Do failed spy missions degrade relations with that Civ?


Oct 31, 2005
Longview, Texas
I read somewhere on Apoly that failed spy missions cause you to take a hit in the relations table (via points) when you have a spy mission that fails. Is this true?

I love spies! I have oOOOOOooodles of em! I have spies in my cities, in your cities and in your friends cities! Remember, when abroad DONT drink the water! How true!

Thanks for helping me with this one. It will make my choice of missions very clear if this is true. I would rather do counter espionage first THAN go back and drop a cow in the well.

It depends if you're spy is identified or not. There's a different message that appears depending on the outcome. I can't remember what it is for your spies but for enemy spies you'll sometimes see the alert "A spy has been stumbled upon..." or "a Persian spy has been stumbled upon..."
There are 5 possible outcomes:

1) Mission fails:
1.1) Spy is caught, but not Identified
1.2) Spy is caught and Identified​
2) Mission Succeeds:
2.1) Spy escapes and is returned to your capitol.

2.2) Spy is caught:
2.2.1) Spy is caught, but not Identified
2.2.2) Spy is caught and Identified​
"-1 Your spy was caught causing trouble!"
Funny how you get that line even if the spy is caught while travelling or idle.
What the hell was it doing? Sleeping with every prostitute in sight and blowing up bases for fun like James Bond?
Yeah had that a few times, where I get the -1 just because my spy was caught while travelling past a neighbour on the way to fortify in a city I had on the other side of his borders. Of course she wasn't doing any spying there on the road, just an ordinary gal out travelling. Annoying.
Funny how you get that line even if the spy is caught while travelling or idle.
What the hell was it doing? Sleeping with every prostitute in sight and blowing up bases for fun like James Bond?

Even when its do doing something it still has to sent reports back to hq in order for them to know he's still alive and well, and what he's up too. Thats how you can see enemy land around the spy while the spy is in it after all, he's sending those coded messages about the sights.

Just sometypes they get sloppy and get caught. Maybe he said colour by mistake instead of color, or oak instead of oats, or lift instead of elevator, or flat instead of appartment... Yes I fear Canadian (and English) spies around every corner...
Even when its do doing something it still has to sent reports back to hq in order for them to know he's still alive and well, and what he's up too. Thats how you can see enemy land around the spy while the spy is in it after all, he's sending those coded messages about the sights.

Just sometypes they get sloppy and get caught. Maybe he said colour by mistake instead of color, or oak instead of oats, or lift instead of elevator, or flat instead of appartment... Yes I fear Canadian (and English) spies around every corner...


They're all aboot.;)
Yeah had that a few times, where I get the -1 just because my spy was caught while travelling past a neighbour on the way to fortify in a city I had on the other side of his borders. Of course she wasn't doing any spying there on the road, just an ordinary gal out travelling. Annoying.

Pfft, "annoying" is when the AI uses it's Xray technology to identify spies aboard submarines, and then sends a team of divers to weld a hole in it, take the spy out, and close the hole again :crazyeye:
Pfft, "annoying" is when the AI uses it's Xray technology to identify spies aboard submarines, and then sends a team of divers to weld a hole in it, take the spy out, and close the hole again :crazyeye:

i second that! this should be patched or something
Pfft, "annoying" is when the AI uses it's Xray technology to identify spies aboard submarines, and then sends a team of divers to weld a hole in it, take the spy out, and close the hole again :crazyeye:

Well never so bad that it can't get much, much worse :crazyeye:
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