done this before. MY PC's certainly up to it - I'll just need to get in practice with the WB :)
I don't mind doing your updates but I suggest that we keep an 'open floor', so that anyone feeling like updating can do them for you. (In case one of us hasn't got time.)
This thread being the place to discuss the game in progress, two apparently disputed changes I made:
Spoiler Gods :
were to give two of the really early religious techs which the computer will rush for anyway and (effectively) give them a second settler. That gives Babylon a 20-25 turn head-start (at most!) on both producing and research, which is basically nothing, especially for a not particularly aggressive civilisation on Prince. I'm not sure what the issue is.
I can Edit.

I was thinking of building a road to every tribal village, staying at least 5 tiles away from AI. These are to represent a 'Past Civilization' that went to Alpha Centuri right before a nuclear war. I will also place a few promoted warriors on clusters of 3 villages.
I am not especially worried about "powerful" changes. I am not a child :p I am an immortal. This was one of my more specific griefs with the last game, insomuch that it seemed like everyone was creating extra boundaries and worrying about strength and changes. Go read divine intervention 3. There were some absolutely absurd changes there and I still managed just fine.

Reign in your concerns. I will not lose this game. I am far more worried about baseless, pointless changes than the actual strength of them.

Having said that, I would like to point out that I am allowed to read this thread, Arakhor, and if you should choose to discuss interventions in here you ought to spoiler them as well.
That's probably a good idea. I was just answering Diamondeyes, who decided to let the cat out of the bag in the game thread!
Oooh. I intend to play the god of nature this time around (as stated in the thread). Also stated in the thread is that I need someone to do my edits. Runner, you still around here? Or Nictel?
I'll be there soon. Need to re-install civ on my computer since it got back from the shop but I'll be there once I'm home. Probably best if Nictel takes it for now though
Please don't tell me this is another one of your spoiler comments, Charles. If this was an actual plan for an intervention, don't you think you should spoiler it?
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