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Do the AI's seem less friendly to you?


Jul 9, 2013
Hey, I've only played two full games of BNW so far but I've noticed a change in AI disposition. In the first game I chalked it up to my being a warmonger, but currently I'm playing an emperor, small continents map as Portugal going for a culture win and I'm seeing the same thing.

Specifically, neutral AI's who do not share borders with me aren't becoming "friendly" as our dealings accumulate over the centuries. In my Portugal game, this is holding even after I shared intrigue, traded luxuries, and voted with them at the world congress. Speaking of trades, aside from luxury for luxury, no trade deals seem fair to them unless I'm bending over backwards. They don't want to open their borders to me unless I give them GPT or a luxury I can't afford to trade (in addition to opening my borders).

I mean yeah I built wonders they coveted, and the city-states they're trying to romance like me better, but that didn't seem to piss them off so much before. Anyone else noticed this?
I think that they just have a faster tipping point. It seems in the games that are being played people are saying there's a clear and marked difference in the AI attitudes, but what's funny is come claim it's consistently peaceful, and some are claiming it's consitently warlike. I think that the reactions have been tweaked and they've been set up to have more of a "personality" rather than be neutral to you, then chain declare war/denounce next turn.
To me the AI has been a lot MORE friendly. Maybe you should stop stealing Indonesia's candi. :lol:
I had two of twelve civs declare on me an entire 500 turn game. The other ten were mostly my buddy until I wiped one of them "the wicked witch of the west" off the map. Anyway, I was never dow'ed by the other ten.
They seem less likely to be one's friend but also less likely to declare war. They seem quite neutral but I've only played 4 games thus far so it is too soon to definitively tell.
im noticing one trend, which is absolutely impossible to explain cross world settling by the cpu RIGHT outside my capital. has happened in the past 3 games.
My Shoshone game has had me get to 1800 AD without a single war. Granted, that might be because I'm a scary bastard with a military that dwarfs everyone else technologically and numerically. Ultimately I got bored and ate my Siamese neighbor for his luxuries. He had been my buddy since the beginning of the game.
I've noticed that the AI loses it's mind if you take a city or two, even if you're the victim of the DoW. Heaven forbid that you actually take one of them out of the race so that you don't have them hanging around denouncing you for the rest of the game. It seems to me that if you take anyone out then all the AIs swear to be your worst enemy for the rest of the next 5000 years, irregardless of their relationship with the aggressor that got wiped out.
To me the AI has been a lot MORE friendly.

This has been my experience as well. I'd say it's been boring if not for the new mechanics... Diplomacy is nonexistent, every civ goes tall with three cities - even the couple times I've been DoW'ed it was a pitifully weak effort. I knew I was dropping down by playing Emperor but this is silly; guess it'll be Deity or the highway from now on.

What happened??
With me the AI seems signifigantly more friendly, always asking for DOFs. I got into one war with Assyria, and ever since then we've been best buds. Sweden is one of the best Civs now in my opinion. :cool:
Well, no i don't think so. I think the AI embodies their flavor much more than before. The friendly civs will be friendly and the warmongers will be warmongers. Before, I felt they were pretty hard to dissect. In my current game for instance, I expected Indonesia and the Zulu to be less trustworthy so i adjusted accordingly. Shaka was stomping his way across the map and Indonesia backstabbed me twice. I was prepared for it but i figured something like that would happen because of their nature. Morocco on the other hand has been nothing but friendly, same with venice. With Morocco I have a constant declaration of friendship, all positive modifiers, defensive pact etc, same with Venice. Overall I think they just emobdy the flavor much more. That's the best way to put it. You don't generally have to worry about the civs who are inherently friendly as long as you're nice to them. At vanilla everyone declared war on you all the time. That is more or less gone.
I think the AI is a little easier to be aggravated. For example, in my recent game, I'm using Isabella, and ran into Mt. Sinai around turn 4. I used the 500 gold to buy a settler and settled it close to Mt. Sinai, after which both Willem and Napoleon (who are nowhere near me) show up and demand I stop claiming all the land. This was all by turn 11, mind you.

Maybe it's always been that way, but this was definitely the fastest I've seen the AI make a demand.
This has been my experience as well. I'd say it's been boring if not for the new mechanics... Diplomacy is nonexistent, every civ goes tall with three cities - even the couple times I've been DoW'ed it was a pitifully weak effort. I knew I was dropping down by playing Emperor but this is silly; guess it'll be Deity or the highway from now on.

What happened??

I haven't had your experience at all. I'm constantly in the diplomacy screen and the Zulu have tons of cities. They basically own an entire continent. Maybe you just happened to get matched up with a bunch of civs going tall. It changes every game for me. Indonesia has been expansive as well. I was DOW'ed a few times too and I was able to hold them off but at one point it got a little close. I had low tech units and I was able to hold the off by just strategically placing archers and picking the proper targets. I have the south side of my empire fortified so heavily no one would be able to break it. I don't think the ai is that bad at fighting to be honest. Obviously they can be bad but with Civ 4 for instance once you are were very comfortable with the fighting mechanics how many fights did you lose? They would often give you a run for your money but more often than not you were probably able to hold out. Same goes for Civ 5 for me. Sometimes I get stomped by the ai but most of the time not so much as long as your strategic. If you play strategically you'll do fine if not then you get crushed, makes sense.
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