Does Anyone Use Culture Bombs?


May 25, 2011
Perhaps I've missed something, but does anyone use their great artists for culture bombs in Civ5? I have never had the need to use one.
Perhaps I've missed something, but does anyone use their great artists for culture bombs in Civ5? I have never had the need to use one.

They're useful in a way... I find myself using them the most during OCC's to capture those resources just out of range
I take a close look, if there is, lets say, a luxury or strategic ressource I either lack or which is my opponents only source. Then I steal it. Preferably when I am down to 4 turns GA for a great person. The problem is, that GAs are so strong and not that the bomb is so weak.
I just remember the culture bomb being more useful in Civ4 when you could use it to culturally crush and flip an opponents city, or use them to quickly pop the borders and raise the defenses of a newly captured city. With these abilities gone, the only place I would use them in Civ5 would be to snag a resource from a neighbor or city state. And generally, unless I had a compelling reason not to war with the neighbor, I found it easier just to declare war and take the city and the resource.
Yep. Late-game when you're resource-bound, or when the guy right next to you is being a jerk about trading luxuries. I'll often also use one to guarantee a "land-bridge" if I've established a city too far from the next closest. (This often happens with new puppets.) I don't want to settle a new city b/c it'll screw my policy acquisition rate.

Usually end up popping two-three a game. Currently looking at an Oil tile owned by Nobunaga - he hates me already anyway, what the heck.

Edit: I could take it, but I'm already getting the fish-eye from being too aggressive. Culture-bombing doesn't contribute to your overall Warmonger status, it just ticks that one guy off.
When you have a Great Artist coming out just as you're about to build the louvre it can be extremely nice. You can snatch alot of territory from a nearby city. It's very situational but can be very powerfull when snatching natural wonders, resources or just nice tiles.

Remember that you're not just giving better territory to your city, you're also taking it away from someone else.

Also, surrounding enemy cities is alot of fun, although it takes at least 4 :P
They're useful in a way... I find myself using them the most during OCC's to capture those resources just out of range

I havn't tried post patch, but pre patch culture bombs didn't work once your City had reached the extremity of possible borders. If this has changed I will definately use them for the reasons you have stated.
did anyone see AI using them? It should be extremely frustrating experience :)

I've seen AI using culture bomb in my territory 3 times iirc. Unless they have just stolen a non worked tile,I'd denounce them. But,if they isolate one of my cities or stole a resource,I usually try to destroy their cities.
I havn't tried post patch, but pre patch culture bombs didn't work once your City had reached the extremity of possible borders. If this has changed I will definately use them for the reasons you have stated.

My experience is that you can expand "indefinitely".

I've got a fully-expanded city and a Great Artist sitting around on his ass, hold on, I'll test...

Edit: yep, expanded two more hexes. Popped him on the hex just outside the boundary, city was expanded to 5 hexes, now out to 7 at that point. Acquired five more hexes - the one he was on, and four more adjacent (two adjacent were already mine).

(five more hexes of totally useless Tundra, but that's beside the point. :) )
I regularly use it to link up cities, to retrieve lost trade routes, steal resources both for my good, and to deprive the AI, and to try to push a future conquest into pulling the trigger first (never seems to work in this one). Love culture bombing, especially since culture flipping is no longer a possibility.
Very rarely, as I usually don't get any great artists, unless I'm going cultural and then they're better off settled.
Often. More than building a landmark. There should be a option to use Great Artist to gain culture towards Social Policies.
They can also be useful if you want to stop paying that nearby city-state in order to get its luxury resource. Just culture bomb into the luxury reaource and you're saving yourself a good chunk of gold.
They're also helpful in conjunction with SP's and wonders that give you military bonuses within your own borders
I've used one or two to culture bomb my way into enemy territory when they had HC and/or the Great wall. Helps get the ranged units a bit closer to the city without dealing with the pain of being in their territory.
Yep, I like to steal luxuries from city states I don't plan on allying. I think one time I used it to secure a choke point too. It has its uses, given the alternatives. Landmarks arent that great until you get lots of multipliers, and for culture the multipliers come pretty late (freedom, radio towers, hermitage).
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