ok.. to all, especially since this is just one more Post about the same subject which has been discussed quite a few times:
1/ the Limit in Conquest is still 512, I know it for checking it in the editor...
2/ all those "I never had so many cities so why should this bother me..." comments: some people do like to play on large maps and then need more cities, If you don't see it as a problem, good for you...
3/ Again at all those not understanding why we are "angry" because of this city limit: Think: a map can be max size 362x362 meaning it has over 100 000 squares, 1/3 of these are land, meaning you have a map with over 30 000 land squares, a cities needs about 30 tiles (which empty spaces between the cities) which means there yould be enough space for at least 1000 cities... since the AI places it cities closer to each other, even a lot more cities would fit....
4/ there is a tool in the forum that removes the 512 cities limit (only PTW available now, but I think he is working on a conquest version...)
5/ Firaxis: remove all ridiculous limits to the game!!!!!