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Domestic Department: Term 1

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Retired Moderator
Nov 1, 2001
Durham, NC USA
Discussions falling within the realm of the domestic leader should be discussed here.
I am surprized the Domestic leader hasn't replyed here yet.Since our first city has been build ,the domestic leader should have started making decission's on city placement and city construction queue's.

Also ,a screenshot for our first city here would be nice.
Here is a screenshot of Fox's Nest, our first city:


  • eyrei1resized.gif
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As you can see, Fox's Nest is producing a settler. The president and I decided to change that to a military unit because the city is not growing fast enough and we need to explore. I suggest a couple warriors, but that is the military departments decision. Two warriors or one spearmen can be built before we will switch to a settler, I think.

As far as city placement goes, that information is posted in the presidential thread, and I agree with the pink dot as first priority, the blue where the arrow points,and the yellow where the arrow points. I beleive the president concurs, so this is how it will be done unless the people raise enough objections to warrant a popular vote.

Generally, I intend to build two settlers in the capital, one to colonize the pink dot, and one to colonize the blue. The blue city will produce settlers for quite awhile, and the pink may build the colossus, while the capital builds a couple more settlers. The pink may also build a couple more settlers before the colossus. I really want to explore a lot more, so that city placements can be as efficient as possible.
We need Workers To make aroad to that gold,Mine the smaller Mtns first,I recommend only 2 max warriors and produce some workers....when pop permits...
We're an industrialistic civ; surely we need less workers than normal to work those tiles, considering our workers are more hardworking than most. ;)

I say more warriors to explore now. Our lone worker can work the capital for now.
Without Shields you can build nothing.Shields are what it's all about.If we are taking a militant stance from day 1,then get me some slaves their only half as good but half is better than none.
The Department of Trade supports building two warriors prior to a settler for the pink dot city location.

Trade Leader
The Spice Traders Guild also lends their support in the early expansion of our nation. Even though we (the guild) are isolations in nature, we should have a sizable amount of resources to trade.
I absolutely agree with the domestic minister in the Pink-DOT approach, right on!!! :goodjob:
What is our policy on the first building?and thereafter buildings

I build barracks first and temple(library,which is sometimes more important depending on the situation) second because if you build a barracks in 20 turns and the temple is 30(50),after the barracks are built a temple becomes 15 turns(35).This makes Sun'Art of war useless as all your cities have barracks already.
Secondly I personally never waste time building wonders,If need wonders we'll take them.(I hope this topic will be debated).
I find it's better to produce workers esp if city is stagnent and produce the buildings that provide culture,knowledge e.t.c
Also we should produce as many settlers as possible early in the game.Dense Build Cities and mine and road everything.In games played this way you usually have the #1GNP
later in the game some wonders are useful(Leonardo's save 50% on upgrades).
I urge all citizens to post their views on what to build when.
The Spice Traders Guild strongly urges the construction of temples and libraries to gain access to spices via cultural expasion. We also see the need for barracks to train our forces that will protect our goods.
once we have built our warriors and our settlers (and any other troop units) we should focus on temples and libraries. Unrest will follow unless our people feel as though the government cares about them, luxeries now!
thank you for posting your views mj. i like to get the opinions of the deputy ministers right away. can't say i agree with you on the wonder thing. in my most recent game, because of AI trading and my b-line for literature, when i got the Great library built, i received 8 science advances. these 8 moved me to the next era, therefore a received monotheism for free as i was a scientific tribe. that's 9 free and put me as technologically advanced. so wonders are a good thing.
as far as barracks go, i say one or two in outlying areas, especially if we meet another tribe. if we secure iron, the immortals will reduce the need for immediate building of barracks. and i agree with your workers view. workers are good as once their immediate work is done, or no important work is needed, a worker can be put into a low pop city (maybe initiating new production).
the "one size fits all" never fit me when it came to game plans. especially with what i've seen of this game. compromise will be the key here. so many cooks mixing this brew. so i beleive each step, as the duck has laid out, should be a new one and examined for priorities.
The first settler will not be competed, by my calculation, during the upcoming turns. It will however, be completed a the beginning of the following session. Citizens have until then to voice any objections to the pink city position, otherwise, that will be the location of our second city.

As far as buildings go, we will not build a barracks in the capital unless we end up in a very early war. The first building will be a temple, as that will allow our capital to support a larger population while it builds a wonder. We WILL build wonders while I am domestic leader, though the capital will not start one until we have found 2 more cities capable of building settlers, at which point the capital will build a temple, and possibly a library before starting on the Great Library, as that seems to be the wonder of choice. I estimate we will have to build at least three settlers in the capital, and 5 or 6 warriors before any improvements will be started.
Originally posted by eyrei
As far as buildings go, we will not build a barracks in the capital unless we end up in a very early war.

I think this is a mistake Veteran Units are better no matter how you slice it.

We WILL build wonders while I am domestic leader, .

This is a democracy here and a top down I know it all attitude serves no purpose but to alienate others from posting opinions.There is no one way to play and win this game.
If this is the attitude of this gov't that we know what we are doing and the peasants know nothing then consider this my formal resignation from this regime.

Deputy Hendrix
Originally posted by marshalljames

I think this is a mistake Veteran Units are better no matter how you slice it.

This is a democracy here and a top down I know it all attitude serves no purpose but to alienate others from posting opinions.There is no one way to play and win this game.
If this is the attitude of this gov't that we know what we are doing and the peasants know nothing then consider this my formal resignation from this regime.

Deputy Hendrix

I agree veteran units are obviously better. The capital will most likely be switched to a wonder pretty soon, so there is no point in building a barracks there, yet, as it will not be building units.

I think your anger is unwarranted. My GOAL is to build wonders, rather than capture them, and I believe most of the citizens have the same opinion. I do not have the power to say a particular city builds a wonder, nor what wonder. However, I will push for this to happen, and I believe most of the populace will want at least one wonder in our glorious capital.
It was not really meant to anger or in anger,but a call to way all opinions.I urge again all citizens no matter what their level of expertize express their opinions.You may possess a unique perspective that those in power and experts have not thought of.
gentlemen! Gentlemen! our empire is young, there is to be much debate about the game, our cabinet must not fight inside itself or the entire position will collapse. Please both of you, have some dialogue or a refferendum will be in the future.
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