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Download and Current Changelog

Hoo hum, looks like i'm on the list of people that won't get excited about that post...

... Didn't understand a word of it.

So i Wiki'd SVN.

... Didn't understand a word of that either.

Basically SVN is an easy way to store documents online where everybody can access them. So if Valk makes changes to a file and he (re)uploads it to the SVN repository the rest of the team can see it in the SVN history and they can then make their own changes to the new file if they need to.

The reason why this actually has me very excited is because now that the SVN is public, non team interns like myself can download the new (beta) version of Rife as soon as Valk uploads his changes without having to wait for the next public version of Rife to be released.

And you should be excited as well because, even if you decide to stick with the public versions, now there'll be people who spend more time actually playing the mod than coding it meaning that hopefully in the public version of Rife you won't be eaten by overpowered barbarians during the first 10 turns of a game any more.

Disclaimer: I'm a biologist and as biologist I have the social duty to have no clue whatsoever about computers (otherwise all bioinformaticians would loose their job) and I consequently can't guarantee you that what I wrote about SVNs wasn't complete nonsense.
I am having tons of grief with the file front downloads. What program is needed to utilize them? My PC not only can't open them but also can't identify what IS needed to open them. I got everything else off MOD DB I just need the hotfix and music.... I think. I love this MOD and am excited to play with the newer changes, so if anyone can help me out I would be realy apreciate it. Thanks in advance.
Hoo hum, looks like i'm on the list of people that won't get excited about that post...

... Didn't understand a word of it.

So i Wiki'd SVN.

... Didn't understand a word of that either.


What Torugu said. If you use it (and it really is simple to use, particularly if you're just downloading; Much of the team doesn't really know how to use it. :p), you'll be able to get updates as soon as they are made.

Hotfixes and patches will go out as ever, we have simply taken the private beta (private to the tester group) and made it public.

I am having tons of grief with the file front downloads. What program is needed to utilize them? My PC not only can't open them but also can't identify what IS needed to open them. I got everything else off MOD DB I just need the hotfix and music.... I think. I love this MOD and am excited to play with the newer changes, so if anyone can help me out I would be realy apreciate it. Thanks in advance.

It's happened to others as well; You should be able to to attach .exe to the file name. It was truncated for some people for some reason.
this gets worse and worse every single version. there is NO END TO BARBS!!!

goblin event in turn 16 when i have 2 warriors. luckily i survived that 30 % fight. strength SIX in turn 16. 4 units....

then the hordes arrive. 20 goblins in 20 turns. + skeletons + archers + wolfriders.
then in turn 50 acheron arrives in that barb city that spawned directly next to my capital in turn 20. with leashrange 5 i cant even leave my city in that direction without sacrificing ALL MY HAMMERS. 5 turns later the barb lairs upgrade and start to spawn STRENGTH 5 3 move wolfriders.

this is like 10 out of 10 things totally fcked up :/

i mean its incredibly creative what you have done in this version but this wasnt the problem of the mod to begin with. from 4 versions ago the game got less playable imo because the game decides if you survive the 1st 30 turns. every game some of those emperor AI players are killed in 10 turns. why not make the barbs a bid more timid in the first 70 turns finally?

i loved playing the mod but this isnt getting more difficult, 20 turns to build any improvements plus barb units that are WAYYY stronger than your own from turn 1 are more than annoying.
this gets worse and worse every single version. there is NO END TO BARBS!!!

goblin event in turn 16 when i have 2 warriors. luckily i survived that 30 % fight. strength SIX in turn 16. 4 units....

then the hordes arrive. 20 goblins in 20 turns. + skeletons + archers + wolfriders.
then in turn 50 acheron arrives in that barb city that spawned directly next to my capital in turn 20. with leashrange 5 i cant even leave my city in that direction without sacrificing ALL MY HAMMERS. 5 turns later the barb lairs upgrade and start to spawn STRENGTH 5 3 move wolfriders.

this is like 10 out of 10 things totally fcked up :/

i mean its incredibly creative what you have done in this version but this wasnt the problem of the mod to begin with. from 4 versions ago the game got less playable imo because the game decides if you survive the 1st 30 turns. every game some of those emperor AI players are killed in 10 turns. why not make the barbs a bid more timid in the first 70 turns finally?

i loved playing the mod but this isnt getting more difficult, 20 turns to build any improvements plus barb units that are WAYYY stronger than your own from turn 1 are more than annoying.

Making the barbs more 'timid' as you put it was the intent, frankly. I goofed on the conceptual side of the mechanic, as upgradeable improvements rely on a set number of turns before upgrading... Meaning it is nearly impossible to adequately balance upgradeable lairs using the standard mechanic. They will either upgrade too fast (as they do now, creating much of what you are complaining about), or too slow... Which is just as bad IMO, as we want them to make expansion/exploration "interesting".

This has been discussed extensively on the new forums (it is the most replied to thread), and we have plans in place to change it. Most importantly, changing the way lairs upgrade, so that it is tied to tech advancement rather than turns. It will be available via the SVN for balance testing within a few days, and as a patch shortly thereafter.
i would also recommend delaying the strength 5 wolfriders and strength 6 chariots in general. they seem to pop up too early and are just way too strong making you sacrifice 1-2 warriors before you can finally kill them and to their strength adds that they are just too fast. a str 5 unit might be okay but then let it at least have 1 move and mby penalties in certain terrain.

in addition to what i described in my last post i can say that a strength 6 3 move strength 5 wolfrider is the worst case scenario in turn 60. hadnt it been for my fort commander he would have wiped out my capital of 4 warriors just by himself.

is it possible to reduce maximum possible promotions or promotions taken until a certain point of the game? this could add a bit more balance in the very early game aswell

i read on the other forums but was just so pissed 30 mins ago that i posted it here :D.

the civic changes are pretty nice i must say and i like it that the "gp creates its own gp in 100 turns" has been given a workaround through starting civics. this adds more flavour to early civic choices.

btw i wouldnt even mind having a "barbarian explosion" midgame-wise to stop exponential growth of the player. but please let me finish 80 turns without having to restart the game 10 times until i finally manage not to lose all my warriors or dying ,defending my capital
i would also recommend delaying the strength 5 wolfriders and strength 6 chariots in general. they seem to pop up too early and are just way too strong making you sacrifice 1-2 warriors before you can finally kill them and to their strength adds that they are just too fast. a str 5 unit might be okay but then let it at least have 1 move and mby penalties in certain terrain.

in addition to what i described in my last post i can say that a strength 6 3 move strength 5 wolfrider is the worst case scenario in turn 60. hadnt it been for my fort commander he would have wiped out my capital of 4 warriors just by himself.

is it possible to reduce maximum possible promotions or promotions taken until a certain point of the game? this could add a bit more balance in the very early game aswell

i read on the other forums but was just so pissed 30 mins ago that i posted it here :D.

the civic changes are pretty nice i must say and i like it that the "gp creates its own gp in 100 turns" has been given a workaround through starting civics. this adds more flavour to early civic choices.

btw i wouldnt even mind having a "barbarian explosion" midgame-wise to stop exponential growth of the player. but please let me finish 80 turns without having to restart the game 10 times until i finally manage not to lose all my warriors or dying ,defending my capital

The units you mention likely come from lairs; Once we have the new system in place for people to test, we'll look at balance of individual problem units. So we'll see. ;)
wolf riders are 2nd goblin fort but they also spawn before the forts upgrade i believe.

with the goblin dump event comes 1 wolf rider and as it can happen very early you cant avoid fighting one of those insanely fast monsters
Spoiler :
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DONT PLAY PATCH 1.31!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I get memory allocation failures just from going into wb or going near the barb city next to the dungeon that needs 16 highwaymen as guardians. There are so many barbs spawned by your lairs and spawn groups the game is unplayable, the bandit vigil is defending the barb city with the other 10 units in it and the 2 stacks of 6 skel pikemen and 4 archers are waiting around the other lairs with 10 highwaymen in the vicinity for patrolling I guess? There are over 50 barb units in 1/10 the area of a standard map. Of units that are in tier 2 and 3 before I have iron working. The barbs now have stacks of doom and I need fing armies of mages, melee, and archers just to step out of my borders. Oh, but how could you have foreseen this with your limited testing? Guess what? Every member of this form would gladly test for you and if you have your head too far up your a** to still think you have an excuse for not finding this then your more delusional than....I don't even have a bloody comparison!!! This is rediculous and I was right when I made that post. If you think this is caused by tech alone your sadly mistaken, and reread the delusional rant.
Feels more like you're drunk rather than right. -.-

If you don't like 1.31 don't play.

I haven't experienced so much as a single MAF, so it might just be your computer after all.

Barbarians are a problem but if you'd bother to read the new forum you'd know that we now have an open beta.

That's all I have to say.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DONT PLAY PATCH 1.31!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I get memory allocation failures just from going into wb or going near the barb city next to the dungeon that needs 16 highwaymen as guardians. There are so many barbs spawned by your lairs and spawn groups the game is unplayable, the bandit vigil is defending the barb city with the other 10 units in it and the 2 stacks of 6 skel pikemen and 4 archers are waiting around the other lairs with 10 highwaymen in the vicinity for patrolling I guess? There are over 50 barb units in 1/10 the area of a standard map. Of units that are in tier 2 and 3 before I have iron working. The barbs now have stacks of doom and I need fing armies of mages, melee, and archers just to step out of my borders. Oh, but how could you have foreseen this with your limited testing? Guess what? Every member of this form would gladly test for you and if you have your head too far up your a** to still think you have an excuse for not finding this then your more delusional than....I don't even have a bloody comparison!!! This is rediculous and I was right when I made that post. If you think this is caused by tech alone your sadly mistaken, and reread the delusional rant.

I am going to phrase this politely as possible.

Firstly, there is absolutely nothing forcing you to play the latest version, or indeed to play RifE at all. If you do not like the game, you are welcome to explain why, or find another game to play. It is worked on for free, in our spare time.

Secondly, as I've already said, lairs are upgrading too fast. I am working, as I type this, on a system which will fix it. It will then be available via a Public Beta to anyone who wishes to try it out and help get the balance correct. We are well aware that there are members who would be happy to test for us, and have made that a possibility; Check the official forums and you will see it immediately.

To fully explain exactly why the majority of the issue is indeed caused by using the standard upgrade mechanic, let me make these points:

  • Strong barbarians are almost exclusively spawned by the lairs, as barbarians are otherwise reliant on barb tech level.
  • Only t3 lairs create spawngroups, so groups of OP barbs that you see wandering around, again, come from lairs not upgrading by tech but by turn.
  • Highwaymen? Lairs. Bandit Vigil? Lairs. Skeleton Pikemen? Lairs. Every single barbarian you mention comes from a lair, typically the t3 lair, showing that your issues come from lairs upgrading too fast.
  • MAFs are typically a result of too many units on a map at a time. What could cause that... Too many powerful spawngroups early on? An inability to kill them off, a wide empty map for them to spawn in, yeah, this could create a MAF issue.
We have every intention of getting this balanced, and soon. Yes, I f'ed up with it. The concept was good, but using traditional upgradeable lairs simply fails given the inability to appropriately time it based on game progress. This will change with the mechanic I am implementing right now.

Now, to be absolutely frank: We make this game because we want to. Because it is a game which we wish to play. You are free to leave if it's not what you would like, or to make your own mod.

In the future, I will have absolutely no reply for any post of this nature. If you disagree with mechanics we've implemented, or simply flatout dislike them, that is all well and good. But posting in this manner is absolutely unacceptable.
Valk, what kind of drugs do you get your angelic patience from? :goodjob:
BTW: You want to know exactly why lairs weren't caught in 1.31? Because it was finished just before the patch went out. Because we had had enough delaying the patch, and wanted to get it out to the players. Given another day or two to test it, I can pretty well guarantee that I'd still be sitting here working on the new lair mechanic just as I am now... But none of you would have touched it, none of you would have been able to provide feedback, the new forum would not be available, the SVN would not be set up (and that took about two days of work to set up correctly for public use, as it all had to be completely reuploaded and that takes time), etc.

So yes, we released with balance problems, and that was my fault. I still find it preferable than not to release at all, however.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DONT PLAY PATCH 1.31!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I get memory allocation failures just from going into wb or going near the barb city next to the dungeon that needs 16 highwaymen as guardians. There are so many barbs spawned by your lairs and spawn groups the game is unplayable, the bandit vigil is defending the barb city with the other 10 units in it and the 2 stacks of 6 skel pikemen and 4 archers are waiting around the other lairs with 10 highwaymen in the vicinity for patrolling I guess? There are over 50 barb units in 1/10 the area of a standard map. Of units that are in tier 2 and 3 before I have iron working. The barbs now have stacks of doom and I need fing armies of mages, melee, and archers just to step out of my borders. Oh, but how could you have foreseen this with your limited testing? Guess what? Every member of this form would gladly test for you and if you have your head too far up your a** to still think you have an excuse for not finding this then your more delusional than....I don't even have a bloody comparison!!! This is rediculous and I was right when I made that post. If you think this is caused by tech alone your sadly mistaken, and reread the delusional rant.

Maybe you should start thinking that the main problem does not come frome the mod...
I've played 6 1.31' games so far (emperor/immortal w/increasing difficulty) and I've never seen so much Barbs as what you're saying. There are too much Barbs, that's a reality and the team is working on it. Be patient.

Btw, in my games barbs are mainly a problem for AI's that aren't smart enough to manage them, a human player can easily survive the barbarians, except for some combos of events/lair exploration.

Not a single MAF, in fact 1.31 is far more stable than 1.30.
Btw, in my games barbs are mainly a problem for AI's that aren't smart enough to manage them, a human player can easily survive the barbarians, except for some combos of events/lair exploration.

I agree on the AI issue, They need to have defense points script to handle the stack before they stat rampaging random tiles.:crazyeye: Several computers just let them walk all over the land where they could easily put a group defenders on their entrance point of the area from a single entry (peninsula). :rolleyes:
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