Download and Changelogs

Éa III v6 (will break saves)

I may have forgotten some items in list below. I was working on game stability issues for most of the last few weeks, but may have added something 3 weeks ago and forgot to add to changelog. Most of the new stuff here was added recently.

  • Removed 7 techs from the tech tree that don't do anything yet (will add back as these game mechanics are added)
  • Removed the "Take Residence in city" action (boring, never was balanced, and mostly duplicates yield actions)
  • With Steel Working, all Tier 3 and higher regular troops gain Steel Weapons promotion (+2 combat strength; +15% ranged strength if applicable)
  • With Mithril Working, all Tier 5 and higher regular troops gain Mithril Weapons promotion (+4 combat strength; +30% ranged strength if applicable; replaces Steel Weapons)
    --note: "regular troops" include infantry, archers and all horse- and elephant-mounted units (not siege, ships or summoned or called creatures)
  • Warrior gains extra movement from same-plot or adjacent mounted units
  • Encampments next to small body of water won't become Pirate Cove
  • TableSave much faster now, from 0.5 to 0.15 seconds on my computer (runs every gamesave; TableSaverLoader 0.14)
  • Removed untrusted PRNG for race selection, now using Lua 5.1 math.random (for some reason I thought that was non-functional)
  • "Random" race selection only partly random: you're guarantied 1/2 Man, 1/4 Sidhe and only remaining 1/4 are truely random (2:1 M:S) from all the slots that you leave set as "random"
  • Diplo
    • Increased various negitive modifiers for policies, religions, techs and mana consumed (see Manual)
    • Warmonger penalty is now reduced or eliminated for attacking specific civs: goes from 0-100% discount for player that has consummed 0-33% of Sum of All Mana (and there will be no Warmonger penalty for attacking Heldeofol ever)
    • Razing cities of other races adds to racial hatred, irrespective of who does it (e.g., S razes M city, all M hate S more)
  • AI
    • Leader personality traits no longer flat 5; they are autoadjusted based on class spawning probabliities (should see some more lively AI now, for example Warrior leaders being more warlike)
  • Altered Actions
    • Build (engineer) can be done only when city constructing a building (uses Construction mod) or siege unit (uses Combat Engineering)
  • New Actions
    • Shrug Off Injuries (warrior) removes damage from self equal to warrior's Combat Mod (plus get benifit of heal if haven't moved yet)
    • Recruit (warrior) works like engineer build, but only available when city building regular troops (uses Logistics mod)
    • Restore Troops (Warrior) removes damage equal to warrior's Logistics mod
    • Repair War Construct (engineer) as above but non-troop land units (i.e., all siege, landships and airships) and uses Combat Engineering
  • Altered spell
    • Changed name of Death Ray to Energy Drain
  • New Spells
    • Plasma Storm
    • Hail of Projectiles
    • Mass Energy Drain
    • Time Stop
  • Balance
    • Cultural Level progression changed; will be slower in mid-game if you are a high-culture civ (ceiling is similar or possibly higher)
    • Reduced Defence for all defensive buildings by 1/2
    • When Living Terrain transfers strength points, it is now random amount from 1 to 1/3 of strength
  • Bugs
    • Fixed some potential corrupt saves problems related to resurected civs
    • Fixed another potential corrupt save issue related to preserved Lua table indexing (TableSaverLoader 0.14)
    • Fixed v5 bug that was seriously slowing Living Terrain spawns
    • Fixed bug that increased disease/plague chance on easy difficulty settings
    • Fixed several mistakes in Cult founding criteria (UI and actual)
    • Fixed problem where combat unit could not attack out of city with GP in it (needs testing)
    • Fixed Adept and disciple specialist to properly give mana or divine favor
    • Fixed problem where Forest Dominion plots not owned by any city (problem on city conquest)
    • Fixed problem where you could summon >1 archtype unit at a time on a loaded game
    • Added some missing improvements for Taxation and Industrialization yield bonuses
    • Fixed GP combat strength so that it is equal to Combat Modifier (important for Warriors)
    • Incorporates v5 hotfixes
Éa III v7 (will break saves)
  • Finished adding Favored Techs for all civs
  • Natural Wonders have yields! Note that a couple don't, and Azzandarayasna followers can't get mana; two features (Ahriman's Vault and Temple of Creation) give yield only to the Fallen and to Azzandarayasna followers, respectively.
  • Renounce Maleficium (trade item) is now available from any Fallen player to any that isn't. The civilization will give up Maleficium and all its enabled technologies plus all (Anti-)Theism policies. All spellcasters belonging to the civilization will desert it [I have plans for these but for now they just vanish]. Players will value this item more with each Maleficium tech or Anti-Theism policy. (It should really take a serious war beating before they give it up if they have more than a couple techs/policies.)
  • Purge (action) Removes 1 Aŋra follower while reducing city population; any GP can do this after Aŋra Holy City has been razed if player has never been Fallen.
  • New spell icons by Lplate and Doopliss!
  • New subclass Mage/Archmage is available to players with Magery policy (in Arcana branch); these are dual-class Sage/Thaumaturges to help you get up to the expensive tier 6/7 arcane techs
    --New or Altered Victory Conditions
  • Added Protector of Éa Victory Condition - based on best score after these criteria: all Fallen civs have been destroyed or forced to Renounce Maleficium; Aŋra Holy City has been razed to the ground and all Aŋra followers have been removed from the world; Ahriman's Vault has been sealed
  • Domination Victory now based on 3 criteria: World Population (60%), World Land (40%), Own Land Improved (80%) --the latter only considers plots that could be improved
  • One with Nature Victory based on best score after these 2 criteria: World-Wide Living Terrain Coverage (45%*), World-Wide Living Terrain Ave Str (3*) --*both adjusted for: a) proportion of all full civs at game start that ever became Pantheistic; b) number of plots in map that can hold a living terrain; c) initial living terrain coverage and strength
    --New Spells
  • Lectio Occultus (Arcane; req Thaumaturgy) Converts mana to research in arcane techs; must have an arcane tech anywhere in research queue
  • Lectio Divina (Divine; req Divine Liturgy) Converts divine favor to research in the Azzandarayasna techs; must have a divine tech anywhere in research queue
  • There are "Greater" versions of above two spells that convert 2x amount; these spells are available only to Archmage or level 15 Priest, respectively
    --New Rituals
  • Ahriman's Exchange Ritual (Devout or Thaumaturge; Breach) Consumes half of the civilization's remaining mana exchanging it for experience gained by the ritual performer.
  • Consume Souls Ritual (Devout or Thaumaturge; Armageddon Rituals) Destroys up to half the remaining world population (leaving cities at minimum size 1) consuming 100 mana per population point destroyed.
  • Consume Self Ritual (Devout or Thaumaturge; Armageddon Rituals) Destroys self consuming mana equal to total accumulated experience by the individual. The ritual maker's civilization must have Armageddon Rituals.
  • Seal Ahriman's Vault (various conditions) Permanently seals Ahriman's Vault preventing further mana consumption and spellcasting by the Fallen. Breach reverts to blight and blight no longer spreads. Must be done adjacent to Ahriman's Vault feature by: a) any spellcaster GP if civ has 10000 divine favor and Knowlege of Heaven; b) any spellcaster GP if civ has 10000 mana and Esoteric Arcana; c) any spellcaster GP if civ has 20000 mana and all Pantheism policies; or d) any GP if all other Protector of Éa Victory Conditions are met
    --New Prophecies
  • Ordo Salutis (Divine; req Knowledge of Heaven) Calls all twelve Archangels at once (even those that have been called before) and a host of lesser Angels and Heaven's Guard
  • Ordo Damnatio (Divine; req Armageddon Spells; req Sum of All Mana < 50%) Summons all Eight Archdemons at once (even those that have been called before) and a host of lesser Demons and Abyssal Creatures
    --New Academies (removed generic Academies)
  • Academy of Philosophy: Reduces knowledge maintanence from all tier 2 techs and research cost of all tier 3 techs by 2 x builder's Scholarship Modifier
  • Academy of Logic: Reduces knowledge maintanence from all tier 3 techs and research cost of all tier 4 techs by 2 x builder's Scholarship Modifier
  • Academy of Semiotics: Reduces knowledge maintanence from all tier 4 techs and research cost of all tier 5 techs by 2 x builder's Scholarship Modifier
  • Academy of Metaphysics: Reduces knowledge maintanence from all tier 5 techs and research cost of all tier 6 techs by 2 x builder's Scholarship Modifier
  • Academy of Transcendental Thought: Reduces knowledge maintanence from all tier 6 techs and research cost of all tier 7 techs by 2 x builder's Scholarship Modifier
    --New Buildings
  • Intelligent Archive (Semiotics) -33% Knowldege Maintenance from this city's population
  • Chamber of Thought (Metaphysics) +5s; +25%s
  • Consciousness Engine (Transcendental Thought) +8s; +40%s
    --Some Name Changes
  • Prophemi Yazatas (Azzandarayasna founding)
  • Prophemi Tzimtz&#363;m (Was Prophesy of Va)
  • Prophemi A&#331;ra (A&#331;ra founding)
    --Various Changes
  • Totally overhauled Arcana and Tradition policy branches (see help in game; Manual is not up to date)
  • Settlers are now a normal production unit (avoids various exploits and AI deficiencies); about 1/3 more expensive for Sidhe
  • Prophemi Tzimtz&#363;m now available when any player learns Reanimation or Sorcery and necessary before any player can research higher tier evil arcane techs: Necromancy, Summoning, etc...
  • Great Library now provides mod% discount on all Knowledge Maintenance (no longer affects research rate)
  • Civ "Favored Techs" and Tome techs provide discount for both research cost and knowledge maintenace (so matter even after you research the techs)
  • Trade routes within a civ are all already "open"; only need Merchant to open trade routes with foreign cities
  • Lake Belisama adds fresh water
  • Saving GPs from death was problematic; the way it works now is that a GP will "escape" to a nearby plot (not seen by enemy) if still alive but reduced to < 50 hp by any non-GP unit (Liches can "die" but are auto-resurected)
  • Divine Liturgy and downstream techs are locked unless you have opened the Theism policy branch or have Azzandarayasna as majority religion (exact same criteria that makes you use Divine Favor rather than Mana)
  • Removed 50hp mountain damage (was hitting griffons)
  • Warrior that does Lead Charge will follow the melee unit if the melee unit moves (i.e., when Warrior doesn't kill, but melee unit does)
  • --Balance
  • Drastically reduced city defense from number techs known (this effect was overwhelming and stopping all AI aggression)
  • Restored defensive building strengths to previous higher values
  • Science from trade route changed: base game was #different_techs_known_by_civ/2; now it's #total_techs_known_by_civ/4 (CSs provide science from #techs also but number is divided by 4 before preceding calculation)
  • Moved Armageddon events up so they happen at lesser mana depletion (reason is that mana consumption accelerates, so we want interesting stuff happening at 70% rather than 30%)
  • Bumped up mid-tier tech costs (tier 4 by 2x; tier 3 and 5 a little less than that)
  • Slowed down barb techs a little (gain when >1 player has tech rather than 1 player)
  • Arcane Tower gets (and gives) only 50% of the modifiers of its builder/occupant (so 1.5x boost now instead of 2x boost)
  • Raised CL from culture a little (I'll raise it much more when enabled policies added)
  • Health/Unhealth (w/ icons) autogenerated for building helps
  • Diplo list now shows "religion star" icon for active player if they have religion and are founder and owner of its holy city
  • Lots of previously displayed TXT_KEY_'s no longer shown if there is nothing to say (e.g., building or tech info when all info is in bullet points)
  • Rebalanced AI civ name weightings so you see some you haven't before
  • AI won't summon itself into a "units out of supply" situation
  • AI won't consider GPs for disbanding
  • Building flavor adjustments
  • AI will raze A&#331;ra Holy City to ground if they capture it and have never been Fallen
  • Warmonger penalty for attacking/taking cities from city states reduced to 1/4 normal level (because the "take last city" effect is too harsh for CS conquest)
  • No race hatred is generated for razing cities with A&#331;ra majority religion or the A&#331;ra Holy City
    --Code changes
  • Many mod settings moved to table EaSettings which can be found in EaTables/_EaSettings.
  • Lua code now uses strict.lua!
  • Diplo modifiers cached so not expensive when dll checks 100 times in a turn
  • Found/fixed about 30 mistakes identified using strict.lua; maybe 10 of these were typos or undefined variables that had (or could have had) functional consequence
  • Fixed Lua error resulting from AI GP dying while moving (specificaly, stepping on an Explosive Rune)
  • Fixed error in Pyramids building code
  • Fixed bug where workers couldn't remove blight
  • Sidhe can now open (Anti-)Theism policy branch as intended (it is still exclusive with Pantheism)
  • Fixed bug that was probably preventing a ranged unit from conquering an adjacent city with 0 hp, as intended
  • Megálos Fáros (Great Lighthouse) now has effect: adds modifier to both %range for sea routes and %gold from sea routes
  • Sagitarii has upgraded stats from bowed cavalry now
  • Random race is really random now for human player (50/50); AI civs are about 67/33 Man/Sidhe
  • Copper graphic fixed (thanks Civtar!)
  • Fixed tech prereq for "alt upgrade" of Horsemen to Armored Cavalry
v7b is released in Downloads!

I'm changing the "hotfix tradition" for Éa. For v7b and all future updates I'll be releasing them as full mod downloads. It's easier and less error prone for me to do it that way. We'll stick with the tradition that 7b, 7c, etc. are gamesave compatible, but 8, 9, and so on are not (unless I say otherwise, or break compatibility by accident).

  • Finally! The Leader Screen is gone! AI leader dialog has portrait and trade panels over regular map (as always intended).
  • Fixed a bug related to leader portrait indexing (maybe it caused "out of memory" error, but I'm not sure)
  • CL re-balancing:
    • There's a denominator adjustment in culture/pop calculation that prevents crazy results by keeping pop at 1 while generating culture with Artists. Try it now and it won't do you any good.
    • "Recency bias" cranked way up. What you did 100 turns ago really doesn't matter now for your "approach Cultural Level"
    • Calculations now based on "max civ pop ever" rather than current pop. This is in response to some odd results in Armageddon end times where CL would go through the roof for civs dropping population.
Éa III v7c
  • My leaderscreen removal hack was dangerous for AI-initiated dialog. So it has been disabled for that. Still works for player-initiated dialog. (Someday this will all work properly...)
  • Slaver city states will sell you slaves if they have one available and you have Slavery policy (thanks Doopliss!)
  • Fixed Slaver CSs so they make slaves instead of workers (will retroactively convert if you load a pre-v7c game); they also get 1 free slave at game start
  • Fixed leader title text in dialog "discuss" mode
  • Fixed new turn text
Éa III v7d
  • Fixed so Mages/Archmages couldn't keep selecting to become Mage/Archmage
  • Fixed error when Sage becomes Mage/Archmage
  • Fixed Lich xp/mana value
  • Fixed AI dialog so Return (or other keystrokes) won't do bad things
  • Bumped up turn number when barbs get certain techs (by a little, not a lot)
    --Everything below is unit graphic updates:
  • All ships are now "fleets" with 3 unit members; ships rescaled
  • Added Wolfdog's Carrack and Galleon and Barathor's non-barb Galley (removed some sail decorations)
  • Name change: "Biremes" now "Galleys"
  • Fixed embarked unit graphics: start with Galleys, then Caravel with Astronomy and Portugese Nau (a fatter Carrack) with Navigation
  • Great Bombard uses Farsakh Cannon (w/out elephants) from the Mughals mod [unit has problems and I'm not happy with it, but OK as placeholder]
  • Bombards now uses Wolfdog's Turkish Bombards graphic
  • War Elephants uses Indian War Elephant
  • Mounted Elephants and War Elephants now 3 member unit, slightly shrunk
  • Mumakil is a giantized single Indian War Elephant (not permanent but works as placeholder)
  • Marksmen uses English Longbowmen (Man only)
  • Equites uses Greek Companion Cavalry (Man only)
  • Cataphracts & Clibanarii use Byzantium Cataphract (Man only)
  • Bowed Cavalry & Sagitarii use Huns Horse Archer (Man only)
  • Trackers uses Shoshome Pathfinder (Man only)
  • Ranger uses Iroquoian Mohawkwarrior (Man only)
  • Fixed/changed some unit portraits/icons
  • Removed "history aspect" in Culture Level approach value (see Balance thread)
  • Goody Hut culture bumped up to 100c, which gives you about +0.25 CL change that turn
  • Warriors can Lead Charge against cities
  • Fixed Warrior attack code to allow attacking into a plot with a civilian (eg, an encampment with a captured worker)
  • Each barb encampment can have only 2 captured civilians from each civ; excess are killed
  • When a plot wonder is completed, remove partially built graphic for wonder anywhere else in the world
  • Fixed error where some dual-class GPs couldn't take all appropriate promotion series
  • Cargo ships no longer get scurvy
  • Fixed Lua error in UngenericizePerson function
  • Fixed Lua error from auto-indenture slave system
  • Added some action/spell UI telling you when it must be done inside/outside of a city
  • Fixed various texts
  • Decreased culture rate a tiny bit to balance AI civ name appearance (policy vs. tech-based)
  • Fixed Lua error related to GP action UI
  • Fixed Lua error related to removal of evil civ in set up for Seal Ahriman's Vault
  • Fixed some problems in diplo screen showing 3rd party civs for war/peace
  • Can rename units by right-clicking name in unit panel; it's currently disabled for GPs however until I integrate with leader system
  • Ranged unit capture of city with 0 hp only happens now if unit is adjacent to city (as intended)
  • Max gpt from any interest source is now 100 ajusted by map size
  • Added UI in city screen indicating gpt from interest on treasury
  • Action UI for building National Treasury now indicates the correct interest on treasury (mod x 0.05%)
  • Fixed obscure Lua error in Mercenary AI code
  • Fixed silent Lua error in diplo UI

Neither the main link nor the mirror worked for the Ea Media Pack. Does anyone know where I can download these from?
Hi guys, i've been jonesing for some sweet 4x fantasy and found this mod. Looks promising. However the link for the Ea media pack does not work, as LPlate2 mentioned. Anybody have a working link?
Thanks @Randomness. You wouldn't have the Ea Media Pack v 5 also? Opening post says it's required to run this.
Hi, just realised your post has been the only one on the Ea fantasy forum published within the last 5 years. I guess this mod is dead, unfortunately :(
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