When u r able to produce marines they really can't make any damage!Almost useless!In Civ2 marines were great but now they overpowered too easy even by rifleman and besides everyone has infantry b4 marines!! 

Originally posted by Albert Einstain
As I told in some other thread, I use marines widely. They're very useful when invading. When attacking from trasport they ignore any defensive bonuses like walls, terrain, city sizes, fortify etc. Actually, when attacking from the trasport they are as effective as tanks. They are the coolest attack unit that you can air transport by helicopter so it can be highly mobile when you need attack from the city without airport. I always have 5-6 helicopters with marines in it and 5-6 helicopters with paratroppers. Helicoper can transfer the marine to any of your cities and you can attack in the same turn. When airlift unit using airport, you can't attack in the same turn. The same story about paratroopers. You can trasfer them with helicopter to any city and fortify them in the same turn - you never can do this with airlift. So it is cool for defending your cities on the islands and other continents.