• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Divine Intervention: Garden of the Gods (Bullpen)

Who's up for an old'fashioned GOD WAR!

Spoiler For Gods on Beast :
I think my unorthodox approaches might make the Beast try to manifest itself through me. Either that or it would be Arakhor.

A Good Reason:
"The only way to stop a new evil from forming is to remove what causes it!"
"The God's divine power tips the balance of power, and the universe creates a opposite power to balance it every time. And the mortals get put smack dab in the middle of the conflict that occurs!"
"I still argue that we do more good then harm"
"Perhaps we do, but multiply this situation countless times, how many have died from the struggle that always must ensue?!"
"We are arguing in circles, we went over this last month, and the month before that....and you brought that point up just yesterday!"
Spoiler Gods :
I'm flattered, really I am, but Anhar has nothing against the other gods, unless they interfere with his (undisclosed) plans or with his favourite mortals! :D
I would like to mention that I am also hosting a Forum Game (NotW, linked in my sig) and you guys ought to go sign up and play :D

I will be taking the save tomorrow.
Just thought I'd introduce myself here - I've just discovered these threads, read all the other games up to this point, and decided to get involved, as long as no one minds. I've made a small change, but more importantly, posted an introduction to Snefru, the Divine Shepherd, and as you can hopefully tell from the first post, he's not particularly powerful. I felt that there were too many all-powerful apocalyptic gods in the other games, so I've decided to go down a completely different route, for variation, if nothing else. Feel free to contemplate the metaphorical implications of a "shepherd" all you like :p.

Thanks again, and I hope no one minds.
Of course not. Join in :D
So it would appear that there's a new patch out.... since in only some of us patch and some don't will screw up editing and stuff, we should all agree to either patch now or patch once the current game ends...

Personally my vote goes to patching after the game ends but I'm willing to do it now too I guess.
Naturally we wait. I don't want to lose the ability to play all my fun mods :D
Concerning the patch, can/do we update and is it compatible with old saves?
I think the considered opinion is to wait until we’ve finished this game, at least :)
How much longer do you think you'll need, Forest?
My igfx driver is apparently dead. This has rendered Civ4 and pretty much anything putting the slightest strain on my directx10 unplayable for me until computer repairs, which could take up to a week from now.

So, you're only postponing the game, rather than cancelling it?
No improvement with your machine yet, Forest? It's been getting on for a month now :(
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