Do civs have secondary religious preferences?


Feb 12, 2002
New York, NY
Every time I play a real world map in BNW, even though I have removed AI faith advantages and I build Stonehenge first, Ethiopia founds Eastern Orthodoxy first. My civ founds Protestantism. And then a civ like Russia or Spain founds Buddhism! And then the Netherlands founds Sikhism!

Why don't they try to found Catholicism next?

Also, is there an easy way to set the secondary and even third religious preferences? I want these European civs to found Judaism if they can't get Eastern Orthodoxy, Protestantism, or Catholicism.

Please advise.
Spain should found Catholicism if it's available, it's their primary. I don't actually know if they have secondary preferences, but in general they do seem to. Like Korea prefers Confucianism, but when they don't get that they usually go for Taoism or Buddhism, at least from what I've seen.
No AI doesn't have secondary preferences.
If what they want is taken, they pick the furthest one to the left that's still available
I believe that European/African civs like Catholicism, Protestanism, Eastern Orthodoxy. Asian civs go for Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism and Shinto. Middle Eastern/India/Indonesia go for Hindu, Islam and Sikhist. Tengilism and Zoroastrisiam are usually for ancient civs like Babylon. America's civs are mainly protestant and catholic.
Every civ has their preference but that's it.

If that is taken, they choose religions based on alphabetical order like joncnunn said ^^. That's why some religions appear much more than others.
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