I remember it was terrible in vanilla, but in mod I also believe it's restricted in wrong way.
Why can't I raze Mediolan, while Huns regularly destroy Rome? It's just frustrating gameplay wise but also break immersion in substantial way. It just feels outright as some game restrictions that can't in any way be explained as some kind of history simulation.
I get that reasons why is it so, is that ex-capitols can't be razed by normal civs but nomadic civs automatically raze anything they conquer, correct?
If so, I would propose we just get rid of that ex-capitols thing unless there is good reason for that, but even in that case I would argue only starting capitols of major civs should be treated this way. While for nomadics civs perhaps make at least holy cities unrazeble, maybe make them liberate them automatically as minor civ or something like that.
My case for leaving as non-razeble holy cities and only them is that destruction of them makes religions disappear, typically there is no Catholicism ever, and this makes Europe weird in every run. Like having Orthodox or Islamic Europe once in a while is cool, I even like such outcome, but having it never Catholic, while also having Rome as a religious minor civ without Catholicism is just weird in my opinion. While I am at it, perhaps Spain or other religious civ in Europe could spawn Protestantism instead of Buddhism if both Catholicism and Orthodoxy are taken? Protestantism spawning in middle ages or renaissance is cool and if Spain is suddenly Protestant, that is cool uchronic event, but it suddenly inventic Buddhism is just immersion breaking. I get that civ5 religion is whole another subject, it has it's pros and cons. Back to city razing, if there are unrazable cities, I would say holy cities make most sense for it. As for other cities being razed and leaving map empty, maybe respawining relevant cities as minor civs in particular eras (if territory is not occupied already) would be cool solution for that, better then just not letting player raze ex-capitols. Also it could work for holy cities after being razed (it could be cool way to make every city raze-able) - perhaps on respawns historical holy city could get holy city status of relevant religion if in-game holy city of said religion has been razed already. This way medieval Rome respawn would bring Catholicism back no matter how flattened ancient Rome had been by Huns. It would still not guarantee that religion dominance over Europe, so such outcome would be interesting and immersive in my opinion.
Why can't I raze Mediolan, while Huns regularly destroy Rome? It's just frustrating gameplay wise but also break immersion in substantial way. It just feels outright as some game restrictions that can't in any way be explained as some kind of history simulation.
I get that reasons why is it so, is that ex-capitols can't be razed by normal civs but nomadic civs automatically raze anything they conquer, correct?
If so, I would propose we just get rid of that ex-capitols thing unless there is good reason for that, but even in that case I would argue only starting capitols of major civs should be treated this way. While for nomadics civs perhaps make at least holy cities unrazeble, maybe make them liberate them automatically as minor civ or something like that.
My case for leaving as non-razeble holy cities and only them is that destruction of them makes religions disappear, typically there is no Catholicism ever, and this makes Europe weird in every run. Like having Orthodox or Islamic Europe once in a while is cool, I even like such outcome, but having it never Catholic, while also having Rome as a religious minor civ without Catholicism is just weird in my opinion. While I am at it, perhaps Spain or other religious civ in Europe could spawn Protestantism instead of Buddhism if both Catholicism and Orthodoxy are taken? Protestantism spawning in middle ages or renaissance is cool and if Spain is suddenly Protestant, that is cool uchronic event, but it suddenly inventic Buddhism is just immersion breaking. I get that civ5 religion is whole another subject, it has it's pros and cons. Back to city razing, if there are unrazable cities, I would say holy cities make most sense for it. As for other cities being razed and leaving map empty, maybe respawining relevant cities as minor civs in particular eras (if territory is not occupied already) would be cool solution for that, better then just not letting player raze ex-capitols. Also it could work for holy cities after being razed (it could be cool way to make every city raze-able) - perhaps on respawns historical holy city could get holy city status of relevant religion if in-game holy city of said religion has been razed already. This way medieval Rome respawn would bring Catholicism back no matter how flattened ancient Rome had been by Huns. It would still not guarantee that religion dominance over Europe, so such outcome would be interesting and immersive in my opinion.