download civ 3 mods


Jun 6, 2008
can we still download civ 3 modpacks? My old computer crashed and I have a new one with Civ 3 already installed. I lost my modpacks including the WH2.5 been trying to download it from site but no joy
If they're hosted here on CFC then yes, you can -- but it is true that a lot of older mods which were stored at external hosting sites now have defunct links.

If there are specific mods you're looking for, the best first option is usually to check the mod's associated thread, if it has one. Actively maintained mods (e.g. @Civinator's CCM3 and RARR, @Vuldacon's Escape from Zombie Island, @haluu's Tides of Crimson) usually have an updated link to the needed files on the front page, but even for older mods you may still be in luck. Even if the link on the front page doesn't work anymore, there may be more recent and still-active links reposted by another CivFanatic somewhere in the last couple of pages.

Failing that, have a chat with @Blake00, who's been doing a sterling job tracking down and repackaging a lot of Civ3 modding history.
The thread of the Warhammer 2.5 thread is still there:

The main download link seems to work:


And the patch seems to work, too:
That is a vintage download site! In the best and the worst ways... the best way being that it does indeed appear to still work, all these years later, and for a vintage download site, it's not even that slow... I'm looking at ballpark half an hour to download the roughly 500 MB mod, much faster than the 90 minutes the site advertised. The worst way is that my anti-virus has concerns about some of the sites it loads ads from. But I don't see any fake download buttons, so it could be worse.

If you are having worse luck than I am with that site, or if it always fails at 90% or something like that, the Warhammer scenario was one of the ones I included in my compilation disk, and then link for that is still working. It might even download more quickly, despite including a lot of other scenarios as well, since it uses modern download speeds.
If you like your fantasy and scifi mods I've cataloged (& in some cases found & rescued) a whole bunch of great Civ3 ones in this thread:
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