Dodgeyness in user list thingie



I was looking up at that "User list thingie" at the top of the Conquests forum, and for names that I don't recignoise, I normally click on 'em and look at when they registered etc.
I was under the impression that users were in the order (from left to right) of when they registered, then I saw this...

Is this some kind of new years bug?

Note: Bejita registered this year, everyone after him/her registered last year.
Maybe you were wrong and they are in a random order. :p

Or then it was a new year's bug...

Edit: What color theme are you using? That doesn't look like Ancient CFC at least... That's much uglier. :ack: Or did you just pack it too much so the picture is awful quality?
IIRC, there's a bug with the users listed thingie, for only certain users. Apparently these 'specials' seem to be listed in their own order. Others follow the registered-by-date sequence. ;)
Technically users are ordered by user #, not date, although it comes out to be the same thing anyway. But as XIII said, some users are "special"--which PC-advocates prefer over calling them the ******ed users--and are out of order. I can't remember if it's because their user # is messed up or if the list is messed up.
I always thought it was random. (and your nick is always the last nick in the list).
I've actually never thought about it, I thought it was random...
I always thought it had to do with the time you arive into the forum.
Maybe it has? And the oldest are there the first for they never leave the forum: they live there? ;)
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